Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag TOTT News

Digital Identity Bill passes through Australia’s Upper-house

From TOTT News Australia’s digital identity scheme is almost set to expand nationally, after a landmark bill, first drafted more than three years ago, passes the Senate. Australia’s Minister for Finance, Senator Katy Gallagher, has led the charge to move… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Orwellian Named eSafety Commissioner will force Big Tech to Scan photos, emails

From TOTT News Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, who is a regular at the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos event, will enforce her powers to develop mandatory online scanning standards for tech companies. Tech giants will be forced to scan emails, online photo libraries,… Continue Reading →

The unlawful COVID sham falls apart completely

TOTT NEWS From vaccine mandates being declared unlawful across the board, to studies showing increases in disorders, the truth is completely out in the open now. It seems the COVID narrative is completely falling apart now, and this can be… Continue Reading →

Bankwest Closing Branches in ‘solely digital’ Cashless Shift

From TOTT NEWS Bankwest recently announced it will close more branches in Western Australia as it moves towards a “digital future”, citing staffing issues and a rapid decline of demand for cash services. The changes come as Commonwealth Bank pursues a plan… Continue Reading →

Strangleholds on Power: Microsoft invests $5 billion to help Australia’s cyber security and “seize the AI era”

TOTT NEWS Australia’s secretive spy agency will join Microsoft to build “cyber shields” around the country, as part of a new $5 billion investment by the company. Microsoft will expand its ‘support’ for national cyber security systems and cloud computing… Continue Reading →

One of the Most Glorious Stories of 2023: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, last of the Covid Tyrants, Steps Down.

TOTT News In case you were too disillusioned with Australia’s hapless mainstream media, or too busy working to survive the cost of living and housing crises now afflicting the country, here from last month is one of the most truly… Continue Reading →

Australian Government’s Stalin Style Misinformation Bill Hits Roadblock

Ethan Nash: TOTT NEWS The federal government’s concerning ‘misinformation bill’ will face delays and head back to the drawing board, following significant criticisms of the dystopian legislation. But it will re-emerge in the future. The Albanese government is reportedly set to overhaul its… Continue Reading →

The Times Create: A New Wave of Media Recreates the Australian Story

By John Stapleton. With TOTT News. In a first, the National Free Media Summit in Adelaide last weekend brought together a gathering of some of the liveliest journalistic talents to emerge from the past few dark and tumultuous years of… Continue Reading →

Seventy Thousand Tonnes of Pesticides Leach into Soils and Waterways Annually

TOTT NEWS New research has revealed the extent of damage that agricultural pesticides are having on soils and waterways each year worldwide, with chemicals often wandering from their original sources. Currently, around 3 million tonnes of agricultural pesticides are used worldwide every… Continue Reading →

Australian Financial Regulators are preparing for Banking Turmoil

TOTT NEWS Dramatically rising costs of living are provoking fears of a recession, if not another Great Depression. Mid-year Australia’s Council of Financial Regulators reviewed the nation’s economic crisis management arrangements in the wake of recent overseas collapses. “The council… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Pandemic Treaty now in “consultation” before Your Sovereignty is Sold.

TOTT NEWS New international ‘legal instrument’ looms. CONSULTATION STAGE The Australian government has released a consultation paper detailing their adherence to a “global accord” on “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” moving forward. As was the concern, this will come in the form… Continue Reading →

Screens can Manipulate the Nervous System

From TOTT NEWS The manipulation of the human nervous system through the use of television and computer monitors is a reality in the modern world, according to a number of registered patents. Techniques studied in the 1970s reveal the ability… Continue Reading →

Pfizer’s Appalling Performance in the Australian Parliament

TOTT NEWS Representatives from Pfizer and Moderna have been called before an Australian Senate to face a barrage of serious questions surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination program. Members of the Australian Senate asked Pfizer and Moderna executives a series of questions… Continue Reading →

Post-COVID Victoria begins to Come Apart at the Seams: A Debt Ridden Slave Population

TOTT NEWS It has been a interesting few months for Victoria, Australia, with the state now staring down financial consequences caused by the plethora of devastating lockdown policies unleashed during COVID. Delusion may soon implode the state. After being subjected… Continue Reading →

World Economic Forum Forecasts: Creepy Top Ten Emerging Trends of 2023

TOTT NEWS The World Economic Forum (WEF) has recently published its Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023 report, which includes a look at a range of ‘innovative’ trends in the world. The WEF report “…outlines the technologies poised to positively impact society… Continue Reading →

