A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Page 24 of 56

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Minister for Energy and Emissions Reductions Angus Taylor Stack Clean Energy Agencies with Fossil Fuel Mates

By Callum Foote: Michael West Media. The Morrison government has slashed renewables funding and stacked Australia’s renewable energy agencies with fossil fuel executives, leaving the likes of ARENA, CEFC and Snowy Hydro controlled by potentially regressive political appointees for years. … Continue Reading →

New Research detects pre-eruption warning signals at Whakaari White Island and other Active Volcanoes

David Dempsey, University of Canterbury, Alberto Ardid, University of Canterbury, and Shane Cronin, University of Auckland. Scientifically and emotively, we think every volcano has its own “personality”. However, we’ve discovered that volcanoes share behaviour traits – and this could form… Continue Reading →

My Personal Walden Pond: Currumbin Alley

Featuring the Photography of Russell Shakespeare interspersed with Quotes from Henry David Thoreau. Russell Shakespeare is a documentary photographer who has been covering Australian stories for more than three decades. When not working professionally, he photographs his local neighbourhood. Currumbin… Continue Reading →

ANZAC Day: The Hypocrisy of Australia’s Involvement in Foreign Wars Remains Untouched

Extract from Terror in Australia: Workers’ Paradise Lost. To begin at one kind of beginning. As one of the country’s longest suffering general news reporters, having spent almost a quarter of a century as a staff member on some of… Continue Reading →

From Wolf to Chihuahua: New Research Reveals where the Dingo sits on the Evolutionary Timeline of Dogs

Matt A. Field, James Cook University and J. William O. Ballard, La Trobe University. Many people know modern dogs evolved from the grey wolf. But did you know most of the more than 340 modern dog breeds we have today… Continue Reading →

Shockwaves in the wake of the China-Solomon Islands Pact

Patricia A. O’Brien, Georgetown University. Like the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano that triggered a massive tsunami and sent shockwaves around the world when it erupted on January 15, the recently signed security deal between the Solomon Islands and China has… Continue Reading →

A Homage to Warren Clarke

Photo-Journalist, Inveterate Traveler: The Best of Our Archives. Warren Clarke was known for his high adventurism. Whether on assignment or not, he trekked to places no other photographer wanted to go. In recent years he had become fascinated by India;… Continue Reading →

Regional Journalism is Dying: Advertising Subsidies Won’t Help

Leon Gettler, RMIT University. Australia’s regional news outlets are dying a not-so-slow death, and COVID-19 has accelerated their decline. Over the past two years more than a hundred of the 435 regional and community newspapers that existed in 2019 ceased… Continue Reading →

Canberra’s man in Washington during ‘Trumpageddon’

By Graeme Dobell: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. When an Australian jumps out of a taxi and prepares to make a dash across New York’s 5th Avenue, the habit of a lifetime is to look the wrong way for the traffic…. Continue Reading →

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the Everest of English Literature

Dr Jamie Q Roberts, University of Sydney. Although I’m wary of declaring any literary work to be the greatest ever, Shakespeare’s Hamlet would be a frontrunner. It’s often proclaimed to be or voted Shakespeare’s best play (Google it). It has… Continue Reading →

Australian Researchers Launch world-first ‘wireless neuro-stimulator’ for Brain Implants

TOTT NEWS. Wireless technology that allows for human brain implants to be analysed remotely is now possible, thanks to researchers at the University of Queensland. It is a world-first. Queensland researchers have come up with a new way to use… Continue Reading →

The Ugly Truth Of Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates

Susan Pavan: i3 Publications. “You are free (in Australia) until you say no to the vaccine…” Pat, former nurse, 65, Victoria. March 2, 2022, Sydney, Australia. Rain pelted on the concrete city pavements and the wind whipped the blocked-off streets guarded… Continue Reading →

Mount Kosciuszko: How Australia’s Highest Peak came to be named for a Freedom Fighter against Russian aggression

Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Australian Catholic University Most Australians could name this country’s tallest mountain, Mount Kosciuszko. But how many could tell you where it got its name? Paul Strzelecki (1797-1873) named Mount Kosciuszko after his compatriot in 1840. A… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing ScoMo: The Book Review

By Paul Collits. THE main problem with reviewing a book about Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is that you have to read a book about Scott Morrison. But read it, one must.  Why should one read it?  Well, I can… Continue Reading →

Researchers have identified over 5,500 New Viruses in the ocean, Including a Missing Link in Viral Evolution

Guillermo Dominguez Huerta, Ahmed Zayed, James Wainaina, and Matthew Sullivan, The Ohio State University. An analysis of the genetic material in the ocean has identified thousands of previously unknown RNA viruses and doubled the number of phyla, or biological groups,… Continue Reading →

The Prime Minister Who Destroyed Australia Wants Your Vote

For a disengaged and bitterly disillusioned electorate struggling to regain a sense of normality after two years of authoritarian derangement the sight of the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition leader Anthony Albanese, two aging political con artists masquerading in… Continue Reading →

