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Search results “Ramesh Thakur”

The Review: Our Enemy The Government. Ramesh Thakur.

By Paul Collits The Covid era produced many villains, across countries, governments, major political parties, thebureaucracy, the legacy media, the universities, the corporates, Big Pharma and Big Tech. Many villainsand few heroes. Or as author Ramesh Thakur, one of Australia’s… Continue Reading →

State Power and Covid Crime: Professor Ramesh Thakur. Australian National University.

Last June, a paper by a team that included the British Medical Journal editor Peter Doshi concluded that data from the Pfizer and Moderna trials indicated their vaccines are more likely to put people in hospital from adverse effects than keep them out by… Continue Reading →

Ramesh Thakur and The Spectator

In the COVID insanity which has gripped the Australian political class and destroyed so much of the country, one of the nation’s most distinguished academics, Professor Ramesh Thakur of the Australian National University, has stood out for his bold, erudite… Continue Reading →

Elites at War with the People

By Australia’s Professor Emeritus Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute An important takeaway from the last four years for many governments is the surprising ease of winning public compliance with demands for intrusive behavioural changes that completely reset the balance of rights… Continue Reading →

Australia to Face an Honest Covid Inquiry

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute In 19 October, the Australian Senate agreed to hold an inquiry under the auspices of its Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee into proper terms of reference for a Covid Royal Commission to be established in 2024. An impressive alliance… Continue Reading →

Our Enemy The Government

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: The Brownstone Institute The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones. Thus spake Mark Antony in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. So let it be with Covid. I ask as… Continue Reading →

The Times Create: A New Wave of Media Recreates the Australian Story

By John Stapleton. With TOTT News. In a first, the National Free Media Summit in Adelaide last weekend brought together a gathering of some of the liveliest journalistic talents to emerge from the past few dark and tumultuous years of… Continue Reading →

Tyranny: The Rise of the Public-Private Partnership

Professor Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute The slogan cuius regio, eius religio (whose the reign/realm, his the religion) was adopted in Europe in the mid-16th century to end the religious wars. It was an agreement among the monarchs that he who governs the territory… Continue Reading →

The Government, My Enemy: A Journalist records Covidian Australia’s Pandemic Over-reach

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Spectator Australia. Medically idiotic, economically ruinous, socially disruptive and embittering, culturally dystopian, politically despotic: what was there to like in the Covid era? Billions, if you were Big Pharma. Unchecked power, if you were Big State…. Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: A Book Review

By Paul Collits: Substack What exactly do you say when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world?  When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons?  When you realise that the institutions that you… Continue Reading →

Royal Commission or Nuremberg 2.0? Australia Breaks Apart. Excerpt Chapter 18. Factcheck This: Bombshell Revelations

Under normal circumstances the liar is defeated by reality, for which there is no substitute; no matter how large the tissue of falsehood that an experienced liar has to offer, it will never be large enough, even if he enlists… Continue Reading →

Australia Breaks Apart: The Lead In. Publication Date 12 June, 2023.

This piece also Features the Spectacular Photography of Dean Sewell. John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame. Steve… Continue Reading →

Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. Extract. Part Three. The Biggest Mistake In History. The Best of Our Archives.

If the geniuses of Australian government weren’t satisfied with all the cautionary voices emerging from some of the world’s most venerable tertiary institutions, they only had to go as far as the Australian National University, to Professor Ramesh Thakur, whose… Continue Reading →

Biosecurity-cum-Biofascist State: The Horror of Compliance

By Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The ease with which the majority of people slipped into compliance with lockdown restrictions was a distressing surprise. The acceptance of facemasks in community and children’s school settings was a disappointment. Governments’ success in… Continue Reading →

Hard Data should have rung Alarm Bells on the Doomsday Narrative

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. Already by early- and mid-2020, hard data should have rung alarm bells on the doomsday narrative being peddled by modelers like Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London of catastrophic mortality counts without lockdown. … Continue Reading →

Gross Irresponsibility Amounting to Criminal Negligence

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The real-world effectiveness of Covid vaccines has not matched the hype of the 95 percent efficacy claimed in manufacturer trials on the basis of which they were granted emergency-use authorisation. They’ve proven disappointingly… Continue Reading →

State Power and Covid Crimes

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. The three major controversies over pandemic management for the past three years have been lockdown measures, universal masking recommendations and mandates, and Covid vaccines.  The last was a pharmaceutical intervention using revolutionary new… Continue Reading →

The Best of 2022. What On Earth?

