Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Paul Collits

The Bilderberg Group: Impacts on Australia

By Paul Collits Australia has experienced a considerable cultural shift, and it would be interesting to pinpoint exactly when and how it occurred. Once upon a time, Australians brought down “tall poppies”.  It was a national character trait.  It even… Continue Reading →

The Review: Our Enemy The Government. Ramesh Thakur.

By Paul Collits The Covid era produced many villains, across countries, governments, major political parties, thebureaucracy, the legacy media, the universities, the corporates, Big Pharma and Big Tech. Many villainsand few heroes. Or as author Ramesh Thakur, one of Australia’s… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Totalitarian Ecosystem: Control, Control and More Control

By Paul Collits Every Australian, or just about every Australian, knew what happened on the 14th of October.  The date for the massively divisive, ill-conceived and and problematic Referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament finally came to pass. We… Continue Reading →

Australia: The Cranky Country

By Paul Collits At a recent packed out No event for the extremely divisive issue of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Senator Jacinta Price, Opposition Spokeswoman on Indigenous Affairs, received a Standing ovation on arrival, and also at the end,… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Covid Non-Inquiry: An Insult to All Australians

By Paul Collits Anthony Albanese promised a Royal Commission, or something very close to it, into Covid policy.  The case for a Royal Commission was laid out in detail in the Senate by the estimable Malcolm Roberts a little while… Continue Reading →

The Vaccine and the Censorship

By Paul Collits One of the single most most damaging paper of the pandemic has just been published in The Lancet. one of the most famous and most respected scientific journals in the world. Well, it was. Those who have… Continue Reading →

The Collapse of Australia’s Ponzi Economy

By Paul Collits Australia’s economy has, as long as we can remember, relied upon mass immigration, including by, but not limited to, Asian students on a visa pathway, to keep the place afloat.  It is a Ponzi scheme. Since we… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: A Book Review

By Paul Collits: Substack What exactly do you say when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world?  When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons?  When you realise that the institutions that you… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Passing Covid Parade

By Paul Collits Try this quick quiz, or ask the next person in the street you bump into – what do the following people have in common? Natasha Fyles.  Roger Cook.  Jeremy Rockliff.  Andrew Barr.  Peter Malinauskas.  If you guessed… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Creepy Covid Cops: Explosive Revelations over Appalling Censorship of Correct Information

By Paul Collits When it comes to Covid, It has been a very, very busy month in Australia, with the news of the systematic censorship of Australian citizens making international news. It now lies beyond question that Australia’s Home Affairs… Continue Reading →

Tucker Carlson Sacked From Fox

By Paul Collits On a day when we remember fallen heroes who gave their lives in useless wars, and still do, we have the news of an apparently “fallen” American hero.  One who is, decidedly, not fighting in a useless… Continue Reading →

The Depopulation Bomb

By Paul Collits The depopulation agenda has been embraced enthusiastically by modern man, aided by cheap, readily available birth control technology and its accompanying mindset.  Wise thinkers from GK Chesterton to Mark Steyn (in America Alone and After America) have long seen the… Continue Reading →

Je Suis August Landmesser: The Best of Our Archives.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Artwork Trees at Night by Arthur Henry “Art” Young. Since the beginning of the Covid era, Paul Collits has stood out as one of the boldest and most cogent of commentators on the moral… Continue Reading →

Was the Vaccine Created for the Virus? Or the Virus for the Vaccine? The Great Covid Scandal Spreads Worldwide

By Paul Collits. Featuring the Art Work of Marianne North. Circumstantial evidence can often prove to be more effective than direct evidence to establish guilt. In such a case it is the combination of a number of pieces of evidence… Continue Reading →

The Entirely Predictable Departure of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacindarella: Millions Cheer Good Riddance

By Paul Collits For close Ardern-watchers, her departure this side of the late 2023 election was hardly unexpected.  Notwithstanding her global adulation, especially from rusted-on progressives, greens, Covid statists and the generally woke, she was, increasingly, abhorred in her homeland… Continue Reading →

The Best of 2022. Prison Island: I Wish to be Deported from Australia

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Amid all the keystrokes spent upon Novak Djokovic’s appalling deportation from the penal colony that is contemporary Australia, the following words rang most true, and, at the same time, provided an idea. This is… Continue Reading →

