Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag auspol

The Left and Right Should Unite to Fight Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Unable to prosecute their case on data and logic, zero-Covid zealots have descended to discredit-by-labelling. One Australian columnist berated ‘commentators who often have more opinions than brains’. No, he wasn’t looking into a mirror but referring… Continue Reading →

And So Much More. The Best of 2021.

Unfolding Catastrophe: Part III. By John Stapleton. Early in the “pandemic”, or “plandemic” as sceptics were already calling it, both mainstream and independent commentators queued to attack Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose mishandling of Covid-19 was likely to be… Continue Reading →

No Plan PM: How the Australian Government’s Lack of an Aged Care Plan Cost Lives. The Best of 2021.

By Dr Sarah Russell: Michael West Media. Australia’s aged care sector is a national disgrace. A 21 billion dollar taxpayer funded industry is so user unfriendly, so byzantine in its bureaucracy, that few elderly citizens could ever negotiate it. The… Continue Reading →

Why Are Australian Governments Constructing the Surveillance State? The Best of 2021.

By Paul Gregoire with Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Originally Published 4 January, 2021. Peter Dutton saw his ASIO Bill passed on the last parliamentary sitting day for 2020. The home affairs minister most likely had a rare smile upon his face whilst… Continue Reading →

It’s Just Not Cricket. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Originally Published 8 January, 2021. The Sydney cricket test has begun.  Virtually without a crowd.  Those there are all wearing masks, because they are compulsory in Sydney.  Covid summer madness has hit the Premier… Continue Reading →

Australia’s National Marches — Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Cairns, Sydney!

TOTT News ‘Unite For Our Rights!’: Pro-choice Australians march and celebrate across capital cities Huge pro-choice crowds have turned out for end-of-year demonstrations and well-deserved celebrations across the country. It has been a long year for freedom campaigners, as the… Continue Reading →

In A Year of Utter Madness One Thing Is Certain: New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard Has To Go

With TOTT News and A Sense of Place Magazine. Millions of citizens of Australia’s most populous state have had their lives and businesses destroyed or profoundly disrupted throughout the madness, the sheer unadulterated insanity, of 2021. Front and centre of… Continue Reading →

How the Reserve Bank rescued Australia from Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg

Investigation by Michael West and @13foot7: From Australia’s Leading Investigation News Site Michael West Media. Extraordinary details have emerged of how the Reserve Bank intervened to stop Treasurer Josh Frydenberg crashing the economy as the pandemic took grip, how, contrary to their fable… Continue Reading →

The Truth Variant Is Here: Reclaim the Line.

TOTT News. The third instalment of #ReclaimTheLine worker strikes has been held across Australia, with the music industry highlighted amidst a day of action against mandates. As thousands of Australia’s essential workers, including teachers, nurses and police, are sacked for… Continue Reading →

Farewell to 2021 in Australia’s Federal Politics: The Year of Disappointment

Frank Bongiorno, Australian National University Some will recall it as 2021. For more, it will be Year 2 of COVID. Either way, it will have been a time of disappointment for many. And the nation’s politicians need to bear a… Continue Reading →

This Must Surely Be The Most Corrupt Government in Australian History: The Best of 2021.

By Elizabeth Minter with Michael West Media. Originally published 14 February, 2021. AdRorts, on the back of the Covid, is the latest corrupt practice in a prodigious body of Australian government dirty work. Is the Covid-19 vaccine the Liberal Party’s… Continue Reading →

The Great Covid Panic: A Book Review. A Meditation on this Imperilled Time. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Illustrations by Eugene Delacroix. Many have lamented the apparent absence of interest from academic economists in the fate of our economies in the age of Covid totalitarianism.  A particular gap has been identified in… Continue Reading →

Australian Courts Clogged with Challenges to Thousands of COVID-19 Fines

Sophie Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. In New South Wales alone more than 7,000 people have sought reviews of Covid fines over the past several months, and most have failed, with only one in ten of the reviews lodged with Revenue… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: Victorian Premier “Dictator Dan” Makes New Pandemic Declaration.

Ethan Nash, TOTT News. Victoria’s perpetual ‘war’ against the ‘invisible enemy’ will continue into 2022, with the Andrews government formally ‘declaring’ a pandemic for the first time under new powers. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has made his first pandemic declaration since… Continue Reading →

An Interview with Gigi Foster, Warrior Against Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

From the Brownstone Institute. Featured Artwork Martin Lewis. Gigi Foster, economic professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, is co-author of The Great Covid Panic (Brownstone Institute, 2021) and a fierce opponent of lockdowns and mandates that have caused… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: Bound in South Australia

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Featured Artist Alexander Schramm. The once fine colony of South Australia was first established through a British Act of Parliament in 1834. It was once able to market itself as the free state; as… Continue Reading →

Member of European Parliament calls out Australia’s plunge into Totalitarianism

Christine Anderson. Alternative for Germany. “I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime which tramples on human rights, civil liberties and… Continue Reading →

Melbourne’s Siege at the Shrine of Remembrance: A Symbolic Day in Australian History. The Best of 2021.