Extract from Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. Australia’s social progressives are exultant over the success of a record number of women and climate change activists in the May election which saw the conservatives thrashed. These are the same social progressives who raised… Continue Reading →

The Best of 2022. Is this what ‘success’ looks like? What the Australian Government Doesn’t want the Public to Know

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: The Spectator Australia. As someone who has been looking at Covid-related data since the outbreak of the pandemic and a resident of the ACT until the end of last year, my curiosity got the better of… Continue Reading →

The Best of 2022. Australia Breaks Apart: Spectator Australia

When a Nuremberg style trial or a Royal Commission is finally instituted to bring the perpetrators to account and find out what happened to the freedom loving Australia of old, how it was so easily destroyed, how and why an… Continue Reading →

Reality Check on the Vaccine Narrative

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. On October 23, an online poll on Covid controls and vaccines was published on with some intriguing results. Conducted over one day, the survey attracted more than 42,000 votes for every question and more… Continue Reading →

Media Manipulation, Censorship, Surveillance: Australia. The Best of 2022.

By John Stapleton. One of the most vile of all the vile deeds perpetrated by the Coalition under the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison era of benighted Australian governance was to make journalists Persons of Interest – POIs – under the ASIO Act. The… Continue Reading →

Factcheck This: Bombshell Vaccine Revelations In the European Parliament Rock Australia

By John Stapleton: Extract from the upcoming book Australia Breaks Apart For anyone who has followed the Covid narrative and the rampant corruption involved, this is the biggest story on Earth.  The revelations out of the European Parliament that Pfizer… Continue Reading →

Agree with Us or Hold your Tongue

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. Every crisis, they say, is an opportunity. Governments, health bureaucrats and drug regulators all over the world have exploited the Covid-19 crisis to grab power and gain control over our lives. Predictably, rather… Continue Reading →

The Vaccine Narrative Is as Leaky as the Vaccines

By Ramesh Thakur: Australian National University. Let’s start with two simple questions. If regulators had the information available to them of the leakage between Covid-19 vaccine efficacy rates in controlled trials and their effectiveness in the real world, would they… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Lockdown and Vaccine Narrative Has Fallen Apart

By Professor Ramesh Thakur of the Australian National University. Australia’s former Prime Minister (PM) Scott Morrison has created a political firestorm for having himself sworn in with five additional ministerial portfolios, mostly without the knowledge of the cabinet collectively or the… Continue Reading →

Scott Morrison: The Very Ugly Face of Australia’s Covid Madness

John Stapleton. Extract from Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia. In recent days Scott Morrison, as he has done since Covid lurched onto the Australian scene, has been spinning the pandemic story hard in an attempt to rescue his political career. In early… Continue Reading →

New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality

By Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute. In the first year of the pandemic, a team from Otago University in New Zealand (my former university) published an interesting study that provided some explanation for the strong public support for lockdown measures. This… Continue Reading →

“If We Get Covid, So Be It”: Australia’s Hypocrisy

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute. Australia just elevated Covid hypocrisy to a whole new level. On Sunday August 7, after a series of round-robin matches in two groups followed by knockout matches in the semi-finals, Australia and India met… Continue Reading →

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen

By Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute. As countries emerge from the Dystopia of lockdown restrictions, there’s growing awareness of the phenomenon of excess deaths, for example in the  UK and Australia. On July 8, The Daily Mail (UK) reported that collateral damage of lockdowns is killing 1,000… Continue Reading →

Australia: Champion Covidiot. The Recent Work of Professor Gigi Foster.

With the Brownstone Institute. Gigi Foster, senior scholar of Brownstone Institute, is a Professor with the School of Economics at the University of New South Wales, having joined UNSW in 2009 after six years at the University of South Australia…. Continue Reading →

A World Health Organisation Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: After the last Debacle!!!!!

With Professor Ramesh Thakur. Former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Ramesh Thakur has warned in The Spectator Australia of the coming massive expansion of the international pandemic bureaucracy and the powers of the WHO to press countries towards authoritarian public health measures. Professor Thakur… Continue Reading →

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