Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag auspol

Peddling Outrage: Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Assuming Role as Chief Censor

By Paul Collits Is the eSafety Commissioner – one Julie Inman Grant – coming for me?  Or you?  Well, she is coming for Elon Musk, threatening Twitter with $700,000 a day fine unless the company shows that it is countering… Continue Reading →

“Orwellian”: Draft legislation for Australian online ‘misinformation’ released

TOTT NEWS The federal government has released a new draft bill that would give the communications watchdog more powers to be able to fine social media giants for hosting ‘misinformation’ on their platforms. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. If… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Ministry of Truth: The Authoritarian Madness Down Under Just Got Worse

By John Stapleton Australia has long been a democracy in name over, with a passing parade of shrills posing as politicians parading before an ever increasingly disenchanted public. Now, on what would have been George Orwell’s 120th anniversary, the Australian… Continue Reading →

Australian Labor Government’s Appalling Family Law Amendment Bill 2023. John Stapleton’s Interview with Dads4Kids.

With Warwick Marsh. John Stapleton is the author of Chaos at the Crossroads: Family Law Reform in Australia and was a cofounder of the world’s longest running radio program dedicated to fatherhood issues, Dads On The Air. Of all the… Continue Reading →

Australia Awash with Dirty Money – The Laundering Loopholes

Jamie Ferrill and Milind Tiwari, Charles Sturt University Australia’s financial crime laws are unfit for purpose. The problem: there are many professionals currently facilitating money laundering within the country who are exempt from the laws and regulations set up to… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Labor Government to Destroy One of the World’s Greatest Whale Migration Routes

By John Stapleton Australia’s Labor government, elected in 2022, is planning to destroy the country’s most beloved whale migration route by placing hundreds of wind turbines directly on its path. Wind farms are notorious around the world for their destruction… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Sky News Interview with Author John Stapleton

Massive harm was done both to Australian society as a whole, and to millions of individuals, as a result of Australia’s deranged Covid response. Chris Kenny at Sky News is one of the few commentators in Australia who has repeatedly… Continue Reading →

The Zeee Media Interview with John Stapleton, Author of Australia Breaks Apart

Of the many independent Australian media outlets which have emerged in the past three years, driven by the failure of the mainstream media to cover the abysmal collapse of freedoms in the country, Zeee Media is one of the most… Continue Reading →

Forest of the Fallen: Letter from Australia

By Alison Bevege Thousands of people injured or killed by the covid gene-vaccines were unwelcome proof the injections weren’t safe, so they were silenced. Now, they have a voice. Forest of the Fallen: so beautiful is the concept. It’s a… Continue Reading →

Rampant Money Laundering, Foreign Investors, put squeeze on Australian Renters, First Home Buyers

Milan Cooper: Michael West Media As the debate over the housing crisis ramps up in Parliament, the impact of money laundering driving up property prices has been largely ignored. Behind the scenes, work is being done for Australia to catch… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Department of Health confronted over Covid Censorship and Lies

TOTT NEWS Following revelations of federal department co-operation to ensure a mass veil of COVID censorship, health representatives were called to question at a senate estimates hearing. After recent revelations revealing the Department of Home Affairs censored thousands of social media posts… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Author Interview

To watch. The interview with author John Stapleton is the first 24 minutes of this program. John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians… Continue Reading →

Killing Bees: Destroying Australia’s Food Chain. Our Most Popular Stories of 2023.

By Nick Thompson The heartfelt outrage of a young Australian bee keeper James Evans and passionate attempts to warn the public about what has occurred on his family’s New South Wales farm, Vast Harvest Permaculture, has gone viral. James has… Continue Reading →

Chapter One. Australia Breaks Apart. Prison Island. Extract. Publication Date 12 June, 2023.

Old Alex sat on that sunlit step in an unfanciful suburb called Oak Flats; flooded with light, exhausted, perhaps, to be fanciful about it all, as if he’d just written 1984 and was basking in creative satisfaction, and the glory…. Continue Reading →

Taking the Male Bashing Disaster of Australian Family Law Back to the Dark Ages

With John Flanagan Of all the many things that the left wing Albanese Labor Government did not bother to tell the Australian public prior to last year’s election was that they intended to take Australia’s utterly dysfunctional family law system… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Leading Freedom of Information Expert Rex Patrick on Australia’s Squandering of $368 Billion on the American Military Industrial Complex

Michael West Media The Defence Department has outdone itself with the AUKUS submarine project. In Paul Keating’s words, “it’s the worst deal in all history”. That’s not just because of the staggering $368 billion price tag, but because of the… Continue Reading →

Will Jab Victims finally get Justice with Class Action Lawsuit?