TOTT News: Originally published 28 September, 2021. For the third straight day, protesters had descended upon Melbourne to exercise their fundamental right to have their voices heard, in a day that will go down in Australian history. The police rolled… Continue Reading →

JoshKeeper: “Piss weak” Senate body in Tax Commissioner contempt row over JobKeeper Secrecy

By Callum Foote: Michael West Media The Australian Senate’s Privileges Committee, oft described as its most ‘powerful’ body, has found Australian Tax Office commissioner, Chris Jordan, not in contempt of the Senate for refusing to release the data on large… Continue Reading →

Monkey Wrench in the Wheel: Strategies for the Covid Resistance

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project American author and political satirist C J Hopkins writes: “Seriously, the point of this entire exercise (or at least this phase of this entire exercise) is to radically, irrevocably, transform society into a monolithic… Continue Reading →

Massive Demonstrations as the Government’s Absurd Covid Mismanagement Rips Australia Apart

TOTT News AWE-INSPIRING: The freedom protests moments the media DON’T want you to see. Veterans, different cultures, jabbed and non-jabbed standing together, large crowds and more! Here are the MUST SEE moments from Australia’s historic freedom protests. TOTT News thought… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard Seeks to Extend Pandemic Powers Until 2023

By Sophie Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. The NSW Health Minister wants to extend emergency powers across the state until as late as October 2023. The proposition has angered a number of coalition MPs who believe that doing so is… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Melbourne Protests

TOTT NEWS Melbourne is Ground Zero for the disintegration of Australia as a functioning country. Victorians protesters have once again flocked to Melbourne’s CBD to oppose mandatory vaccination requirements and new permanent pandemic laws. A massive group of protesters gathered… Continue Reading →

Outspoken Deputy President of Australia’s Fair Work Commission can no longer hear Vaccine Mandates Cases: Off to the Retraining Camps

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Vaccine Mandates are creating havoc and promoting demonstrations around the world, no more so than in Australia. The Fair Work Commission’s Deputy President, Lyndall Dean, who expressed her views against vaccine mandates in… Continue Reading →

Coming Apart: The Centre Cannot Hold

By Paul Collits Turning and turning in the widening gyre   The falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   The ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack… Continue Reading →

Australian Protests Ground Zero: Melbourne and the Rise of Citizen Journalists

The abject failure of the mainstream media to do anything but parrot the destructive alarmism and propaganda of government over the past twenty months means that much of the population has turned off mainstream media. The failures of legacy media… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: States Trial Biometric Quarantine Enforcement System

TOTT News As Australia starts ‘opening up’, states are moving to adopt home quarantine with facial recognition, legitimising a deeply intrusive and dangerous biometric policing system. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING Some of Australia’s most populous states are trialling facial recognition software that… Continue Reading →

Jab Mandates Are Both Unethical and Fail the Cost/Benefit Test

By Michael Tomlinson: Brownstone Institute. Featured Artwork by John Prince Siddon. During my weekend shopping in Melbourne, Australia, I was turned away from my favourite café and not allowed to sit even at an outside table by order of my… Continue Reading →

Australia Steps Into A Frightening Future: Your Digital Identity Your New World Order

By Sandy Barrett: Advocate Me Did you know that the Australian government has drafted legislation to introduce a Digital Identity by the end of 2021? The legislation is being introduced in three phases – and it is already in phase… Continue Reading →

With No Australian Bill of Rights, Freedom Fighting Anti-Vaccine Mandate Case Kassam v Hazzard Was Bound to Fail: An Interview With Professor George Williams

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones delivered his ruling on the Kassam versus Hazzard case, which raised close to a dozen grounds contesting the validity of public health order restrictions, as well as vaccine mandates,… Continue Reading →

Workers Push Back Against Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog The mandating of highly controversial vaccines, that is forcing a medical procedure onto an often reluctant populace, is creating havoc all around the world. No more so than in Australia, where this month… Continue Reading →

Telegram: The Rise and Rise

By John Stapleton Big Tech’s hefty manipulation of the Covid narrative is driving many dissenting Australians away from Facebook, Google and WhatsApp to less compromised applications less manipulated by governments and military contractors. In the age of surveillance capitalism, both… Continue Reading →

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