Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag lockdowns

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen

By Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute. As countries emerge from the Dystopia of lockdown restrictions, there’s growing awareness of the phenomenon of excess deaths, for example in the  UK and Australia. On July 8, The Daily Mail (UK) reported that collateral damage of lockdowns is killing 1,000… Continue Reading →

The Left and Right Should Unite to Fight Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Unable to prosecute their case on data and logic, zero-Covid zealots have descended to discredit-by-labelling. One Australian columnist berated ‘commentators who often have more opinions than brains’. No, he wasn’t looking into a mirror but referring… Continue Reading →

An Interview with Gigi Foster, Warrior Against Lockdowns. The Best of 2021.

From the Brownstone Institute. Featured Artwork Martin Lewis. Gigi Foster, economic professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, is co-author of The Great Covid Panic (Brownstone Institute, 2021) and a fierce opponent of lockdowns and mandates that have caused… Continue Reading →

The Intellectual Clout Behind The Anti-Lockdown Movement

By John Stapleton. With Professor Ramesh Thakur In the lockdown insanity which has gripped the Australian political class one of the country’s most distinguished academics, Professor Ramesh Thakur of the Australian National University, has stood out for his bold, erudite… Continue Reading →

Turning Australians Against Australians. International and Local Coverage. For the weekend of 21 August; as the nation prepares for more of the most violent demonstrations Australia has ever seen.


The Biggest Mistake in History: Debating the Great Lockdown: The Best Of 2020.

By Professor Ramesh Thakur Early assumptions of extraordinary SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness and lethality have proven fallacious. Some are already calling the coronavirus lockdown “the Greatest Mistake in History.” The seductive numerical precision of the Imperial College London (ICL) March 16 model, with grim forecasts of… Continue Reading →

Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. The Best of 2020.

The wildly inaccurate nature of initial modelling may proffer some excuse for the Australian government’s catastrophic mishandling of the Covid crisis. But within weeks of it all beginning epidemiologists from some of the world’s leading institutions were speaking out, warning … Continue Reading →

Melbourne Meltdown: The Best of 2020.

Every single day, seemingly without end, more than five million people in Melbourne are suffering through the harshest lockdowns in the world. Metropolitan Melbourne residents may only leave their homes for a “valid” reason and must comply with a curfew… Continue Reading →

Violent Australia: The Mob Rises: The Best of 2020.

Australia has never seen anything like it. And somehow we’re all fine with it. This extremely distressing footage of yet another pregnant woman being violently and aggressively arrested in Melbourne went viral within hours yesterday and is likely to be… Continue Reading →

Australian Medical Association’s Reputation Destroyed in Covid Chaos: The Best Of 2020.

By John Stapleton Do No harm. So goes the most basic maxim of medical practice. Yet many hundreds of Australian practitioners have done exactly that, with senior health bureaucrats standing side by side with the nation’s grandstanding politicians as they… Continue Reading →

Deadly Lockdowns: The Argument Is Lost: The Best Of 2020

By Professor Ramesh Thakur On 8 October, I delivered a lecture on ‘Covid-19: A Data Driven Reality Check’ via Zoom to the World Bank-affiliated Global Development Learning Network. The webinar attracted 55 participants from five African and Asian countries, many… Continue Reading →

New Lockdowns and More Regulations Are Disastrous for US Jobs

By Daniel Lacalle United States jobless claims have picked up, since the elections and the second wave of coronavirus have slowed down the economic recovery. Uncertainty about tax increases and changes in labor laws, including an increase in the minimum wage, add… Continue Reading →

Covid-19: Politicisation, Corruption and Suppression of Science

From the British Medical Journal A scathing editorial on government misuse of Covid-19 to scare, intimidate and confuse populations while distorting the science behind the most over-hyped disease in history has appeared in the prestigious British Medical Journal.  Covid-19 has… Continue Reading →

Open Letter From Doctors and Health Professionals to All Authorities in Belgium and the Belgian Media

We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, would like to express our serious concerns in this way, in connection with the state of affairs in recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently… Continue Reading →

Is Lockdown Worth the Pain? No, it’s a Sledgehammer

By Julian Savulescu, University of Oxford Melbourne’s lockdown has been described as one of the harshest in the world. And jurisdictions outside Australia have taken other measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 once case numbers have eased. So, in… Continue Reading →

Lockdowns Hurt Small Business and Young Australians. Meanwhile Public Servants Flourish

By Daniel Wild This is not Australia’s first recession, nor will not be the last, but it is the first recession caused by deliberate actions taken by government. Creating a depression-era economy is the expert classes’ solution to managing COVID-19…. Continue Reading →

Australia’s Lockdown Sceptics Go Mainstream

By John Stapleton The debate over Australia’s harsh lockdowns has turned. From the beginning the cognoscenti, if you wish to call them that, did not climb on board, much less rally behind the flag. But the masses thought otherwise. Anyone… Continue Reading →

Inhumane Lockdowns Compound Australia’s Covid Fiasco

By Dr Guy Campbell We are facing a lethal and unpredictable enemy that is impossible to completely eradicate, which means that most of us will at some point be immunised with COVID-19 either from natural spread or immunisation. Living with… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Lockdowns: Creating a Social and Economic Disaster

By Terrence O’Brien and Robert Carling. Centre for Independent Studies. Current policies against Covid are unsustainably costly to jobs and living standards. They produce downsides for other health outcomes, such that the net impact on health over time is becoming… Continue Reading →

Lockdowns Could Kill More People Than COVID-19

By Professor Ramesh Thakur There has been a remarkable lack of observed statistical difference in the rates of death for countries, and for US states, that have and have not locked down. An assessment of the models used to project… Continue Reading →

COVID-19 Does Not Make it to the Top 50 Causes of Deaths in Australia. For This We Have Sacrificed Everything?

By Professor Ramesh Thakur If ever there was justification for a Royal Commission, this is it. Its primary term of reference should not be to apportion blame, but to identify how we can prepare better for the next big one. With 102… Continue Reading →

Defective Modelling Throws Lockdowns into the Dustbin of Credibility

By Professor Ramesh Thakur On 26 May, Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy said if Australia’s mortality rate matched the UK’s, we’d have had 14,000 Covid-19 deaths. This is just tautological rubbish. It would be just as true and equally pointless to… Continue Reading →

Lockdowns Can Be Cruel, Heartless, and Deadly

By Emeritus Professor Ramesh Thakur  Human beings are family- and community-oriented social animals. Sharing food and drink at home or in restaurants, enjoying the cinema, watching cricket, or appreciating a concert or a play are not optional add-ons but fundamental… Continue Reading →

Lives Versus Lives

By Ramesh Thakur with Pearls and Irritations When did the world’s media and politicians become collective versions of Lance Corporal Jones in the British comedy series Dad’s Army, screaming: Don’t panic! Don’t panic!? Colour me contrarian, but since the 2003 Iraq… Continue Reading →

World Experts Warn: Stop the Lockdowns

Panicked and irresponsible responses to Covid-19 are destroying the very societies they purport to protect, some of the world’s leading experts claim. The scientific community is increasingly coming out to condemn the societal wide shutdowns ordered by numerous, increasingly authoritarian… Continue Reading →

How Australia Got Covid-19 Completely and Totally Wrong

Experts Warn Against Authoritarian Madness None of it makes any sense. The streets are spookily quiet. The economy has been killed stone dead. People are being fined for going about their normal lives, even for being outside their homes without… Continue Reading →

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