A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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The Largest Aussie Protest Gathering In History: As Seen from the Sky

Drone footage by Bailey and his Dad. Travelling from all states around Australia, including one lone driver from Perth who travelled 52 hours, the Convoy to Canberra is inundating the ACT like no event ever before seen in Australia’s history…. Continue Reading →

Imprisoned Dr Bruce Paix Released on Bail: Given A Hero’s Welcome at Canberra’s Camp Freedom

By John Stapleton. Photography John Napper. War veteran and trauma specialist Dr Bruce Paix was arrested near Canberra airport while on his way to attend the Convoy to Canberra gathering. Cheering crowds celebrated Dr Paix’s release today, 11 February, 2022,… Continue Reading →

The Meek Will Inherit The Earth: Inside Australia’s Camp Freedom

By John Stapleton. Photography by John Napper. With numbers now in their tens of thousands at the rallying point for Convoy to Canberra, the atmosphere at the heart of Australia’s Camp Freedom is both chaotic and glorious, jubilant, exultant. And… Continue Reading →

Another Court Challenge Against Vaccine Mandates Fails: Day Ten of the Canberra Convoy.

Featuring the Photography of John Napper. Another in a queue of court cases against vaccine mandates has failed; leading critics to emphasise the urgent need for an Australian Bill of Rights. Here renowned Australian photographer John Napper, who is presently… Continue Reading →

The Spirit Rises: The Photography of John Napper Inside Australia’s Protests

While mainstream journalists around the country continue to ignore the biggest story of their lifetimes, Australia’s independent media is on fire. Thousands of people from all around Australia are converging on Canberra as part of the Canberra Convoy protests. The… Continue Reading →

Israel Confounds the Promise of Vaccines as the way out of Covid

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: The Spectator Australia. Israel was meant to have been the showpiece of vaccination success in escaping from the threat of coronavirus. Instead, it has turned into an embarrassing example of the limitations and ineffectualness of Covid… Continue Reading →

How It All Ends: Australia Transforms. Part One.

John Stapleton. For years the biggest story in the country has been the slow motion collapse of the Australia of old. Now, with the country only slowly stumbling out of lockdown and insane levels of social restrictions introduced without parliamentary… Continue Reading →

The Academy Turns, As Does The World: Six Months of Coruscating Covid Analysis from the Brownstone Institute.

As society has been transformed over the past two years public discourse has been almost entirely dominated by politicians and their chosen experts, and almost all of them have been hostage to their big time donors or their funding sources…. Continue Reading →

Canberra Explodes: Australia’s National Capital Transformed

Sources: Various. Days of protest are marching towards a resolution. So here are the scattered notes from multiple sources; as the river of this history changes all our lives. And transforms the nature of the polity. They tried to crush… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Native Birds have Vanished across the Continent since Colonisation

Michelle Ward, The University of Queensland. In the 250 years since Europeans colonised Australia, native birdlife has disappeared across the continent. Our new research has, for the first time, registered just how much Australia has actually lost – and our… Continue Reading →

Covid Mania: You Might As Well Laugh

By Jorg Probst. Satire trigger warning: This text may offend some most people. To listen to the podcast go here. We’ve had a rough two years, so it’s all the more important that we remind ourselves how we can still feel really… Continue Reading →

Notes from the Frontline: Australia’s Capital Under Siege

Fortune favours the brave.  The scale of the catastrophe that is enveloping Australia, that is the most staggering thing about this period of history. The psychopathic lack of empathy by the perpetrators. The dismal state of the nation.  The Prime Minister… Continue Reading →

Is the Buff-breasted Button-quail still alive? After Years of Searching, this Century-old Bird Mystery Remains

Patrick Webster, The University of Queensland In humid savanna on Cape York Peninsula, February 5, 1922, a man was on the hunt with a local Indigenous guide. They had just heard their quarry calling among the tall grass – a… Continue Reading →

Scotty From Astra Zeneca

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Slowly during 2021 the truth on vaccine mandates emerged from the Prime Minister.  Even slitherers and prevaricators eventually give the game away, even if by accident.  And as slitherers and prevaricators go, Morrison is… Continue Reading →

The Right to Protest Has Been Restored: And Protestors have travelled from all over Australia to surround the National Parliament

Compiled by John Stapleton. With Joel Gilmour. The mainstream media has utterly disgraced itself over the past two years; allowing itself to be manipulated or bludgeoned by government into being propaganda cyphers and willing puppets for the authoritarian derangement which… Continue Reading →

This Utterly Extraordinary Day: The Fulcrums of History

TOTT News Massive crowds from across Australia descend on the nation’s capital. Huge crowds of pro-choice protesters have gathered in the Australian Capital Territory to demand freedom and no more COVID-19 vaccine mandates. But the powerful event was driven by… Continue Reading →

From ‘Australia’s Titanic’ to Deadly Mutineers: Four Famous Shipwrecks found on the Great Barrier Reef

Maddy McAllister, James Cook University. The Great Barrier Reef is incredible, with turquoise water, stunning reefs and white sandy cays. Yet its name infers something quite different – a barrier: treacherous, dynamic and dangerous to navigate. For millennia, people navigated… Continue Reading →

Canberra: Police Move In. The Crucible of Change.

