The Queensland government has made flu jabs free for all ages until the end of August, as the state battles an 18.6% drop in uptake since last year.
‘Please take our flu jabs!’, is the message coming from state health authorities in Queensland.
It has been announced that all Queenslanders will have access to free flu vaccinations until the end of August, amid ‘concerns about hospital numbers’.

The decision comes after Queensland’s Chief Health Officer, John Gerrard, said on Friday that 147 people were in the state’s hospitals with influenza B.
“States do not normally fund vaccines,” he said.
“We do this in an emergency. We think this is a significant situation where we need to intervene.”
Another ‘muh emergency’!
About one-tenth of one single normal school assembly crowd have ended up in hospital, out of an entire state with millions of people!
Queensland’s new Health Minister, Shannon Fentiman, said she would also push for flu vaccines to be made free for all Australians under the National Immunisation Program.
“This should be something that every year people can access for free when you think about the productivity benefits, but also it’s really important from a public health point of view,” she said.

She will raise the issue at a meeting of federal, state and territory health ministers in Canberra this Thursday and Friday.
According to the statistics, about half of those who have been admitted to Queensland hospitals with influenza B this year have been under the age of 20.

Of course, apart from the skewed hospitalisation statistics, part of the reasoning behind this push may be the result of the fact that flu vaccine uptake across the country this year has been disastrous.
At some of the lowest records in recent memory, it seems that nobody wants the jab anyway, and now health authorities in Queensland are literally giving them away for free.
But will anyone still want them even at those rates?
While health authorities talk about ‘concerning hospital rates’, this may all just be a marketing scheme to ensure that everyone behind the jab can still once again line their pockets this flu season.
Needed to be reduced to free due to the fact that they haven’t got their return on initial investments this year, after huge percentages turn away from the flu jab in 2023.
At present, only 32 per cent of the national population are vaccinated against the flu.
Yes, they are blaming ‘COVID fatigue’ and ‘cost of living’ for this drop.
Much like when they try to tell you our birth rate drop is due to ‘climate change fears’.
Australian Immunisation Register data shows 8.5 million Australians were vaccinated against influenza between March 1 and July 9 this year, compared to 10.4 million at the same time last year.
Even at 10.4 million, that is still barely half the population that got it last year anyway.
Vaccination rates decreased in all states and territories in 2023, with the biggest drops recorded in:
- South Australia (down 20.6 per cent)
- New South Wales (down 19.5 per cent)
- Victoria (down 18.9 per cent)
- Queensland (down 18.6 per cent)
One doctor said the country’s low-vaccination rate was “concerning” given “how serious the disease could be”, but interestingly gave his perspective as to why his patients weren’t taking them:

Yes, Big Pharma’s already abysmal reputation was all but crushed by the scamdemic, and now, almost 70% of the country don’t want to be walking human pin cushions anymore.
Not because of ‘COVID fatigue’, but because they are fed up with the entire scheme of the jibby-jabbies.
Even still, the government’s decision to fund the flu jab for every Queenslander from Saturday to August 31 is expected to cost up to $10 million.
Yes, even when you’re not getting them, you’re still paying for them!
What great job security these vaccine manufacturers and pharmacists have! $$$
At least they are not openly bribing people this time around.
Or, better yet, locking them down like caged animals until they get one ‘to protect everyone else’.
Will you be rushing out to get your free flu jab?
Have you had this ‘killer flu’ that is going around?
Have you ever thought about living a healthy lifestyle? Of building up your natural immunity? Of using the gifts of nature as your best defence?

July 22, 2023 at 6:15 am
The influenza vaccine is near useless but also has side effects which are not pleasant. This may be due to the adjuvants in the vaccine, like mercury and aluminium.
Respiratory viruses are very contagious and, like any virus, it is difficult to prevent transmission. They also mutate rapidly which means that any vaccine becomes quickly ineffective.
Unless the specific ‘flu virus is particularly dangerous it is better to let the infections run their course while providing the necessary supportive treatment for those infected who require it.
No doubt the Vermin In Power will will talk this normal winter flu season (so far) up to epidemic proportions to suit their own program – typically pathetic behaviour.