A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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The Nullabor Leper: The Deplorables Epic Road Trip

By Michael Gray Griffith: Café Locked Out. The people mover was new and the afternoon sun was deepening its maroon paint as the mother of these five children filled its boot with bags of shopping. Around the RV her young… Continue Reading →

Did the Morrison Government Really Prevent 40,000 COVID Deaths?

Simon Eckermann: University of Wollongong. As an opening gambit to his re-election campaign, Prime Minister Scott Morrison claimed his handling of the pandemic had saved 40,000 lives. This figure compares Australia over 2020 and 2021 with an average derived across… Continue Reading →

Till Death, or a Little Light Maiming, Do Us Part: Extract.

By Kathy Lette. Why is it that just when you think you have all the answers, life starts asking all the wrong questions? The last few months have taken me on a hair-raising ride – a parachute-free plunge from a… Continue Reading →

New Forms of Art: r/place – a Massive and Chaotic Collaborative Art Project on Reddit.

Andrew Childs, Griffith University Many would be familiar with Reddit as one of the largest social networking sites, with a large group of forums (“subreddits”) catering to almost any interest. Since the beginning of April, Reddit has played host to… Continue Reading →

If It Feels Like You’re Being Manipulated, It’s Because You Are

By Caitlin Johnstone. If you’ve got a gut feeling that your rulers are working to control your perception of the war in Ukraine, it is safe to trust that feeling. If you feel like there’s been a concerted effort from… Continue Reading →

Control Your Soul’s Desire For Freedom: The China Model Unravels in Shanghai 

Jeffrey A. Tucker: The Brownstone Institute. At the end of the Cold War, the end-of-history theory was that every country in the world that desired prosperity and progress would necessarily have to embrace both economic liberty and political democracy. You… Continue Reading →

The Pfizer Papers: Documents confirm the vaccine was supposed to “prevent COVID”, Not just reduce Symptoms

T.J. Coles. TOTT NEWS. The Pfizer-FDA health and safety documents reveal the COVID vaccination was originally intended to “prevent” the virus. This is Part One of a series of articles from TOTT NEWS exploring the explosive Pfizer-US Food and Drug… Continue Reading →

One Incredible Ocean Crossing may have made Human Evolution Possible.

By Nicholas R. Longrich, University of Bath. Humans evolved in Africa, along with chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys. But primates themselves appear to have evolved elsewhere – likely in Asia – before colonising Africa. At the time, around 50 million years… Continue Reading →

Australia Goes to the Polls: An Election fought on the Political Low Ground

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra. Australian voters will go to the polls on May 21. The government enters the battle trailing the opposition 46-54% in the latest Newspoll, conducted after the budget, with Morrison and opposition leader Anthony Albanese virtually… Continue Reading →

Coercive Control: Imprisoned by Language

By Sue Price: Men’s Rights Agency. Illustrations from Artsper Magazine’s piece on The World’s Most Famous Street Art. Coercive Control: When this terminology first came into focus as the next label women were seeking to use to expand the meaning… Continue Reading →

Empathy or Division? On the Science and Politics of Storytelling

Claire Corbett, University of Technology Sydney. Writers can’t always be trusted when they talk about the power and importance of story. We have a vested interest and can get sentimental, promoting the immense power of story, of narrative, as inherently… Continue Reading →

‘It’s Undemocratic’: NSW Anti-protest Laws spark a Civil Society Backlash

Maggie Coggan: Pro Bono Australia News. The NSW parliament has passed tough new anti-protest laws with less than a week’s notice, prompting 39 civil society groups to spring into action to call for an end to the “draconian” measures. The NSW… Continue Reading →

Pandemic Pain remains as Australia’s Economic Recovery leaves the Poor Behind

Tom Barnes, Australian Catholic University “Our recovery leads the world,” treasurer Josh Frydenberg told Australia on budget night last week. “We have overcome the biggest economic shock since the Great Depression.” The government has repeatedly emphasised forecasts of the lowest… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Scandal Ridden Child Support Agency.

By Professor Augusto Zimmerman. IS THE CHILD SUPPORT SCHEME LEADING TO THE GROWTH OF PARENTAL ALIENATION AND MALE SUICIDE IN AUSTRALIA? The answer is an undoubted yes. Both sides of politics have ignored the massive social damage the Agency has… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence and Policing in Australia

Dr Tegan Westendorf: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. For policing agencies, AI is considered as a force-multiplying solution not only because it can process more data that human brains can conceivably do within required time frames, but also because it can… Continue Reading →

AFP Creates New Taskforce to Protect Politicians ahead of Imminent Election

TOTT NEWS The Australian Federal Police (AFP) will set up a “specialised investigative taskforce” to help “ensure the security of parliamentarians during the 2022 Federal election”. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) task force will use “real time intelligence” to investigate… Continue Reading →

The Polls look grim for Australia’s Ruling Coalition. Will the Sunshine State of Queensland Buck the Trend Again?