Report finds Major Stadiums in Australia are using Facial Recognition

TOTT NEWS Heading out to the Melbourne Cricket Ground any time soon? What about Sydney’s Allianz Stadium? If so, you can expect to be captured by facial recognition technology in use at each of these venues. Sensitive biometric data is… Continue Reading →

Queenslanders to get Free Flu Jabs after Dismal Uptake

TOTT NEWS The Queensland government has made flu jabs free for all ages until the end of August, as the state battles an 18.6% drop in uptake since last year. ‘Please take our flu jabs!’, is the message coming from… Continue Reading →

Elon Musk launches new AI company to ‘understand reality’

TOTT NEWS Elon Musk has announced a new venture called ‘xAI’ that plans to “understand the true nature of the universe”. What will they ‘discover’? Billionaire Elon Musk launched an artificial intelligence company called xAI on Thursday, vowing to develop an AI… Continue Reading →

“Orwellian”: Draft legislation for Australian online ‘misinformation’ released

TOTT NEWS The federal government has released a new draft bill that would give the communications watchdog more powers to be able to fine social media giants for hosting ‘misinformation’ on their platforms. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. If… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Department of Health confronted over Covid Censorship and Lies

TOTT NEWS Following revelations of federal department co-operation to ensure a mass veil of COVID censorship, health representatives were called to question at a senate estimates hearing. After recent revelations revealing the Department of Home Affairs censored thousands of social media posts… Continue Reading →

Will Jab Victims finally get Justice with Class Action Lawsuit?

TOTT NEWS Recently, a class action was launched in the NSW Federal Court against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Health Department and senior public servants, by those claiming vaccine harm. The suit is reported to have has 500 members, including three… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Censorship-industrial-complex Revealed: The Truth Will Out

FROM TOTT NEWS Censorship actions taken by the Department of Home Affairs over COVID-19 ‘misinformation’ has finally been revealed, with exact details unveiled in a FOI request and questioned during a senate hearing. The Australian government has repeatedly proved itself… Continue Reading →

May Freedom Never Die: Australia’s Freedom Movement Lives On

TOTT News After three years of utterly pointless lockdowns and a mass vaccination campaign which did massive harm to the country, Australia is returning to a semblance of normality. It is an illusion. If the Australian authorities can lockdown the… Continue Reading →

Bill Gates held private dinner with billionaires while in Sydney

TOTT NEWS The truly bizarre visit of Bill Gates to Australia in early 2023 raised many eyebrows. Just after making half a billion US dollars selling stock in BioNTech, his admission while in Australia that the vaccines which he so… Continue Reading →

The Pfizer Papers: BioNTech Downplayed Harm of Lipid Nanoparticles

T. J. Coles: TOTT NEWS Genetically-modified mRNA lipid nanoparticles were injected into billions of people even while the biodistribution and pharmacokinetic effects remain unknown in humans. Pfizer’s partner, the German company BioNTech, published an internal 2,237-page report on its animal experiments. The… Continue Reading →

Asking ChatGPT about Transhumanism and 2030

TOTT NEWS After a quick introduction letting the program know I wish to speak about transhumanism and the future, the following was asked: Q: How will we use technology to enhance our intelligence? A: From a transhumanist perspective, I think the answer… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Belt and Road Man in Beijing

TOTT NEWS In many ways Australia has already joined up with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. And the nation’s political class did not bother to inform the Australian public. Begun in 2013, the Belt and Road scheme had the goal… Continue Reading →

The Pfizer Papers

TOTT NEWS Just to rely on their good work, the Australian media outlier TOTT News is one of the only significant media outlets to follow this utterly massive scandal in any detail; in a series of articles badged The Pfizer… Continue Reading →

Australian Soldiers Train for ‘Population Protection’ against Protesters

From TOTT NEWS Australian soldiers have participated in a drill that simulates the ‘controlling of aggressive protesters’ for ‘population protection’. After the last few years, everyone has a right to be concerned. ‘PEOPLE PROTECTION’ Australian soldiers are being trained on… Continue Reading →

ATAGI recommends FIFTH dose for Australian Adults

TOTT NEWS Australian adults will be able to get a fifth – yes, fifth – dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the next few weeks. Australia will roll out a fifth dose of COVID-19 vaccine later this month to all… Continue Reading →

Convoy to Canberra One Year On

TOTT News Inspired by dramatic scenes of truckie protests in Canada, where the Prime Minster has been forced into hiding after a large convoy crossed the country, gaining worldwide attention, Australians have joined the movement and are descending upon nation’s… Continue Reading →

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Meets with Bill Gates

With TOTT NEWS There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Australians who regard Bill Gates as little better than the devil incarnate; as the world’s Vaccine-Profiteer-In-Chief a man who belongs not in his private jet but in a… Continue Reading →

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