Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Author aSense

G, O and D

By Ian Purdie The library stood five stories tall, Looking up from its entrance the children felt small, Inside they could smell all the musty old books, And feel the silence enforced by harsh looks, Off to one side were… Continue Reading →

Naive Faith: Unfolding Catastrophe Part II

None of it would last, or so Old Alex believed, retaining as he did a naive faith in the natural, healthy scepticism of Australians. Surely none of what was happening made any sense at all. There had been weeks of… Continue Reading →

What is a Contempt of Court? A Family Court Saga.

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedhim with Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog A man has taken the extraordinary step of personally suing a Family Court Judge after he was sent to prison for contempt of court during family law proceedings. The story so… Continue Reading →

Prelude: Unfolding Catastrophe Part I

The thing he remembered most starkly about those early months of the so-called “pandemic” were empty trains churning through the night, a sense of dread as everything was altered, military helicopters hovering over an empty Sydney Harbour, empty streets, silent… Continue Reading →

Noam Chomsky on the Plight of Assange: “The Complicity of Many Governments”

The Best of 2020. By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. British Judge Vanessa Baraitser is currently deliberating on whether Australian journalist Julian Assange should be extradited to the United States, as he’s currently being remanded in her country on American espionage… Continue Reading →

We Are The Terrorists: The Best of 2020

By Caitlin Johnstone The Trump administration is reportedly close to moving the Houthi rebels in Yemen onto its official list of designated terrorist organizations with the goal of choking them off from money and resources. The head of the UN’s World Food Program along… Continue Reading →

Two New Giant Radio Galaxies Discovered

By Jacinta Delhaize, University of Cape Town Two giant radio galaxies have been discovered with South Africa’s powerful MeerKAT telescope, located in the Karoo region, a semi-arid area in the south west of the country. Radio galaxies get their name… Continue Reading →

Lost Worlds: Australia

How It All Ends Part I For years the biggest story in the country has been the slow motion collapse of the Australia of old. Now, with the country only slowly stumbling out of lockdown and insane levels of social… Continue Reading →

China’s Great Covid

By Paul Collits The year 2020 will go down in history as the year China’s long-term strategies for global domination and short-term tactics to achieve it paid off big time.  And they used a virus to do it. We have… Continue Reading →

Deserted From Above

Unfolding Catastrophe: By John Stapleton For days, or was it weeks, he could feel the ships hovering overhead, across time, across space, terraforming as they settled on that picturesque part of the South Coast. There was everything to be said…. Continue Reading →

First Do No Harm: UK Scientists and Health Professionals Plead With Their Government. The Best of 2020.

Are you becoming more and more concerned about the impact of lockdowns and a narrative of fear on the overall health and wellbeing of the nation, and in particular on children? Are you seeing more patients with deterioration in their… Continue Reading →

Frightening Futures Become Reality

With TOTT News Australia A year ago the obsessions of TOTT News Australia could easily have been dismissed as the tin-foil brigade: their multiple obsessions included Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates, uber surveillance and ever expanding state control over… Continue Reading →

Wormholes May Be Lurking In The Universe

By Andreea Font, Liverpool John Moores University Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity profoundly changed our thinking about fundamental concepts in physics, such as space and time. But it also left us with some deep mysteries. One was black holes,… Continue Reading →

Motorcycle Saigon: The Best Of 2020.

By Ian Purdie Saigon police have launched a major campaign against foreign motorbike riders in an attempt to curb the nation’s shocking road toll. Young, ill-prepared tourists often rent motorbikes and head off into Saigon’s daunting traffic. For two weeks… Continue Reading →

Lawyer X: The Review

By Paul Collits The journalists Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon are outstanding practitioners of their craft.  They have written a must-read, cracking story of Australia’s worst ever legal fiasco.  Naturally, it involves Victoria Police. The journalists Anthony Dowsley and Patrick… Continue Reading →

Murder, Corruption, Bombings: The Company at the Centre of Australia’s Submarine Deal

The Best of 2020: By Michelle Fahy with Michael West Media The arms company at the centre of a deadly criminal saga and numerous global corruption scandals, Naval Group, was selected by the Australian government to build our new fleet… Continue Reading →

Bridget Lafferty Leaves Redfern: The Best Of.

