A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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The Paintings of Leading Australian Cartoonist Michael Fitzjames

With poetry by Kenneth Slessor. Michael Fitzjames, whose work is collected in a number of Australia’s leading institutions, is best known as an illustrator for newspapers, but his paintings are also highly valued. Here is a collection of his depictions,… Continue Reading →

Will Jab Victims finally get Justice with Class Action Lawsuit?

TOTT NEWS Recently, a class action was launched in the NSW Federal Court against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Health Department and senior public servants, by those claiming vaccine harm. The suit is reported to have has 500 members, including three… Continue Reading →

Julian Assange Ignored in Australia’s “Press Freedom Roundtable” as Spies Cosy up to Big Media

Philip Dorling: Michael West Media  New documents show Julian Assange got little more than a mention at Mark Dreyfus’s media talkfest this year. Amid much talk about reform and transparency, the Government wants to draw our big media outlets into… Continue Reading →

Can Australia capitalise on AI while Reducing its Risks?

Toby Walsh, UNSW Sydney The world missed the boat with social media. It fuelled misinformation, fake news, and polarisation. We saw the harms too late, once they had already started to have a substantive impact on society. With artificial intelligence… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Lead In. Publication Date 12 June, 2023.

This piece also Features the Spectacular Photography of Dean Sewell. John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Passing Covid Parade

By Paul Collits Try this quick quiz, or ask the next person in the street you bump into – what do the following people have in common? Natasha Fyles.  Roger Cook.  Jeremy Rockliff.  Andrew Barr.  Peter Malinauskas.  If you guessed… Continue Reading →

Native Raspberries, Limes and Geraniums: How did these Curious Plants end up in Australia?

Gregory Moore, The University of Melbourne While plants can’t walk, they can certainly travel. Some species have travelled vast distances over millennia, moving by different and varied modes. Some found new habitats when the continent they were riding on slowly… Continue Reading →

Chapter 13: SOS Australia: The New World Order. Extract from Australia Breaks Apart. Publication Date 12 June, 2023.

With Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor,… Continue Reading →

Saviour or Tyrant? The Pandemic brought out West Australian Premier Mark McGowan’s True Colours

Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under West Australian Premier Mark McGowan stepped down from office this week, citing exhaustion, and a cascade of tributes ensued. Disaffected conservatives served snark (“Goodbye to WA’s worst ever Premier”). Legacy masthead The Australian offered a level-headed wrap-up (“Leading shouldn’t… Continue Reading →

Chapter Five: A Narrow Valley Threads Down To The Sea. Extract from Australia Breaks Apart. Publication Date: 12 June, 2023.

John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor, The Australian.  With terrifying clarity and a… Continue Reading →

Pick of the Crop: Our Best Stories for May

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan Resigns Suddenly: Freedom Movement Celebrates

Mark McGowan, one of the world’s most extreme Covidians, wrecked havoc upon the citizens of Western Australia. All his policies have now demonstrably failed, from mass vaccination to some of the most extremist lockdowns in the world. Praised by the… Continue Reading →

Chapter Three: The Derangement of Battle. Extract from Australia Breaks Apart. Publication Date: 12 June, 2023.

John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor, The Australian.  With terrifying clarity and a… Continue Reading →

They Knew the Consequences Before Injecting more than a Billion Women: Dr Naomi Wolf

One of the world’s most celebrated feminists, Dr Naomi Wolf, has been a vociferous critic of the Covid narrative. At first she was ostracised. Now, she has been fully vindicated. As the scandals over the greatest medical fraud in history… Continue Reading →


Caitlin Johnstone When most people in the English-speaking world hear the word “propaganda”, they tend to think of something that’s done by foreign nations who have governments that are so totalitarian they won’t even let people know what’s true or… Continue Reading →

The Australian Government colluded with Big Tech to suppress speech on Covid

By Rebekah Barnett A Freedom of Information request by Senator Alex Antic has revealed that the Australian Department of Home Affairs made over 4,000 requests to digital platforms to take down content related to Covid. The FOI documents show that… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Creepy Covid Cops: Explosive Revelations over Appalling Censorship of Correct Information

By Paul Collits When it comes to Covid, It has been a very, very busy month in Australia, with the news of the systematic censorship of Australian citizens making international news. It now lies beyond question that Australia’s Home Affairs… Continue Reading →

Safe and Effective? Or Totalitarianism in Flimsy Disguise?

