Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag auspol

Digital Identity Bill passes through Australia’s Upper-house

From TOTT News Australia’s digital identity scheme is almost set to expand nationally, after a landmark bill, first drafted more than three years ago, passes the Senate. Australia’s Minister for Finance, Senator Katy Gallagher, has led the charge to move… Continue Reading →

Australians Taxed into Servitude

By Robert Carling: Centre for Independent Studies As the end of the Australian financial year approaches, thoughts often turn to taxation and how to minimise it (legally). While the focus is on income tax paid to the federal government, the… Continue Reading →

Australian Government Censorship threatens Health, Safety and Scientific Freedom

Kara Thomas: Australian Medical Professionals Society Medical regulation now appears designed to control the thoughts and speech of Australia’s 850,000 Health Professionals. Doctors are disciplined for offering opinions that do not align with approved government messaging on gender, culture, public… Continue Reading →

Where Is Australia’s Royal Commission into the Covid Response? The Truth Will Out.

By John Stapleton Australia’s response to Covid was arguably the worst in the world, with the country making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons, including the pepper spraying of protestors and the censorship of dissident voices. The… Continue Reading →

Bankwest Closing Branches in ‘solely digital’ Cashless Shift

From TOTT NEWS Bankwest recently announced it will close more branches in Western Australia as it moves towards a “digital future”, citing staffing issues and a rapid decline of demand for cash services. The changes come as Commonwealth Bank pursues a plan… Continue Reading →

As Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison quits Parliament at last, his ‘Legacy’ has Little to Recommend it

Frank Bongiorno, Australian National University The recent months have been kind to Peter Dutton and the Coalition. Scott Morrison’s announcement that he will leave parliament at the end of February is the latest instalment of the federal opposition’s good run…. Continue Reading →

The Review: Our Enemy The Government. Ramesh Thakur.

By Paul Collits The Covid era produced many villains, across countries, governments, major political parties, thebureaucracy, the legacy media, the universities, the corporates, Big Pharma and Big Tech. Many villainsand few heroes. Or as author Ramesh Thakur, one of Australia’s… Continue Reading →

No Money for Aerial Fire Fighting, Lots for Overseas Shipyards

By Rex Patrick: Michael West Media Despite repeated urgings from experts, the Federal Government is refusing to establish a sovereign aerial firefighting capability. There’s plenty of AUKUS cash to invest in US and UK shipyards but nothing to keep Australian… Continue Reading →

One of the Most Glorious Stories of 2023: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, last of the Covid Tyrants, Steps Down.

TOTT News In case you were too disillusioned with Australia’s hapless mainstream media, or too busy working to survive the cost of living and housing crises now afflicting the country, here from last month is one of the most truly… Continue Reading →

Why the Australian Secret Intelligence Service should be Abolished. Holiday Reading.

By Brian Toohey: Pearls and Irritations The Australian Secret Intelligence Service was established in 1950 to conduct spying overseas and morally repulsive covert operations. It had a slow start, but in the 1970s it sent three staff to Chile to… Continue Reading →

A Resounding NO: Australia’s Referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Fails

By John Stapleton. Sources: Various. Millions of words have been written over the past 18 months in Australia about a government proposal to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, an advisory body to represent the interests of the Nation’s First… Continue Reading →

Voice Referendum Australia’s Brexit?

By Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under Elite left-wingers say racist voters are duped by misinformation, but the Taranto Principle suggests that, once again, it is the elites who are duped by the reverberations in their own echo chamber. Formulated by… Continue Reading →

The Albanese Government’s Death Spiral: The Loss of All Credibility

By John Stapleton Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be touring Australia this week promoting the “Vote Yes” campaign for the Referendum for constitutional recognition of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, prior to the vote this coming Saturday, 14 October. Problematic… Continue Reading →

Australia: The Cranky Country

By Paul Collits At a recent packed out No event for the extremely divisive issue of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Senator Jacinta Price, Opposition Spokeswoman on Indigenous Affairs, received a Standing ovation on arrival, and also at the end,… Continue Reading →

YouTube Censors One of Australia’s Most Talented Young Journalists

By John Stapleton. With Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under. Rebekah Barnett reports from Western Australia. She holds a degree in Communications from the University of Western Australia and when it comes to a new generation of journalists born out of… Continue Reading →

Ding, Dong, Dan is Gone! Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews leaves a legacy of Brutality, Debt and Corruption

Rebekah Barnett: Dystopia Down Under Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who imposed the world’s longest Covid lockdowns on his state, officially steps down from his position today. Andrews earned the nickname ‘Dictator Dan’ for his strongman style of leadership during the… Continue Reading →