TOTT News. Police forces descended upon the #ConvoyToCanberra campsite early this morning, telling the protesters to move on or risk having their possessions seized. The latest developments from Canberra. Protesters who police say have been ‘illegally camping’ in the Parliamentary Triangle… Continue Reading →

The Tipping Point: Another Extraordinary Day in the Australian Capital. The People Rise Up.

From Multiple Sources. Another day of tumult, as the world turns on its axis. Australia, as we all now realise, will never be the same again. The country of old has been wantonly destroyed. Now comes the backlash. DAVID ONEEG’S… Continue Reading →

Police Arrest Three People in Canberra as Australia’s Convoy Protests Continue

TOTT News This is the biggest story in Australia. With the government in election mode, and deeply embarrassed, Day Three of the Convoy to Canberra campaign saw escalating tensions. Police and protesters have clashed and three people were arrested, after the force moved in… Continue Reading →

The Australian Convoy: Day Three

In his own grudging, peculiarly ungracious way, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted that some Australians are unhappy with his management of the Covid “pandemic”. Bull dust. They’re absolutely bloody livid. Morrison must face the electorate before 23 May… Continue Reading →

Haunting Illustrations for Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four,’ Introduced by the Journalist Who Broke the Edward Snowden Story

By Maria Popova: The Marginalian In these darkening times, when the powerful and the political class have become utterly corrupted, and indifferent to the concerns of ordinary people, there are, as a kind of counterwave, a significant number of people… Continue Reading →

Trudeau Is Playing with Fire: The Canadian Convoy

By Laura Rosen Cohen: The Brownstone Institute. Canadian coronavirus lockdown policies have been, and remain, some of the most stringent and restrictive in the entire Western world. It may be a Commonwealth thing, given that Australia and New Zealand have also… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Convoy: Day Two

With TOTT News & True Arrow. Many hundreds of thousands of Australians have been protesting for months over the authoritarian derangement which has seized the country. Almost all those protests have been ignored or misrepresented by the mainstream media. Not… Continue Reading →

Pure: Timothy Mo’s Neglected Masterpiece

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Timothy Mo, who as the son of wealthy Hong Kong Chinese attended Oxford, is a superbly gifted writer but a difficult man who has long fought with his publishers. Once a favourite of the English literary set, he fell out of favour. In later life he has produced a masterwork, Pure. Mo had always wondered why a dynamic art form such as fiction had failed to confront the single most pressing issue of the age, the minds and motivations of Muslim fundamentalists. With a tide of jihad sweeping the world, the question became ever more pressing. In Pure Timothy Mo uses the device of character. He pits an ice addicted yaba addled Bangkok lady boy, a freelance entertainment journalist called Snooky, “Snooky was lonely because she was smart”, into the world of mujaheddin training camps in southern Thailand. Co-opted as a spy, there she grows a beard, participates in forays into the world of jihad in Indonesia, and reports to her minder, caught between the hidden, complex worlds of intelligence operatives and Muslim jihadists. Thanks to fights with his publishers, this book has never received the attention it deserves. Simply put: Pure is a must read, a neglected masterpiece.

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First We Must Grieve

By Julie Birky: Brownstone Institute. Featured Artist Lloyd Rees. More than a decade ago, my sister lost a child. He was stillborn and it was devastating. I had not deeply known grief and loss until then. She invited family into… Continue Reading →

This object in Space flashed brilliantly for three months, then disappeared. Astronomers are intrigued.

Natasha Hurley-Walker, Curtin University. “Holy sharks, Batman, it’s periodic!” I exclaimed on Slack. It was the first lockdown of 2021 in Perth, and we were all working from home. And when astronomers look for something to distract themselves from looming… Continue Reading →

The Zoran Strain: The Best of 2021.

Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project Australian politicians and our media are, relentlessly and without shame, creating Covid hate figures out of innocent people whose crime is simply getting on with their lives.  They are doing this to deflect and to… Continue Reading →

Australia Hits New Low on Corruption Transparency International Index

By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. The decline of political and corporate standards in Australia over recent years is not just in the imagination of some critics. Transparency International released its annual corruption report this month which gives Australia the lowest score… Continue Reading →

Maria Popova’s Favourite Books of the Past Year: Trees, hummingbirds, snails, Stoicism, storytelling, Orwell’s roses, the crucible of consciousness, and trees, always trees.

Maria Popova: The Marginalian. In these darkening times, when the powerful and the political class have become utterly corrupted, and indifferent to the concerns of ordinary people, there are, as a kind of counterwave, a significant number of people trying… Continue Reading →

Look at Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and See For Yourself. The Best of 2021.

By Bruce Haigh: Pearls and Irritations. Australia’s ruling Liberal National Party coalition, led by the mendacious Morrison, is in a bad place. Morally bankrupt, it is destructive, by default and design. Many have followed, both blindly and with intent, and… Continue Reading →

A Royal Commission into Australia’s handling of COVID would serve us well for the Future

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra This month about as many people have died with COVID in Australia – more than 1,000 – as die in the whole of a bad year from influenza. “Because of extraordinarily high virus transmission, we’re… Continue Reading →

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