The Bold, the Beautiful, and Europe’s Disfigurement: A Tale of Two Towns

By Gordon Weiss. The train pulls into Platform 4 at Przemyśl station, track 102, the first stop after crossing the Ukrainian border. It wheezes, hissing and spitting until a last lurch into its bay forces its stop. These trains usually… Continue Reading →

Time Might not Exist, according to Physicists and Philosophers

Sam Baron, Australian Catholic University Does time exist? The answer to this question may seem obvious: of course it does! Just look at a calendar or a clock. But developments in physics suggest the non-existence of time is an open… Continue Reading →

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Barbaric Assault on Tasmania’s Stunningly Beautiful Ancient Forests

By Christine Milne: Michael West Media. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has “let her rip” on the pristine native forests of Tasmania in the early days of the 2022 election campaign. It was his “This is coal” moment for another dying… Continue Reading →

The Book that Changed Me: how a 1970s Poetry Collection, The Honey of Man, Still Brings Hope in Grim Times

By Jen Webb: University of Canberra. For decades, researchers have investigated what reading affords us, whether “us” means individuals or communities. Their research points to the benefits reading offers in terms of physical and mental health, education, and, perhaps most… Continue Reading →

The Nullabor Leper: The Deplorables Epic Road Trip

By Michael Gray Griffith: Café Locked Out. The people mover was new and the afternoon sun was deepening its maroon paint as the mother of these five children filled its boot with bags of shopping. Around the RV her young… Continue Reading →

Did the Morrison Government Really Prevent 40,000 COVID Deaths?

Simon Eckermann: University of Wollongong. As an opening gambit to his re-election campaign, Prime Minister Scott Morrison claimed his handling of the pandemic had saved 40,000 lives. This figure compares Australia over 2020 and 2021 with an average derived across… Continue Reading →

Till Death, or a Little Light Maiming, Do Us Part: Extract.

By Kathy Lette. Why is it that just when you think you have all the answers, life starts asking all the wrong questions? The last few months have taken me on a hair-raising ride – a parachute-free plunge from a… Continue Reading →

New Forms of Art: r/place – a Massive and Chaotic Collaborative Art Project on Reddit.

Andrew Childs, Griffith University Many would be familiar with Reddit as one of the largest social networking sites, with a large group of forums (“subreddits”) catering to almost any interest. Since the beginning of April, Reddit has played host to… Continue Reading →

If It Feels Like You’re Being Manipulated, It’s Because You Are

By Caitlin Johnstone. If you’ve got a gut feeling that your rulers are working to control your perception of the war in Ukraine, it is safe to trust that feeling. If you feel like there’s been a concerted effort from… Continue Reading →

Control Your Soul’s Desire For Freedom: The China Model Unravels in Shanghai 

Jeffrey A. Tucker: The Brownstone Institute. At the end of the Cold War, the end-of-history theory was that every country in the world that desired prosperity and progress would necessarily have to embrace both economic liberty and political democracy. You… Continue Reading →

The Pfizer Papers: Documents confirm the vaccine was supposed to “prevent COVID”, Not just reduce Symptoms

T.J. Coles. TOTT NEWS. The Pfizer-FDA health and safety documents reveal the COVID vaccination was originally intended to “prevent” the virus. This is Part One of a series of articles from TOTT NEWS exploring the explosive Pfizer-US Food and Drug… Continue Reading →

One Incredible Ocean Crossing may have made Human Evolution Possible.

By Nicholas R. Longrich, University of Bath. Humans evolved in Africa, along with chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys. But primates themselves appear to have evolved elsewhere – likely in Asia – before colonising Africa. At the time, around 50 million years… Continue Reading →

Australia Goes to the Polls: An Election fought on the Political Low Ground

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra. Australian voters will go to the polls on May 21. The government enters the battle trailing the opposition 46-54% in the latest Newspoll, conducted after the budget, with Morrison and opposition leader Anthony Albanese virtually… Continue Reading →

Coercive Control: Imprisoned by Language

By Sue Price: Men’s Rights Agency. Illustrations from Artsper Magazine’s piece on The World’s Most Famous Street Art. Coercive Control: When this terminology first came into focus as the next label women were seeking to use to expand the meaning… Continue Reading →

Empathy or Division? On the Science and Politics of Storytelling

Claire Corbett, University of Technology Sydney. Writers can’t always be trusted when they talk about the power and importance of story. We have a vested interest and can get sentimental, promoting the immense power of story, of narrative, as inherently… Continue Reading →

‘It’s Undemocratic’: NSW Anti-protest Laws spark a Civil Society Backlash

Maggie Coggan: Pro Bono Australia News. The NSW parliament has passed tough new anti-protest laws with less than a week’s notice, prompting 39 civil society groups to spring into action to call for an end to the “draconian” measures. The NSW… Continue Reading →

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