Abul Rizvi, The University of Melbourne. As a senior official in Australia’s Immigration Department in the late 1990s, I frequently met counterparts in Europe and North America who were exasperated by their inability to make headway against the exploitation and… Continue Reading →
The disruption to Australian life continues to grow worse; with supply chains broken, supermarket shelves emptying, and suburban parks quiet as a confused and anxious people shelter in place. A dark evil spreads across the land. Everyone is vulnerable. The… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Amid all the keystrokes spent upon Novak Djokovic’s appalling deportation from the penal colony that is contemporary Australia, the following words rang most true, and, at the same time, provided an idea. This is… Continue Reading →
The Covid narrative is dramatically collapsing worldwide as one confounding revelation after another deepens the ever widening scandal. To the background of deeply felt public anger, watching Australian bureaucrats blame shift, obfuscate and stonewall has become something of a blood… Continue Reading →
Frank Bongiorno, Australian National University. Niki Savva doesn’t like Scott Morrison. In the very first chapter of Bulldozed, she describes him as “petty and vindictive.” Savva was just warming up. After the revelations of Morrison having secretly taken multiple ministries,… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: Illustrations from The Temple of Flora. Mass vaccination and the creation of the social circumstances which make it possible has always been a left wing project, witness America. In Australia, the conservatives have destroyed themselves on the… Continue Reading →
One of the only journalists in Australia to stand up against the tyranny of Covid mania in the Land Down Under has been Rebecca Weisser of Spectator Australia. The former opinion page editor at The Australian is a formidable intellect… Continue Reading →
By Summer May Finlay, University of Wollongong; Ee Pin Chang, Jemma Collova and Pat Dudgeon, The University of Western Australia. This article contains information on violence experienced by First Nations young people in the Australian carceral system. There are mentions… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. On October 23, an online poll on Covid controls and vaccines was published on news.com.au with some intriguing results. Conducted over one day, the survey attracted more than 42,000 votes for every question and more… Continue Reading →
By Senator Malcolm Roberts This is a transcript of a speech given to the Australian parliament. Malcolm Roberts has been one of the very few Australian politicians to stand up to the mob. As a servant to the people of… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton. One of the most vile of all the vile deeds perpetrated by the Coalition under the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison era of benighted Australian governance was to make journalists Persons of Interest – POIs – under the ASIO Act. The… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton Australia experienced one of the most extreme and counterproductive Covid responses of anywhere around the globe, and as a direct result of the totalitarian lunacy which overtook the country, its politics have changed profoundly. The Premier of… Continue Reading →
Widely condemned as a conspiracy theorist, no one has been more marginalised by his own side of politics, nor ridiculed in the public square, than United Australia Party’s Craig Kelly. Originally joining the nation’s ramshackle conservatives, the Liberal Party in… Continue Reading →
By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard is set to retire from politics after three decades in Parliament. While Mr Hazzard was instrumental in facilitating the decriminalisation of abortion in New South Wales in 2019,… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton. Extract from the Upcoming Book Australia Breaks Apart. Below is a transcript of a press conference held by members of the European Parliament expressing their absolute outrage over the performance of vaccine manufacturer Pfizer, including, despite being… Continue Reading →
Monica Smit: Reignite Democracy Australia. Open Letter. My name is Monica Smit, I’m 34 years old, born and bred in this beautiful country. I was brought up to respect authority, pay my taxes and be kind to my neighbour. I… Continue Reading →
There is no doubt that Geoff Shaw regards the Premier of Australia’s second most populist state as a monster. But before we get into the excerpts, let’s skip straight to the end of the horror story. Alex Berenson, former New… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton A profound lunacy has overtaken Australia; and the entirely bought mainstream media, hostage to their government funding, has ignored what is happening right in front of all our eyes. But as the saying goes, it’s an ill… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Independent Australia. The latest official data on Australia’s economy reveals serious structural problems making all workers poorer, as Alan Austin reports. A RECENT EMAIL from the office of Dr Jim Chalmers mysteriously lost the first letter of his title, thus describing… Continue Reading →
By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. The twilights years of the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison government were marked by the realisation that the framework of national security and terrorism laws passed over the last decades had become so broad that the much-warned-of… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The brutal and very ugly face of the Covid response in Australia, former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, is now mired in scandal, flayed daily in the public square. The discovery that he appointed himself to five different… Continue Reading →
By Michael West of Michael West Media As the Spirit of Stuff-Ups continues, nothing puts the Qantas conundrum in starker relief than rival airline, Germany’s national carrier Lufthansa, which paid back its Covid debt to the German people last November…. Continue Reading →
By Ethan Nash: TOTT NEWS. A social and economic wasteland has been left after two years of lockdowns and restrictions, and now, unelected international bodies seek to use this climate of uncertainty as the catalyst to re-shape the world into… Continue Reading →
By T.J. Coles: TOTT NEWS. Newly-released Pfizer-US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents suggest that after several trial participants died — following injection with the experimental product — Pfizer covered up their deaths by attributing them to natural causes, existing… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton. The Long Read. This is Chapter Two, How It All Ends, of the upcoming book Australia Breaks Apart, the sequel to Unfolding Catastrophe Australia. The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety… Continue Reading →
By Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker: Brownstone Institute. For the past two years, what Western governments have done to the next generation — all in the name of keeping them safe, of course — has been calamitous. Instead… Continue Reading →
Paul Collits: Politicom. THE anti-mandate Convoy that descended on Canberra earlier this year could be the catalyst that delivers Australia from the brink of becoming an authoritarian State. It could also come to absolutely nothing – handing power-hungry politicians a green light… Continue Reading →
By Rex Patrick: Michael West Media. While the media is flaying the political corpse of Scott Morrison, quite deservedly over the former prime minister’s secret power grab, the new government has quietly stripped Australians of their 40-year right of access… Continue Reading →
Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra. It’s not breaking news that Scott Morrison has trouble with women. His “woman problem” was one factor in his election defeat. But really, his treatment this week of Karen Andrews, his former home affairs minister,… Continue Reading →
Michelle Pini: Independent Australia. So, Scotty the Dictator secretly took over all the portfolios of the key ministers around him. While this is undoubtedly a disgraceful “trashing of democracy”, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese described it, it is hardly out of character… Continue Reading →
Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra. One of the more bizarre things Scott Morrison said in his hour-long, sometimes combative, Wednesday news conference was that he’d had a “wonderful” conversation with former Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Tuesday. Morrison contacted Frydenberg… Continue Reading →
Paul Collits: Politicom. John Stapleton, editor of the fine online journal A Sense of Place Magazine, has now published two books on Australia’s experience of COVID totalitarianism. The first, Unfolding Catastrophe, chronicled Australia’s descent into policy madness over two miserable years. His… Continue Reading →
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