A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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Civil Unrest Across Australia: Violence Envelops The Nation. The Best of 2021.

Sources: TOTT News and Others. Black clad police firing into unarmed crowds.  Somehow we’re all fine with it. Two police standing over an unarmed 70-year-old grandmother pepper spraying her in the face.   Somehow we’re all fine with it. Genuine protest,… Continue Reading →

Ten ‘Lost’ Australian Literary Treasures. The Best of 2021.

By Rebecca Giblin and Airlie Lawson, University of Melbourne Many culturally important books by Australian authors are out of print, hard to find as secondhand copies, and confined to the physical shelves of a limited number of libraries. Effectively, they… Continue Reading →

Earth has Stayed Habitable for Billions of Years – How? The Best of 2021.

By Toby Tyrrell, University of Southampton It took evolution 3 or 4 billion years to produce Homo sapiens. If the climate had completely failed just once in that time then evolution would have come to a crashing halt and we… Continue Reading →

Sleaze And Self-interest Everywhere: Australia 2021

Pearls and Irritations Who among us, eighteen months ago, could have believed the mess this country is now in? Few can doubt Australia is at a turning point in its history. The debacle is writ large. The current Cabinet reshuffle will please… Continue Reading →

Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is The Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive. The Best of 2021.

By Caitlin Johnstone The emergence of the internet was met with hope and enthusiasm by people who understood that the plutocrat-controlled mainstream media were manipulating public opinion to manufacture consent for the status quo. The democratization of information-sharing was going to give rise to a public… Continue Reading →

An Incredible Journey: The First People to Arrive in Australia Came in Large Numbers, and on Purpose. The Best of 2021.

By Corey J.A, Bradshaw, Flinders University, Laura S. Weyrich, Michael Bird and Sean Ulm, James Cook University. The size of the first population of people needed to arrive, survive, and thrive in what is now Australia is revealed in two… Continue Reading →

A “Totalitarian Regime With a Sunny Climate”: David McBride on Australia’s Whistle Blower Persecution. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog “I am appalled by what our country has become,” said former Australian Defence Force lawyer David McBride. “I grew up in the shadow of the Second World War. I believed all that. And… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Byron Bay Gets The Blues. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Australia’s iconic hippie playground is in the news. This time it is not about real estate booms or Hollywood celebrity sightings, but rather it is about the economic and psychic shellacking Byron has had… Continue Reading →

The Dirty Country: Crikey’s Blockbuster Series on Corruption in Australia. The Best of 2021.

Leading independent Australian news site Crikey has just concluded a major series on corruption in Australia. The series comes at a time when every journalist in the country is baying for Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s blood, and the country is… Continue Reading →

Earth To Josh: Australian Treasurer Frydenberg’s ‘World-leading Economy’ Claim Is False. The Best of 2021.

By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. On key economic variables Australia lags behind 20 comparable advanced economies yet Treasurer Josh Frydenberg repeatedly asserts that Australia outperformed all major advanced economies in 2020. It’s well past time the mainstream media called… Continue Reading →

Rorts Scandals In Politics Are Rife. So What Are The Rules? The Best of 2021.

By Professor Anne Twomey, University of Sydney. The sports rorts scandal has flared up again in the public consciousness with a scathing report by a Senate committee. It points to the many failures in governance and the political interference in… Continue Reading →

Cave of Horror: Fresh Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Best of 2021.

By Gareth Wearne, Australian Catholic University On Tuesday news broke of the discovery of fresh fragments of a nearly 2,000-year-old scroll in Israel. The fragments were said to come from the evocatively named Cave of Horror, near the western shore… Continue Reading →

Repeatedly Going To War: The Cost Of Our U.S. Alliance. The Best of 2021.

By Stephen Darley: Independent Australia. Our alliance with the U.S. helps keep its war machine rolling, but the cost to Australia must be more carefully considered, writes Stephen Darley. ON 16 FEBRUARY 2003, I was walking along North Terrace, Adelaide. Nothing unusual in that, as I… Continue Reading →

Australians To Scan Faces For Government Services. The Best of 2021.

By TOTT News Australians will soon use facial recognition technology to file bankruptcy applications, enrol to vote, apply/receive welfare payments and even register votes, in a new overhaul. A new $800 million digital technology package dubbed the ‘Digital Business Plan’ has been… Continue Reading →

Doctors Face Deregistration for Expressing Concerns About COVID Vaccines. The Best of 2021.

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Healthcare professionals have been warned they could be stripped of their ability to practise if they disseminate information about Covid-19 vaccines which regulators consider to be false or misleading. The Medical Board of… Continue Reading →

The Big Grift: How the Top End of Town Rorted Jobkeeper. The Best of 2021.

By Luke Stacey with Michael West Media. The most rampant era of welfare rorting in Australia’s history draws to a close at the end of the month when the JobKeeper scheme ends. Luke Stacey and Michael West investigate some of the big grifters and… Continue Reading →

Earth Has A Hot New Neighbour – And It’s An Astronomer’s Dream. The Best of 2021.