Anne Tiernan, Griffith University. Awaiting the official start of the 2022 campaign, published polls show Labor is comfortably ahead of the government. Pundits agree this year’s election is Albanese’s to lose, but predictions range along a spectrum from a Labor… Continue Reading →

How do Planets Form? A ‘baby Jupiter’ Hundreds of Light-years away offers New Clues

Peter Tuthill and Barnaby Norris, University of Sydney. How do planets form? For many years scientists thought they understood this process by studying the one example we had access to: our own Solar System. However, the discovery of planets around… Continue Reading →

Is Australia Ready to Face Covid Truths?

By Jorg Probst On 19 March 2022 I attended a protest outside the prime minister’s humble abode in Sydney. I would estimate the crowd on this showery day at somewhere between 300-500 people. The event was noisy, entirely peaceful, and… Continue Reading →

New Australian National Security Facility opens in Canberra

By Ethan Nash: TOTT News The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has unveiled a new facility in Canberra to house the expansion of its intelligence gathering and threat detection capabilities The national security agency has opened a new cyber and foreign intelligence facility in Majura… Continue Reading →

We Have All Been Misled

Malcolm Roberts: Senator in the Australian Parliament. Malcolm Roberts of the minority Australian party One Nation has been one of the only politicians in the country to call out the tyranny of Covid and the nation’s response to the “pandemic”,… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: Human Resources, Big Companies and the Outsourcing of the Covid State

By Paul Collits. Featuring the Paintings of Sir Arthur Streeton. The recent, unnerving revelations about unvaccinated Environment Protection Authoritystaff being forced out of their jobs were jolting for New South Welshmen; huddled inside as so many of them are, with… Continue Reading →

Submit or be Screened Out: Australian Broadcasting Corporation makes us Sign Away Our Souls

By Mark Sawyer: Michael West Media. Why would the ABC put barriers in the way of Australians’ enjoyment of its cultural treasure house? Mark Sawyer wonders whether management understood the implications, or simply fell under the spell of its seemingly unlimited… Continue Reading →

The Offence of Misconduct with Regard to a Corpse in NSW

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog A man has been arrested over the theft of human body parts from graves at Melbourne’s Footscray Cemetery last month. Detectives arrested the 40-yesr old man at a residence just 10 minutes south of the… Continue Reading →

Resurrection Ferns And Their Discovery In Australia

By Gregory Moore, The University of Melbourne One afternoon in the late 1970s, my colleague and fellow student Helen Quirk handed me a brown, shrivelled fern frond. It appeared to be dead, and was so dry that when I crushed… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Unfolding Nightmare: How It All Ends Part III

Oak Flats is a working class suburb south of Wollongong on Australia’s east coast. Its demographic of tradies, electricians, plumbers, tilers, truck drivers, school teachers and nurses do not like or trust the nation’s politicians and to a man and… Continue Reading →

Murder On Lower Fort Street: Best of the Archives

With Photography by Tim Ritchie There is no more historic, more superbly located or visually rich part of Sydney than The Rocks. Tucked in under the southern flank of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, from the earliest days of the colony it… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Unmitigated Covid Fiasco

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: The Daily Sceptic. What does the Australian experience teach us about the efficacy of Covid vaccines? Why, for instance, have infections and ICU admissions been hugely higher after vaccination campaigns really got under way? Australia hit… Continue Reading →

In his Last Poems, one of Australia’s Greatest Writers Les Murray offers a Gentle, Gracious Farewell

Lyn McCredden, Deakin University There are so many strange serendipities, and antipathies, forged across Les Murray’s work, verbal, historical and spiritual. In Continuous Creation also, Murray’s last, posthumous book (published almost three years after he died in a nursing home… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Freedom Marches: There’s No Going Back

TOTT News and Others With election season in full swing, Australians have taken to the streets across the country to let their so-called ‘representatives’ know just what they think of them, their behaviour over the last two years, the agenda… Continue Reading →

Without Apology, Remorse, or a Change in Outlook: The Brownstone Institute’s Covid Coverage

Pressure from public opinion has ended lockdowns and vaccine mandates in some sectors, and politicians in most places are rushing away from catastrophic pandemic policy. All this is happening without apology, remorse, or a genuine change in outlook at the… Continue Reading →

‘I Simply Haven’t got it in me to Do It Again’: Imagining a New heart for Flood-stricken Lismore

Barbara Rugendyke and Jean S. Renouf, Southern Cross University. The flood crisis in northern New South Wales has left lives shattered. Those worst affected are dazed and struggling to comprehend the loss of life, homes, livelihoods and possessions. We are… Continue Reading →

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