A Public Relations Disaster: The Wind Farms That Ate Australia

By John Stapleton The Albanese Labor government is in a death spiral, suffering savage reputational damage from its highly divisive and failing campaign to change the Referendum and establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. It has been desperate to distract… Continue Reading →

Freedom Loving Australians Celebrate: Dictator Dan Resigns

By John Stapleton There are few moments in Australian history more glorious than the resignation of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, otherwise known as Dictator Dan. At last, at long, long last, the widely despised Premier of Victoria, the man responsible… Continue Reading →

Who’s at the Party? Australia’s Thriving Business of Corporate Access to Politicians

By Zacharias Szumer: Michael West Media The business forums of both major parties sell political access to corporate Australia, and they make a pretty penny doing so. Many of Australia’s largest companies are members and their events can raise hundreds… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Covid Non-Inquiry: An Insult to All Australians

By Paul Collits Anthony Albanese promised a Royal Commission, or something very close to it, into Covid policy.  The case for a Royal Commission was laid out in detail in the Senate by the estimable Malcolm Roberts a little while… Continue Reading →

‘Racist and stupid’: How to Lose an Australian Referendum

Rebekah Barnett: Dystopia Down Under This might be the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum’s ‘basket of deplorables’ moment. Hillary Clinton famously applied the slur to half of Donald Trump’s supporters, who she described as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” The… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Pandemic Treaty now in “consultation” before Your Sovereignty is Sold.

TOTT NEWS New international ‘legal instrument’ looms. CONSULTATION STAGE The Australian government has released a consultation paper detailing their adherence to a “global accord” on “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” moving forward. As was the concern, this will come in the form… Continue Reading →

Australians to vote October 14 on the Voice, with Prime Minister Albanese urging people to support ‘an idea’

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra Australians will vote on October 14 to decide whether the Constitution will be changed to include a Voice to Parliament and executive government. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the long-anticipated date to an enthusiastic audience… Continue Reading →

Pfizer in the Australian Parliament: Senator Matt Canavan. The Best of the Transcripts.

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SENATE EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Members in attendance: Senators Antic, Canavan, Grogan, Hanson, O’Sullivan, Payman, Rennick, Roberts and SheldonTerms of Reference for the Inquiry:To inquire into and report on:COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022Fair… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Share Market of Deathly Hollows: $100b of equity passes from public to private hands in takeover binge

By Stephen Mayne: Michael West Media Australian companies worth billions of dollars are slipping into private hands at an alarming rate. Stephen Mayne explores what’s driving it and why it’s a worry.   After 38 years as a public company, vitamins group… Continue Reading →

The Albanese Government’s craven desire to bolster the alliance with Washington

By Allan Patience: University of Melbourne. Pearls and Irritations. When will Australians realise, as former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating has been unerringly consistent in arguing, that they are part of the cosmopolitanism and complexity of Asia, and not a Western… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: A Book Review

By Paul Collits: Substack What exactly do you say when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world?  When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons?  When you realise that the institutions that you… Continue Reading →

‘Quite horrendous’: Dr John Campbell on West Australian Vaccine Safety Data. The Greatest Medical Scandal in Australian History.

By Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under Dr John Campbell, retired nurse educator and Covid data YouTuber, features the West Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance 2021 report in a new video. “I was completely appalled by this report,” he says. Dr Campbell says… Continue Reading →

YouTube Censors Australian Politician’s Maiden Speech to Parliament

By Rebekah Barnett: Brownstone Institute Thirty minutes of truth bombs is how one Twitter user described Liberal Democrat John Ruddick’s maiden speech to the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament, Wednesday 28 June.  Indeed, Ruddick, who left the Liberal Party in 2021 after… Continue Reading →

Weaponising Banks against Men: False Allegations of Financial Abuse can now be used to Freeze Accounts

By Bettina Arndt: Substack Last week, Nigel Farage’s bank announced they were closing his accounts. The controversial UK politician had been with the bank for 40 years and was given no reason for the decision. Since then, Farage has tried unsuccessfully to… Continue Reading →

A Vice-Regal Stitch-up? How the Great, the Good and the Consultants fell in with Australian Governor-General’s Favourite Charity

By Jommy Tee: Michael West Media. When the Governor-General’s man knocks, you open the door. Simple. Many avenues of influence were used in the making of the $18m taxpayer-funded Australian Future Leaders Foundation.  When your charity has the GG’s David Hurley’s… Continue Reading →

A Submission to the Senate from Men’s Rights Agency

At the end of February 2023, the Labor Party unexpectedly introduced changes to the Family Law Act, without any pre-warning or discussion. A Sense of Place Magazine is publishing this submission in particular because of the one-sided nature of the… Continue Reading →

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