TOTT NEWS Recently, a class action was launched in the NSW Federal Court against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Health Department and senior public servants, by those claiming vaccine harm. The suit is reported to have has 500 members, including three… Continue Reading →

Can Australia capitalise on AI while Reducing its Risks?

Toby Walsh, UNSW Sydney The world missed the boat with social media. It fuelled misinformation, fake news, and polarisation. We saw the harms too late, once they had already started to have a substantive impact on society. With artificial intelligence… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Passing Covid Parade

By Paul Collits Try this quick quiz, or ask the next person in the street you bump into – what do the following people have in common? Natasha Fyles.  Roger Cook.  Jeremy Rockliff.  Andrew Barr.  Peter Malinauskas.  If you guessed… Continue Reading →

Native Raspberries, Limes and Geraniums: How did these Curious Plants end up in Australia?

Gregory Moore, The University of Melbourne While plants can’t walk, they can certainly travel. Some species have travelled vast distances over millennia, moving by different and varied modes. Some found new habitats when the continent they were riding on slowly… Continue Reading →

Chapter 13: SOS Australia: The New World Order. Extract from Australia Breaks Apart. Publication Date 12 June, 2023.

With Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor,… Continue Reading →

Saviour or Tyrant? The Pandemic brought out West Australian Premier Mark McGowan’s True Colours

Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under West Australian Premier Mark McGowan stepped down from office this week, citing exhaustion, and a cascade of tributes ensued. Disaffected conservatives served snark (“Goodbye to WA’s worst ever Premier”). Legacy masthead The Australian offered a level-headed wrap-up (“Leading shouldn’t… Continue Reading →

Pick of the Crop: Our Best Stories for May

Chapter Three: The Derangement of Battle. Extract from Australia Breaks Apart. Publication Date: 12 June, 2023.

John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor, The Australian.  With terrifying clarity and a… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Creepy Covid Cops: Explosive Revelations over Appalling Censorship of Correct Information

By Paul Collits When it comes to Covid, It has been a very, very busy month in Australia, with the news of the systematic censorship of Australian citizens making international news. It now lies beyond question that Australia’s Home Affairs… Continue Reading →

Stop the Shots: Dr Aseem Malhotra Australian Tour – Curing the Corruption of Medicine

Dr Julie Sladden and Kara Thomas Dr Aseem Malhotra is no stranger to speaking out about important health issues. Especially when these issues involve the interests of large corporations including the pharmaceutical industry. For the past decade, this world-renowned cardiologist and campaigner has… Continue Reading →

May Freedom Never Die: Australia’s Freedom Movement Lives On

TOTT News After three years of utterly pointless lockdowns and a mass vaccination campaign which did massive harm to the country, Australia is returning to a semblance of normality. It is an illusion. If the Australian authorities can lockdown the… Continue Reading →

Pfizer Backs The Voice: The Kiss of Death?

Rebekah Barnett: The Brownstone Institute. Pfizer has weighed in on the upcoming referendum in which Australians will vote on whether to change their constitution. Australians will be asked to vote YES or NO to the following question: “A Proposed Law: to… Continue Reading →

Protecting Aboriginal Allodial Sovereign Rights: A Case to Vote NO in the Referendum

Steven Porter: Moree As the upcoming referendum approaches, there is a pressing need for Aboriginal people to carefully consider the potential impact on their allodial sovereign rights. While the discussion around the referendum largely revolves around classifications such as “aboriginal,”… Continue Reading →

Australia: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Rex Patrick: Michael West Media While we’ve been busily distracted on the big issues like cost of living, AUKUS, the Voice, access to doctors and a broken gas market, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been quietly wrapping a highly… Continue Reading →

Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism

Extract: Angus Deaton and Anne Case From Nobel Prize winning economist Angus Deaton and leading academic Anne Case comes a beautifully written, concise, accessible and groundbreaking study of the collapse of America’s working class and the profound political consequences that… Continue Reading →

Bill Gates held private dinner with billionaires while in Sydney

TOTT NEWS The truly bizarre visit of Bill Gates to Australia in early 2023 raised many eyebrows. Just after making half a billion US dollars selling stock in BioNTech, his admission while in Australia that the vaccines which he so… Continue Reading →

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