Jamie Q Roberts, University of Sydney Drugs are nothing new. As researchers Russil Durrant and Jo Thakker tell us in their 2003 book Substance Use & Abuse, drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, opium and cannabis have been used for thousands… Continue Reading →
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? The most truly bizarre of all the many bizarre aspects of Bill Gates visit to Australia was the confession that the vaccines he promoted,… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The humanitarian crimes committed by Australian authorities against their own citizens, beginning in early 2020, will live on in infamy, but it is the people themselves who create a nation’s history. On the 12th of February 2022,… Continue Reading →
By Sue Price: Men’s Rights Agency Australia’s left wing Labor government has struck a major blow against separated dads wishing to help parent the children they love, proposing to remove any hope that father’s might get some reasonable outcome as… Continue Reading →
Toby Walsh and Alexandra George, UNSW Sydney The question of whether artificial intelligence (AI) can invent is nearly 200 years old, going back to the very beginning of computing. Victorian mathematician Ada Lovelace wrote what’s generally considered the first computer… Continue Reading →
By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Just as ‘State of Emergency Powers’ enacted by Governments in Australia during the Covid-19 pandemic ease, there’s a push for emergency control occurring on a global scale, led by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Currently… Continue Reading →
With Maria Popova: The Marginalian In these darkening times, when the powerful have become utterly corrupted and indifferent to the concerns of ordinary people, there are, as a kind of counterwave, a significant number of people trying to trigger a… Continue Reading →
By Debbie Lerman: Brownstone Institute Many features of the Covid response catastrophe remain shrouded in mystery: Who actually designed the US government’s Covid response policy? We know from official government documents (see below) that it was the National Security Council… Continue Reading →
With Vera Sharav “This should be a medical and not be a military operation,” Holocaust survivor and medical ethics advocate Vera Sharav says of the Covid panic which has dramatically transfigured the world, including Australia. “It’s a public health problem…. Continue Reading →
Alice Clement, Flinders University. In Australia, many of us are returning to work or school after spending time with relatives over the summer period. Sometimes we can be left wondering how on earth we are related to some of these… Continue Reading →
By Australian Senator Alex Antic I bet you’ve already noticed the uptick in the use of terms like “myocarditis”, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”, or the phrase “died suddenly” over the past year. Medical conditions and causes of death like these… Continue Reading →
With TOTT NEWS There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Australians who regard Bill Gates as little better than the devil incarnate; as the world’s Vaccine-Profiteer-In-Chief a man who belongs not in his private jet but in a… Continue Reading →
Guy Hatchard: Brownstone Institute. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has resigned after months of rumours. Ardern, whose popularity has plummeted during the last six months, told us “she had nothing left in the tank.” In her resignation speech, she… Continue Reading →
Bill Bateman, Curtin University You might think evolution is glacially slow. At a species level, that’s true. But evolution happens every time organisms produce offspring. The everyday mixing of genes – combined with mutations – throws up new generations upon which “selection… Continue Reading →
Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Welcome to 2023, a time when advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have come so far that a robot lawyer is ready to argue its first cases in a real courtroom. Artificial intelligence developed by… Continue Reading →
Since his takeover of Twitter Elon Musk has opened up the company’s records to some of America’s best journalists. The results have been absolutely spectacular. One of those journalists Musk chose to help create what has collectively become known as… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits For close Ardern-watchers, her departure this side of the late 2023 election was hardly unexpected. Notwithstanding her global adulation, especially from rusted-on progressives, greens, Covid statists and the generally woke, she was, increasingly, abhorred in her homeland… Continue Reading →
Laura Buck and Kyoko Yamaguchi, Liverpool John Moores University Humans are a tropical species. We have lived in warm climates for most of our evolutionary history, which might explain why so many of us spend winter huddled under a blanket,… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The real-world effectiveness of Covid vaccines has not matched the hype of the 95 percent efficacy claimed in manufacturer trials on the basis of which they were granted emergency-use authorisation. They’ve proven disappointingly… Continue Reading →
Liz Giuffre, University of Technology Sydney Renée Geyer’s name is often in histories of Australian music. A pioneering artist, her iconic soul sound opened up the local conversation about what “sounding Australian” meant. Go-Betweens icon and industry legend Lindy Morrison… Continue Reading →
By Alison Broinowski, Pearls and Irritations. The Prime Minister’s surprise revelation that he has raised the case against Julian Assange with US officials and urged that charges of espionage and conspiracy be dropped opens up many questions. Mr Albanese thanked… Continue Reading →
By Michael West: Michael West Media. Scott Morrison approved tens of billions in foreign takeover deals after secretly being appointed Treasurer last year, compromising Australia’s national interest. Sydney Airport, electricity giants AusNet and Spark Infrastructure. All gone. Revelations that former… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The three major controversies over pandemic management for the past three years have been lockdown measures, universal masking recommendations and mandates, and Covid vaccines. The last was a pharmaceutical intervention using revolutionary new… Continue Reading →
Simon Griffith, Macquarie University and Hugo Loning, Wageningen University. When you hear beautiful birdsong, such as the warbling of the Australasian magpie, you might believe it’s a sign of intense competition for territory or showing off to attract a mate…. Continue Reading →
From Professor Christopher Neil, Incoming President This Open Letter is addressed to The Australian Colleges and Associations of Medicine, Health, and Science, and All Australian Federal, State, and Territory Senators and Members of Parliament. Dear Colleagues, It is with great… Continue Reading →
By Gordon Weiss As the country is once again enveloped by social and political chaos, here with the kind permission of the author is an extract from the Preface for the American edition of The Cage, acclaimed as one of… Continue Reading →
The authoritative body of literature picking apart the government and vaccine proponents Covid narrative is growing steadily, including Namoi Wolf’s spectacular The Bodies of Others, the elegant takedown by Robert F. Kennedy The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma… Continue Reading →
Coverage from TOTT NEWS, True Arrow and Others. Despite lockdowns and restrictions ending, vaccine mandates continue to create havoc across multiple Australian industries and the larger agenda is still very much in motion. With Australia now having one of the… Continue Reading →
Michelle Pini: Independent Australia. Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was until his recent demolition at the polls the world’s only Pentecostal national leader. Still in parliament, and thereby still living off the taxpayer, he is continuing his Pentecostal agenda… Continue Reading →
Interview with Gigi Foster: Co-Author of The Great Covid Panic How many people would you be willing to kill in order to save one from COVID? That is essentially the trade-off. That’s the kind of question we should have been… Continue Reading →
Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog: Paul Gregoire. Six years after Four Corners exposed the atrocities being perpetrated upon children at Darwin’s Don Dale Youth Detention Centre – and the subsequent push for reforms in its wake – the Northern Territory government has successfully… Continue Reading →
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