By Nick Thompson During the lockdowns, there was something more sinister going on, a major remake of our society. And yet almost no one noticed, or dared to speak out. It is no wonder, when the enforcement by Big Government… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Censorship-industrial-complex Revealed: The Truth Will Out

FROM TOTT NEWS Censorship actions taken by the Department of Home Affairs over COVID-19 ‘misinformation’ has finally been revealed, with exact details unveiled in a FOI request and questioned during a senate hearing. The Australian government has repeatedly proved itself… Continue Reading →

The Tonga volcano eruption caused a ‘super bubble’ in Earth’s ionosphere, disrupting satellite navigation

Brett Carter, RMIT University; Rezy Pradipta, Boston College, and Suelynn Choy With technology increasingly embedded in our everyday lives, it is becoming more important to understand space weather and its impacts on tech. When one hears “space weather”, one typically… Continue Reading →

Stop the Shots: Dr Aseem Malhotra Australian Tour – Curing the Corruption of Medicine

Dr Julie Sladden and Kara Thomas Dr Aseem Malhotra is no stranger to speaking out about important health issues. Especially when these issues involve the interests of large corporations including the pharmaceutical industry. For the past decade, this world-renowned cardiologist and campaigner has… Continue Reading →

Western News Media Exists To Administer Propaganda: No More True than in Australia

By Caitlin Johnstone The single most overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of our society is the way domestic propaganda is used to shape the way mainstream westerners perceive and think about their world. Typically the only time you’ll ever hear the… Continue Reading →

Vale: Famous English Novelist Martin Amis

Camilla Nelson, University of Notre Dame Australia Martin Amis, pre-eminent novelist-critic of his generation, has died at the age of 73. His dazzling, pyrotechnic prose dominated the world of English writing from the mid-1970s through the fin de siècle. Amis… Continue Reading →

May Freedom Never Die: Australia’s Freedom Movement Lives On

TOTT News After three years of utterly pointless lockdowns and a mass vaccination campaign which did massive harm to the country, Australia is returning to a semblance of normality. It is an illusion. If the Australian authorities can lockdown the… Continue Reading →

Pfizer Backs The Voice: The Kiss of Death?

Rebekah Barnett: The Brownstone Institute. Pfizer has weighed in on the upcoming referendum in which Australians will vote on whether to change their constitution. Australians will be asked to vote YES or NO to the following question: “A Proposed Law: to… Continue Reading →

Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

With Maria Popova: The Marginalian In these darkening times, when the powerful and the political class have become utterly corrupted, and indifferent to the concerns of ordinary people, there are, as a kind of counterwave, a significant number of people… Continue Reading →

The Rise of Ultranationalism in Australia: Facebook and the Sites of Discontent.

By John Stapleton The story below was written some four years ago. It showed the massive connivance between social media platforms and the Australian government. It also covered the violent suppression of protests, in this case over Australia’s high immigration… Continue Reading →

After Covid: Twelve Challenges for a Shattered World 

Jeffrey Tucker: Brownstone Institute Three years ago, in the depths of lockdowns, it became obvious that we desperately needed a new citizen movement with a different focus. Prevailing ideological forms were simply not adapted to the enormous exogenous shock to… Continue Reading →

Peyotes in Suburbia – the Secret World of Sydney’s Psychoactive Cacti Growers

Prudence Gibson, UNSW Sydney Before I met the cactus expert, I didn’t even know psychoactive gardens existed. Of course I wanted to see one. So on a cool, rainy day in February 2022, I drove west to the foot of… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Excerpts. Links.

John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve Waterson, Senior Editor, The Australian.  With terrifying clarity and a… Continue Reading →

Protecting Aboriginal Allodial Sovereign Rights: A Case to Vote NO in the Referendum

Steven Porter: Moree As the upcoming referendum approaches, there is a pressing need for Aboriginal people to carefully consider the potential impact on their allodial sovereign rights. While the discussion around the referendum largely revolves around classifications such as “aboriginal,”… Continue Reading →

Supercomputers have revealed the Giant Pillars of Heat funnelling Diamonds upwards from Deep within Earth

Honorary Fellow Ömer F. Bodur, University of Wollongong and Professor Nicolas Flament, University of Wollongong Most diamonds are formed deep inside Earth and brought close to the surface in small yet powerful volcanic eruptions of a kind of rock called… Continue Reading →

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