Auto-da-fé: Australian Conservatives Destroy Themselves

By Paul Collits: Illustrations from The Temple of Flora. Mass vaccination and the creation of the social circumstances which make it possible has always been a left wing project, witness America. In Australia, the conservatives have destroyed themselves on the… Continue Reading →

Flecks of Gold in the Whitewash: The First Major Review of Australia’s Disastrous Covid Policies

By Paul Collits. Featuring the Art work of Richard Dadd. Well, finally we have a review (of sorts) of the Covid policy fiasco in Australia.  Not an official inquiry, as we suspect no government involved in erecting the Covid State… Continue Reading →

It’s All in the Charts

Paul Collits It is all in the charts, as the renowned American economist and Covid hero Thomas Woods would say.  Woods has liked to confound his Covid fascist opponents and the non-thinkers all round with data.  It is his metier. … Continue Reading →

Is Freedom even Worth the Effort?

Paul Collits: Politicom. THE anti-mandate Convoy that descended on Canberra earlier this year could be the catalyst that delivers Australia from the brink of becoming an authoritarian State.  It could also come to absolutely nothing – handing power-hungry politicians a green light… Continue Reading →

Covid and Australia’s Medical Regulatory Shame

By Paul Collits In a move of which Hitler’s Health Minister would have been proud, in March 2021, Australia’s medical regulatory bodies declared freedom of speech to be illegal for medical practitioners.  As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald: Doctors, nurses… Continue Reading →

Fact Checkers: The Jokes On Us

By Paul Collits. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation and RMIT University might well be a match made in heaven.  Or, more likely, hell.  These two Covid State acolyte institutions, beyond-woke corporates both, true believers in the climate hysteria and, ironically, servants… Continue Reading →

The Murdoch Media and the Pandemic of the Vaccinated

By Paul Collits The Australian newspaper, News Limited’s flagship publication in the country of birth of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has attempted a desperate throw of the dice in an effort to somehow maintain the Covid vaccine narrative.  In doing so,… Continue Reading →

Pandemic of the Vaccinated

By Paul Collits. There is nothing more likely to get under the skin of the pro-vaxxer establishment than pointing out that the magic mushroom vaccines designed by politicians to give them a get-out-of-jail-free card in relation to Covid are experimental,… Continue Reading →

A Very Good Covid

By Paul Collits. The Brownstone Institute is the leading academic centre countering the Big Government, Big Tech, Big Pharma Covid narrative. Its head Jeffrey Tucker recently wrote that looking back to the “before times” – meaning before the middle of March… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing ScoMo: The Book Review

By Paul Collits. THE main problem with reviewing a book about Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is that you have to read a book about Scott Morrison. But read it, one must.  Why should one read it?  Well, I can… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: Human Resources, Big Companies and the Outsourcing of the Covid State

By Paul Collits. Featuring the Paintings of Sir Arthur Streeton. The recent, unnerving revelations about unvaccinated Environment Protection Authoritystaff being forced out of their jobs were jolting for New South Welshmen; huddled inside as so many of them are, with… Continue Reading →

Scotty From Astra Zeneca

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Slowly during 2021 the truth on vaccine mandates emerged from the Prime Minister.  Even slitherers and prevaricators eventually give the game away, even if by accident.  And as slitherers and prevaricators go, Morrison is… Continue Reading →

The Zoran Strain: The Best of 2021.

Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project Australian politicians and our media are, relentlessly and without shame, creating Covid hate figures out of innocent people whose crime is simply getting on with their lives.  They are doing this to deflect and to… Continue Reading →

Losing Our Religion. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Photography by David Stephenson. Will Covid kill the Church?  It is a question that demands our attention. Recently, following the incumbent Pope’s latest attack upon traditionally minded Catholics – in his motu proprio, ironically… Continue Reading →

The Great Covid Panic: A Book Review. A Meditation on this Imperilled Time. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Illustrations by Eugene Delacroix. Many have lamented the apparent absence of interest from academic economists in the fate of our economies in the age of Covid totalitarianism.  A particular gap has been identified in… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: Bound in South Australia

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Featured Artist Alexander Schramm. The once fine colony of South Australia was first established through a British Act of Parliament in 1834. It was once able to market itself as the free state; as… Continue Reading →

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