By Sherry Landow: University of NSW. A newly discovered planet could be our best chance yet of studying rocky planet atmospheres outside the solar system, a new international study involving UNSW Sydney shows.  The planet, called Gliese 486b (pronounced Glee-seh),… Continue Reading →

The Hanging of Christian Porter. The Best of 2021.

The devolved state of journalism at the $1.2 billion Australian Broadcasting Corporation is now on full display. The current witch hunt of the nation’s Attorney General over entirely unsubstantiated claims of an alleged rape 33 years ago, when he was… Continue Reading →

The Palace of Lies Abolished: The Best of 2021.

By John Stapleton. A dark stain on the nation’s legal, social and political history is finally being removed.  Known colloquially as the Palace of Lies, the Family Court of Australia was established in the mid-1970s, at the height of the… Continue Reading →

Victoria Extends ‘State of Emergency’ for Nine Months

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. The Best of 2021. Originally published 11 March. The Victorian Government has extended the jurisdiction’s state of emergency until December 2021, despite falling Covid-19 numbers across the state. Under existing laws, this is… Continue Reading →

City Of Lost Mosques: How Suzhou Tells The Story Of China’s Islamic Past. The Best of 2021.

By Alessandra Cappelletti, Associate Professor, Department of International Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University The labyrinth of alleys and lanes in the old city of Suzhou hides a secret: historical fragments of the long history of Islam in China. Regular stories… Continue Reading →

The Left and Right Should Unite to Fight Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Unable to prosecute their case on data and logic, zero-Covid zealots have descended to discredit-by-labelling. One Australian columnist berated ‘commentators who often have more opinions than brains’. No, he wasn’t looking into a mirror but referring… Continue Reading →

Birds Use Massive Magnetic Maps To Migrate: Some Could Cover The Whole World. The Best of 2021.

By Richard Holland, Bangor University and Dmitry Kishkinev, Keele University Every year, billions of songbirds migrate thousands of miles between Europe and Africa – and then repeat that same journey again, year after year, to nest in exactly the same… Continue Reading →

And So Much More. The Best of 2021.

Unfolding Catastrophe: Part III. By John Stapleton. Early in the “pandemic”, or “plandemic” as sceptics were already calling it, both mainstream and independent commentators queued to attack Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose mishandling of Covid-19 was likely to be… Continue Reading →

No Plan PM: How the Australian Government’s Lack of an Aged Care Plan Cost Lives. The Best of 2021.

By Dr Sarah Russell: Michael West Media. Australia’s aged care sector is a national disgrace. A 21 billion dollar taxpayer funded industry is so user unfriendly, so byzantine in its bureaucracy, that few elderly citizens could ever negotiate it. The… Continue Reading →

COVID-19 and the Global Shift Towards Authoritarian Governance. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Despite recurring lockdowns globally, COVID-19 continues to plague the planet. The pandemic toll on 29 January 2021 stands at 101 million cases worldwide, 56 million recoveries, and 2.19 million deaths as a result… Continue Reading →

Apes, Robots and Men: The Life and Death of the First Space Chimp. The Best of 2021.

By Alice Gorman, Flinders University. On January 31, 1961, an intrepid chimpanzee called Ham was launched on a rocket from Cape Canaveral in the United States, and returned to Earth alive. In this process, he became the first hominin in… Continue Reading →

Why Are Australian Governments Constructing the Surveillance State? The Best of 2021.

By Paul Gregoire with Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Originally Published 4 January, 2021. Peter Dutton saw his ASIO Bill passed on the last parliamentary sitting day for 2020. The home affairs minister most likely had a rare smile upon his face whilst… Continue Reading →

It’s Just Not Cricket. The Best of 2021.

By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Originally Published 8 January, 2021. The Sydney cricket test has begun.  Virtually without a crowd.  Those there are all wearing masks, because they are compulsory in Sydney.  Covid summer madness has hit the Premier… Continue Reading →

Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World. The Best of 2021.

Preface by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg. Originally Published 13 January, 2021. The comforting belief that democratic freedoms have history on their side and will eventually prevail everywhere has always been tinged with wishful thinking. World events of the past… Continue Reading →

Australia’s National Marches — Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Cairns, Sydney!

TOTT News ‘Unite For Our Rights!’: Pro-choice Australians march and celebrate across capital cities Huge pro-choice crowds have turned out for end-of-year demonstrations and well-deserved celebrations across the country. It has been a long year for freedom campaigners, as the… Continue Reading →

In A Year of Utter Madness One Thing Is Certain: New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard Has To Go

With TOTT News and A Sense of Place Magazine. Millions of citizens of Australia’s most populous state have had their lives and businesses destroyed or profoundly disrupted throughout the madness, the sheer unadulterated insanity, of 2021. Front and centre of… Continue Reading →

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