TOTT News After three years of utterly pointless lockdowns and a mass vaccination campaign which did massive harm to the country, Australia is returning to a semblance of normality. It is an illusion. If the Australian authorities can lockdown the… Continue Reading →
Rebekah Barnett: The Brownstone Institute. Pfizer has weighed in on the upcoming referendum in which Australians will vote on whether to change their constitution. Australians will be asked to vote YES or NO to the following question: “A Proposed Law: to… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The story below was written some four years ago. It showed the massive connivance between social media platforms and the Australian government. It also covered the violent suppression of protests, in this case over Australia’s high immigration… Continue Reading →
TOTT NEWS The truly bizarre visit of Bill Gates to Australia in early 2023 raised many eyebrows. Just after making half a billion US dollars selling stock in BioNTech, his admission while in Australia that the vaccines which he so… Continue Reading →
Extract from Terror in Australia: Workers’ Paradise Lost. Tuesday 25 April, 2023 is Anzac Day in Australia. Australian governments had always appealed to nationalism in their aggressive drives to recruit young men to war. World War One posters included: “Under… Continue Reading →
By Adam Creighton: Brownstone Institute. The dam wall has finally broken. In the US and Australia, the chapter of silence on reporting Covid-19 vaccine injuries appears to have slammed shut, due in no small part to Christine Middap’s excellent series… Continue Reading →
By Sue Price: Men’s Rights Agency. Censorship’s alive and well in Australia Recently, the Australian Labour Government announced an inquiry into their proposal that the Family Law act should be altered to remove Shared Parental Responsibility and interfere with the… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton. Illustrations by John Brack. This isn’t just a temporary setback, it’s an extermination. Australia’s conservatives are going through their worst period since the formation of the Liberal Party in 1944. Their rout at the May Federal election… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Artwork Trees at Night by Arthur Henry “Art” Young. Since the beginning of the Covid era, Paul Collits has stood out as one of the boldest and most cogent of commentators on the moral… Continue Reading →
Matt Fitzpatrick, Flinders University. Much has been made of Australia’s renewed engagement with Asia and the Pacific since Labor came to power. Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s “charm offensive” in the Pacific was seen as the beginning of a new process… Continue Reading →
By Rex Patrick: Michael West Media Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has just committed Australia to spending $368 billion on somewhere between three and five second-hand US Virginia Class submarines, and a follow on build of eight next generation British AUKUS… Continue Reading →
Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra Former Prime Minister Paul Keating has launched a swingeing attack on the Labor government over the AUKUS submarine agreement, accusing Anthony Albanese of relying on “two seriously unwise ministers, Penny Wong and Richard Marles”. Keating… Continue Reading →
By Michael West: Michael West Media There will be no better opportunity than now for Anthony Albanese to ask US President Joe Biden for the release of Julian Assange. This week Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese met with US President… Continue Reading →
David Uren: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Fewer than one in 10 Western multinationals with subsidiaries in Russia has quit any of them in the year since the Ukraine invasion began. This finding by two highly regarded academics, Simon Evenett from University of… Continue Reading →
By Mike Gilligan: Pearls and Irritations The risks for Australia in joining another “failed” American war, this one contrived to crush China, are worse than even-money, and climbing. The consequences verge on existential. Australia’s wartime Prime Minister John Curtin wrote to… Continue Reading →
By David Nieuwenhoven. Images by Jamie Minco Photography. This tribute to the Convoy to Canberra and the days which changed Australia forever has taken me three days to write as I wanted to convey many different stories, videos, pictures, messages… Continue Reading →
Dusty Starr is from Kinglake Ranges, the mountain districts north of the world’s most locked down city, Melbourne Australia. A well known star of Australian country music, like so many other Australians he has been radicalised by the draconian overreach… Continue Reading →
TOTT News Inspired by dramatic scenes of truckie protests in Canada, where the Prime Minster has been forced into hiding after a large convoy crossed the country, gaining worldwide attention, Australians have joined the movement and are descending upon nation’s… Continue Reading →
Michael Gray Griffith: Café Locked Out. Day three was a cooler day, but only weather wise. Every hour the police entered the camp and did a walk through. All of them masked up and initially polite, they passed through the… Continue Reading →
By Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The ease with which the majority of people slipped into compliance with lockdown restrictions was a distressing surprise. The acceptance of facemasks in community and children’s school settings was a disappointment. Governments’ success in… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The 12th of February 2022, hundreds of thousands of Australians came to Canberra and lived together to protest the totalitarianism of the Australian Government, and asked the Governor general to “Sack Them All”. No politician, no intelligence… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton Canberra’s Parliament House, an elegant 4,700 room building designed as a symbol of national unity, was opened in 1988 by Queen Elisabeth II and cost what was then regarded as a wildly extravagant $1.1 billion. The front… Continue Reading →
This is Chapter Two of the book Convoy to Canberra. The excitement, and let’s be frank, the astonishment, gathered like a rolling storm. The preceding days had taken everybody by surprise. No one, not even the most optimistic of activists,… Continue Reading →
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? The most truly bizarre of all the many bizarre aspects of Bill Gates visit to Australia was the confession that the vaccines he promoted,… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The humanitarian crimes committed by Australian authorities against their own citizens, beginning in early 2020, will live on in infamy, but it is the people themselves who create a nation’s history. On the 12th of February 2022,… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The three major controversies over pandemic management for the past three years have been lockdown measures, universal masking recommendations and mandates, and Covid vaccines. The last was a pharmaceutical intervention using revolutionary new… Continue Reading →
Coverage from TOTT NEWS, True Arrow and Others. Despite lockdowns and restrictions ending, vaccine mandates continue to create havoc across multiple Australian industries and the larger agenda is still very much in motion. With Australia now having one of the… Continue Reading →
Michelle Pini: Independent Australia. Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was until his recent demolition at the polls the world’s only Pentecostal national leader. Still in parliament, and thereby still living off the taxpayer, he is continuing his Pentecostal agenda… Continue Reading →
Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog: Paul Gregoire. Six years after Four Corners exposed the atrocities being perpetrated upon children at Darwin’s Don Dale Youth Detention Centre – and the subsequent push for reforms in its wake – the Northern Territory government has successfully… Continue Reading →
The Great City: Extract from Dark Dark Policing by John Stapleton. From Malcolm Turnbull’s first day as Prime Minister in 2015, the bombings on Iraq increased. That is, he was responsible for killing more Muslims than any other Prime Minister… Continue Reading →
By Professor Ramesh Thakur: The Spectator Australia. As someone who has been looking at Covid-related data since the outbreak of the pandemic and a resident of the ACT until the end of last year, my curiosity got the better of… Continue Reading →
Susan Pavan: i3 Publications. Tyranny is on our front door step, according to groups fighting for freedoms lost in Australia. It was 4.55am, dark, almost dawn, pearly droplets nestled one-by-one on a banksia leaf. The air was crisp, the street… Continue Reading →
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