Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Covid-19 Australia

The Best of 2022. Did Our Pandemic Policies Kill More People Than They Saved?

Interview with Gigi Foster: Co-Author of The Great Covid Panic How many people would you be willing to kill in order to save one from COVID? That is essentially the trade-off. That’s the kind of question we should have been… Continue Reading →

Reality Check on the Vaccine Narrative

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. On October 23, an online poll on Covid controls and vaccines was published on with some intriguing results. Conducted over one day, the survey attracted more than 42,000 votes for every question and more… Continue Reading →

COVID Fearmongering Rears its Ugly Head: Just when you Thought it was Over.

TOTT NEWS: Ethan Nash. QUEENSLAND: THE CLOWN STATE Here we go again. Despite most of the world moving on with COVID, Australians sit at the end of 2022 with even more headlines of the ‘scary virus’ making the cycle. A… Continue Reading →

Success? Or a Criminally Irresponsible Failure by Australian authorities?

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Spectator Australia. I recently received a communication from my GP’s surgery: ‘Influenza is spiking early. Our GPs report that those with 2022 flu have a rapid onset of illness with high fevers, dry cough, body aches,… Continue Reading →

We Have All Been Misled

Malcolm Roberts: Senator in the Australian Parliament. Malcolm Roberts of the minority Australian party One Nation has been one of the only politicians in the country to call out the tyranny of Covid and the nation’s response to the “pandemic”,… Continue Reading →

A Year of Living With Discredited Mathematical Models: Best of the Archives.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur and David Redman After a year’s experience of COVID-19 worldwide, the continuing hold of discredited mathematical models regarding lockdowns remain. As well, it is increasingly evident that medical specialists put in charge of public policy ignored… Continue Reading →

The Australian Convoy: Day Three

In his own grudging, peculiarly ungracious way, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted that some Australians are unhappy with his management of the Covid “pandemic”. Bull dust. They’re absolutely bloody livid. Morrison must face the electorate before 23 May… Continue Reading →

‘Stand Up!’: Australians REJECT the ‘New Normal’ with Marches across the Country

TOTT News Australia joins international events for freedom. Large crowds have marched across the country on Saturday to oppose the dystopian ‘new normal’ way of life in 2022, with campaigners saying freedom is far from restored. PERTH Following the decision… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Byron Bay Gets The Blues. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Australia’s iconic hippie playground is in the news. This time it is not about real estate booms or Hollywood celebrity sightings, but rather it is about the economic and psychic shellacking Byron has had… Continue Reading →

Doctors Face Deregistration for Expressing Concerns About COVID Vaccines. The Best of 2021.

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Healthcare professionals have been warned they could be stripped of their ability to practise if they disseminate information about Covid-19 vaccines which regulators consider to be false or misleading. The Medical Board of… Continue Reading →

The Left and Right Should Unite to Fight Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Unable to prosecute their case on data and logic, zero-Covid zealots have descended to discredit-by-labelling. One Australian columnist berated ‘commentators who often have more opinions than brains’. No, he wasn’t looking into a mirror but referring… Continue Reading →

It’s Just Not Cricket. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Originally Published 8 January, 2021. The Sydney cricket test has begun.  Virtually without a crowd.  Those there are all wearing masks, because they are compulsory in Sydney.  Covid summer madness has hit the Premier… Continue Reading →

National Cabinet Leaves Us in the Dark about Reopening the Nation, so We’re Left Joining the Dots

Stephen Duckett and Anika Stobart, Grattan Institute National Cabinet met on Friday after a week of intensifying debate about the vaccination thresholds in the national plan for reopening the nation. While expectations for the meeting were high, there was no… Continue Reading →

Proposed Law Seeks to Prohibit ‘COVID Passports’

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog A Private Member’s Bill introduced in Federal Parliament aims to prohibit the introduction of COVID passports for use in Australia. The No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021 has been put forth by Craig Kelly,… Continue Reading →

Advice Being Tailored For Political, Not Medical, Purposes

By Jack Waterford: Pearls and Irritations Scott Morrison has repeatedly reiterated that all decisions in relation to Coronavirus public health measures have been taken in accordance with medical advice. But the advice itself has frequently been considerably less than transparent,… Continue Reading →

The Covid Pact

By Paul Collits Individual rights, traditionally conceived, exist prior to, and separate from, the State.  Not any more, in the age of Covid and lockdown, all that we previously accepted about government has been discarded.  And we did it.  It… Continue Reading →