Images, paintings and recollections by Bridget Lafferty Editors Note: This story, written way back in 2018, was pivotal in the evolution of A Sense of Place Magazine, because it was at this very point that we realised and came to understand… Continue Reading →

Assange’s Momentary Reprieve Opens Way for More Torture and US Extradition on Appeal

By Paul Gregoire with Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog For a brief moment, the globe was shocked that a UK court ruled against the extradition of Australian journalist Julian Assange to the US, where he would face an 18 count Virginia District Court indictment,… Continue Reading →

Churn of the Ocean of Milk: The Rise of Techno-Fascism

The Best of 2020: Ethan Nash from TOTT News Mid-20th century fascism was woefully limited in its capacities and reach. The new technocratic-fascism, however, arrives at the new golden dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ready to extract the population… Continue Reading →

Unfolding Catastrophe: The Links So Far


Coalition Spin Kings: Real Reform in Aged Care Trumped by Re-Announcements and a Deluge of Cash

The Best of 2020. By Dr Sarah Russell with Michael West Media The federal Health Department has learnt a thing or two from Scotty from Marketing. It has just announced version seven of the aged care pandemic plan. Never mind… Continue Reading →

Liberty Lost: Australia’s Security Apparatus. The Best of 2020.

By Brian Toohey During the 1970s and 1980s the governments of Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser and Bob Hawke mostly held the line against Australia becoming a national security state. The official figures show that the domestic spy agency the Australian… Continue Reading →

The Biggest Mistake in History: Debating the Great Lockdown: The Best Of 2020.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Early assumptions of extraordinary SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness and lethality have proven fallacious. Some are already calling the coronavirus lockdown “the Greatest Mistake in History.” The seductive numerical precision of the Imperial College London (ICL) March 16 model, with grim forecasts of… Continue Reading →

Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. The Best of 2020.

The wildly inaccurate nature of initial modelling may proffer some excuse for the Australian government’s catastrophic mishandling of the Covid crisis. But within weeks of it all beginning epidemiologists from some of the world’s leading institutions were speaking out, warning … Continue Reading →

The Triumph of Death: Bruegel The Elder: The Best of 2020.

Death triumphs over the mundane. An army of skeletons raze the Earth. All life is extinguished. The background is a barren landscape in which scenes of destruction are still taking place. In the foreground, Death leads his armies from his… Continue Reading →

Right Outcome, Wrong Reasons on Julian Assange

By Alison Broinowski with Pearls and Irritations British justice has been done, but it is hard to fathom. Assange’s crime is different. He embarrassed the US by revealing activities recorded by Americans themselves, and the lawlessness of the US military that… Continue Reading →

Lumbini: Buddha’s Birthplace

Extract: Hideout in the Apocalypse by John Stapleton “You must heal yourself, no one else can, no one else should,” reads one of the placards posted around Buddha’s birthplace, Lumbini in Nepal, where he had spent several months not so… Continue Reading →

Melbourne Meltdown: The Best of 2020.

Every single day, seemingly without end, more than five million people in Melbourne are suffering through the harshest lockdowns in the world. Metropolitan Melbourne residents may only leave their homes for a “valid” reason and must comply with a curfew… Continue Reading →

Bloody Colonials By Stafford Sanders. Episode One. Holiday Listening.

Podcast read by the award winning author. Brought to you by 2RPH Radio and A Sense of Place Publishing. Bloody Colonials is a wickedly satirical piece of crime fiction set in a forbidding landscape-where big fish battle to the death… Continue Reading →

2020: The Year That Was

By Paul Collits. Illustrated by Michael Fitzjames. 2020 was the very worst of times.  A year not to savour but to regret.  What was thought inconceivable a mere twelve months ago is now real.  It can never be inconceivable again. … Continue Reading →

The Worst of the Worst: The Best of 2020.

Guantanamo Bay and A Bigger Picture The publicity blurb for the shortly to be released book A Bigger Picture by former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull makes the claim that he “stood up to Donald Trump”. Really??? But thereby hangs a tale…. Continue Reading →

Feeding the Chooks: Scott Morrison’s Manipulation of Mainstream Media. The Best of 2020.

By Callum Foote and Michael West Scott Morrison has perfected the art of media manipulation by briefing a select club of Canberra correspondents at once, rather than leaking to individual media outlets. Callum Foote and Michael West report on the marketing genius of the… Continue Reading →

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