By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project American author and political satirist C J Hopkins writes: “Seriously, the point of this entire exercise (or at least this phase of this entire exercise) is to radically, irrevocably, transform society into a monolithic… Continue Reading →
Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project While it is difficult to know exactly what is going on in the Northern Territory, there is enough news emerging about which to be very worried. With yet another mini-me dictator at the helm intent… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. AFTER the sad demise of the previous NSW premier, I thought, well, one eastern State’s unspellable spinster-premier is gone, one to go. The then State of Origin contest over who could be the more ghastly premier came… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. I used to think that the Murdoch press supported the vaccines rollout because it wanted to support the Morrison Government. Now I am convinced that I got that one-hundred-and-eighty-degrees wrong. My new working hypothesis… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. Illustrated by Michael Fitzjames. The NSW Government has released its “roadmap” out of the Covid “crisis”. A crisis it and other Australian governments have created. A crisis in no one else’s eyes. Oh, yes, we-the-hypnotised have bought… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. The Freedoms Project. Writer, columnist and researcher Paul Collits has been one of Australia’s leading writers since the beginning of this entire benighted era. A Sense of Place Magazine has been proud to publish him. As millions… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. Is it a peculiarly modern phenomenon to wish endlessly to label your opponents stupid or evil? Or, was it ever thus? A persistent human trait to indulge in ad hominem arguments. I always believe that when you… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: UK Conservative Woman THE British historian Guy de la Bédoyère claims that ‘Australia is falling apart’. Off Guardian suggests that we are ‘going full fascist’. Daily reports in France, Russia and everywhere in between and beyond, hover between pity, amusement and disbelief. How… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits SOME years ago, I essayed that Malcolm Turnbull was, for the Liberal Party, the Manchurian Candidate par excellence. Readers may recall the 1962 film classic in which a prisoner of war was brainwashed by communists into becoming… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits THERE are two supreme ironies in play this week in the Covid Commonwealth of Australia, where we have most of the population housebound, lockdown mania creeping from the cities into the back blocks as (typically) a single,… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Those of us confined to lockdowns will know the pain of Covid politics. Add to that the pain of useless isolation and you get the full, purgatorial picture. The sheer accidental genius of politicians has been brought… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project Those who thought that the NSW Government’s approach to Covid management was both liberal and proportional have been delivered a rude shock, with escalating Covid State totalitarianism that is only just beginning. This article… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Individual rights, traditionally conceived, exist prior to, and separate from, the State. Not any more, in the age of Covid and lockdown, all that we previously accepted about government has been discarded. And we did it. It… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Australians “want to eliminate Covid”. So says the Zero Covid Man, aka the Australian Prime Minister. Perhaps the greatest fear is that he might be right. If so, then comes the question: is it worse to have… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits One of the less noticed aspects of the Year of Living Covidly has been the birth of strange new alliances and unexpected political fissures to which lockdown policies and lockdown scepticism have given rise. We now have… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. Australia’s ruling Coalition of the Liberal and National Parties is now mired in scandal so deep they are facing electoral oblivion. The tremulous leadership of current Prime Minister Scott Morrison is dragging down the conservative brand; and… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The Covid vaccines have been hailed as the world’s route out of lockdown and associated measures. Not so fast, as we now are coming to realise. The inept Morrison Government should be held to far higher standards… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The current penchant that governments and many citizens have for “Covidocracy” looks like becoming permanent. This is despite the initial promise of the silver bullet vaccine. Those who, quite legitimately, question the efficacy of the jab, are… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Margaret Court has brought on the ire of the diversity brigade because as a fundamentalist Christian she is opposed to gay marriage. Ms Court has been promoted from an Officer of the Order of Australia to a… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The charge of being a conspiracy theorist is now poison. A conversation killer. Unfortunately, many dissenters from the State’s line on many issues, not just Covid, are cowed by the charge. It is a trick. The charge… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The year 2020 will go down in history as the year China’s long-term strategies for global domination and short-term tactics to achieve it paid off big time. And they used a virus to do it. We have… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The journalists Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon are outstanding practitioners of their craft. They have written a must-read, cracking story of Australia’s worst ever legal fiasco. Naturally, it involves Victoria Police. The journalists Anthony Dowsley and Patrick… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits. Illustrated by Michael Fitzjames. 2020 was the very worst of times. A year not to savour but to regret. What was thought inconceivable a mere twelve months ago is now real. It can never be inconceivable again. … Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits There was a pleasant surprise in the mail a few weeks back, when a new book arrived. It was a book that I had not anticipated, though perhaps I should have. It is The Persecution of George Pell,… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits We are facing a six-headed monster of tyranny. Freedom is on the line, as Western, so-called democratic governments have trashed our basic human rights. How much do we know, or care? The West now faces a hexagon… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Welcome to the Covid economy. Depleted incomes, smashed small businesses, bullshit jobs, a whole new platform for crony capitalism, deserted main streets. What’s not to love? Not many businesses and industries are growing in 2020. Main Street… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The Covid affair of 2020 simply couldn’t have happened a decade ago. It is a chilling thought that we are only cowering beneath the stare of Big Brother because of tech. Yes, we are only going through… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The Anglosphere faces a crisis of leadership. The West is now ruled wall-to-wall by second rate ideologues and/or chancers, either determined to change the global order or powerless to prevent the revolution we now face. When the… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits The madness of 2020 has changed our lives forever. We owe it to ourselves to ask how, who and why? Whoever thought that any government would ever claim to have conquered death? King Canute saw the challenges… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits We now inhabit a strange world where politicians and health bureaucrats, working in tandem, run just about every element of our lives. This weird new system has replaced democracy as we once knew it, and it may… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits Those who wish to curtail our freedom and rights over a public health scare paint those who oppose their efforts as fringe dwellers and extremists. Deplorables. Anti-vaxxers. Nut cases. The ones who we should really fear are… Continue Reading →
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