By John Stapleton In the previous few days Australians have witnessed unprecedented scenes of the brutal crushing of dissent on the streets of Melbourne, which has now officially suffered through the strictest and longest lockdowns in the world. The result… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. Is it a peculiarly modern phenomenon to wish endlessly to label your opponents stupid or evil? Or, was it ever thus? A persistent human trait to indulge in ad hominem arguments. I always believe that when you… Continue Reading →
By Ethan Nash: TOTT News. Tens of thousands of Australians have marched across the country for the principles of democracy, freedom, medical choice and objection to segregation. Freedom protesters staged unified protests across Australia yesterday, delivering messages of resistance to… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Independent Australia. Virtually every new data release confirms Australia’s economic demise under Prime Minister Morrison and Treasurer Frydenberg. Alan Austin updates the tally of disastrous outcomes. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT IS at an all-time low. As is Australia’s net worth and its global… Continue Reading →
Part One: Alan Austin. Independent Australia. As the Coalition approaches the eighth anniversary of its election, Alan Austin surveys some of this regime’s most destructive records. THE MORRISON GOVERNMENT passed its third anniversary last week. The Coalition will soon celebrate eight years… Continue Reading →
Last September we saw some of the most violent demonstrations and mass arrests ever seen in Australia. A year on, the protests have got larger, the heavy handed police response has made us the laughing stock of the world, and… Continue Reading →
By Keiran Hardy, Rebecca Ananian-Welsh and Nicola McGarrity. Australia has long been regarded as a leading liberal democracy, but our global reputationis declining. Extensive lawmaking in response to terrorism, combined with an entrenchedculture of government secrecy, has put our democracy… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. Illustrated with paintings by Franz Marc. As Western forces beat a hasty retreat from Afghanistan, all exit and no strategy, it’s worth highlighting uncomfortable parallels between the coronavirus policies using military metaphors and… Continue Reading →
By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. In case you haven’t noticed, there are fast growing divisions within the community between those in favour of the use of pandemic border closures and lockdowns and those who oppose their imposition. Yet,… Continue Reading →
By Michael West, founder of Michael West Media. Big business doesn’t vote, small business does. That’s the dilemma for Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg as they try to keep JobKeeper secret heading into the election. Michael West reports. There is rising discontent… Continue Reading →
By Fred Pawle: Spiked. Artwork by Bob Marchant. This once happy and freedom-loving nation is being crushed by its pro-lockdown elites. People who once thought they’d won the lottery of life by being born in Australia now wake in fright every day… Continue Reading →
By Ethan Nash: TOTTNews. The head of NSW Police has admitted escalated enforcement operations are not directed by any public health order, but rather their own agenda to achieve greater compliance. Mick Fuller recently told NSW Parliament that the force… Continue Reading →
By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. The Queensland Government hit a new low this week, refusing to let a family with a sick child drive home from Sydney to quarantine at their isolated rural property, 250 kilometres west of… Continue Reading →
After 18 months, the authoritarian derangement which has gripped so many countries during the Covid era has hit a brick wall, perfectly illustrated by the Paris demonstrations over the weekend where thousands of protestors and thousands of police faced each… Continue Reading →
By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Just so we’re all clear, a virus is an infectious agent that only replicates itself within the cells of living organisms. A virus is too small to be seen under a microscope. And… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: UK Conservative Woman THE British historian Guy de la Bédoyère claims that ‘Australia is falling apart’. Off Guardian suggests that we are ‘going full fascist’. Daily reports in France, Russia and everywhere in between and beyond, hover between pity, amusement and disbelief. How… Continue Reading →
By Ethan Nash: TOTT News It is time the Australian establishment stops obsessing over significantly low positive COVID tests results and ‘attributed virus deaths’, given the overwhelming survival rates. An examination of mortality and case statistics reveals that Australia has… Continue Reading →
By Nick Asia. MGTOW Chats. Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia aims to dismember the political, administrative and social derangement which has overtaken Australia since the early days of 2020. Australia’s democracy has proved virus thin. There has never been a more politicised… Continue Reading →
By Denis Muller, The University of Melbourne. Two distinct narratives have emerged in the public debate about COVID-19, a narrative of hope and a narrative of threat. In the polarised atmosphere of our times, each has become politically branded. This… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits SOME years ago, I essayed that Malcolm Turnbull was, for the Liberal Party, the Manchurian Candidate par excellence. Readers may recall the 1962 film classic in which a prisoner of war was brainwashed by communists into becoming… Continue Reading →
By Mark Powell Gladys Berejiklian, the Premier of New South Wales, announced at her most recent press conference that the government is working on a “proof of vaccination app”. This will in effect take the place of the current QR… Continue Reading →
By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog A Private Member’s Bill introduced in Federal Parliament aims to prohibit the introduction of COVID passports for use in Australia. The No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021 has been put forth by Craig Kelly,… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Those of us confined to lockdowns will know the pain of Covid politics. Add to that the pain of useless isolation and you get the full, purgatorial picture. The sheer accidental genius of politicians has been brought… Continue Reading →
REIGNITE DEMOCRACY AUSTRALIA The single most determined and well coordinated activist group to emerge from the Covid era. The group provided the following footage. TOTT NEWS AUSTRALIA In their piece Australians say ‘no more’: Mass freedom protests staged in capital… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project Those who thought that the NSW Government’s approach to Covid management was both liberal and proportional have been delivered a rude shock, with escalating Covid State totalitarianism that is only just beginning. This article… Continue Reading →
By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog As the prosecutions of prominent whistleblowers are slowly proceeding through the courts in Canberra, a growing number of citizens are questioning why this nation’s authorities persecute and penalise those who expose corruption, while… Continue Reading →
By Professor Augusto Zimmermann The Covid-19 pandemic is a turning point in history. Government measures to fight Covid-19 have deeply affected fundamental rights, particularly freedom of movement, expression, privacy and association. I am delighted to announce the publication of ‘Fundamental… Continue Reading →
An Open Letter to Michael Fuller, Police Commissioner of New South Wales Concerning the Police Enforcement of Ongoing COVID-19 restrictions Illustrated by Michael Fitzjames We are writing to you to raise concerns we have about the use of the police… Continue Reading →
By Denis Muller, University of Melbourne. Katharine Murphy, The Guardian Australia’s political editor, marvelled recently that Scott Morrison pulls what she called a “Jedi mind trick”, rebadging disasters as triumphs – and getting away with it. I don’t know enough… Continue Reading →
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