Zero Covid Man

By Paul Collits Australians “want to eliminate Covid”.  So says the Zero Covid Man, aka the Australian Prime Minister.  Perhaps the greatest fear is that he might be right.  If so, then comes the question: is it worse to have… Continue Reading →

The Illiberalism of Pro-Vaxxer “Liberals”

By Paul Collits One of the less noticed aspects of the Year of Living Covidly has been the birth of strange new alliances and unexpected political fissures to which lockdown policies and lockdown scepticism have given rise.  We now have… Continue Reading →

Australian Medical Association Director Wants Employers To Know If Staff Have Been Vaccinated

TOTT News The Australian Medical Association’s Queensland President is calling for a overhaul of privacy laws to give companies the power to see which of their staff have been vaccinated. The call comes as Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout incrementally continues,… Continue Reading →

Destroying A Nation: Part IX Unfolding Catastrophe

The onslaught of Covid incompetence came at a time when the nation itself was on rocky ground.  Those who would doubt Australia’s democracy were spread far and wide. Trapped in circumstance, Old Alex was reliving his own version of The… Continue Reading →

How To Destroy A Nation: Part VIII Unfolding Catastrophe

Old Alex was alive to the whole End of Days narrative for multiple reasons, including his own childhood. Having grown up in a Christian cult, members of his family were preparing for the end of the world way back in… Continue Reading →

The Contradictions of Vaccine Politics

By Paul Collits The current penchant that governments and many citizens have for “Covidocracy” looks like becoming permanent.  This is despite the initial promise of the silver bullet vaccine.  Those who, quite legitimately, question the efficacy of the jab, are… Continue Reading →

Deserted From Above

Unfolding Catastrophe: By John Stapleton For days, or was it weeks, he could feel the ships hovering overhead, across time, across space, terraforming as they settled on that picturesque part of the South Coast. There was everything to be said…. Continue Reading →

Frightening Futures Become Reality

With TOTT News Australia A year ago the obsessions of TOTT News Australia could easily have been dismissed as the tin-foil brigade: their multiple obsessions included Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates, uber surveillance and ever expanding state control over… Continue Reading →

The Biggest Mistake in History: Debating the Great Lockdown: The Best Of 2020.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Early assumptions of extraordinary SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness and lethality have proven fallacious. Some are already calling the coronavirus lockdown “the Greatest Mistake in History.” The seductive numerical precision of the Imperial College London (ICL) March 16 model, with grim forecasts of… Continue Reading →

Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. The Best of 2020.

The wildly inaccurate nature of initial modelling may proffer some excuse for the Australian government’s catastrophic mishandling of the Covid crisis. But within weeks of it all beginning epidemiologists from some of the world’s leading institutions were speaking out, warning … Continue Reading →

Melbourne Meltdown: The Best of 2020.

Every single day, seemingly without end, more than five million people in Melbourne are suffering through the harshest lockdowns in the world. Metropolitan Melbourne residents may only leave their homes for a “valid” reason and must comply with a curfew… Continue Reading →

2020: The Year That Was

By Paul Collits. Illustrated by Michael Fitzjames. 2020 was the very worst of times.  A year not to savour but to regret.  What was thought inconceivable a mere twelve months ago is now real.  It can never be inconceivable again. … Continue Reading →

Lockdowns Wrong: The World Experts Australia Ignored. The Best of 2020.

The Great Barrington Declaration Some of the world’s most distinguished doctors and public health scientists have called on governments to stop the lockdowns which have had such a devastating impact on Australia. A public statement, known as The Great Barrington… Continue Reading →

Morrison Government Wreathed in Scandal: The Best of 2020.

Extract from Dark Dark Policing The sorry Covid-19 saga says a lot about Australia and the churn at the top of the pile, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison. None of it complimentary. We have seen in the past few days… Continue Reading →

Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with Oil and Gas Mates: The Best of 2020.

By Sandi Keane with Michael West Media The Government is quietly blowing away years of environmental protections under cover of Covid. Its Covid Commission (NCCC) is stacked with executives from the gas and mining lobbies in what is turning out… Continue Reading →

Australian Medical Association’s Reputation Destroyed in Covid Chaos: The Best Of 2020.

By John Stapleton Do No harm. So goes the most basic maxim of medical practice. Yet many hundreds of Australian practitioners have done exactly that, with senior health bureaucrats standing side by side with the nation’s grandstanding politicians as they… Continue Reading →

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