By Alan Austin: Independent Australia. The latest official data on Australia’s economy reveals serious structural problems making all workers poorer, as Alan Austin reports. A RECENT EMAIL from the office of Dr Jim Chalmers mysteriously lost the first letter of his title, thus describing… Continue Reading →
Alan Austin: Michael West Media. It may be the only campaign tactic they have left, and it’s a lie, but the media laps it up and Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg are flogging it hard. That’s the claim that the… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. The Coalition as “superior economic managers”? The data demonstrates the polar opposite. Alan Austin looks at the leading measures of economic performance over 10 years and finds Australia has slumped sharply against other nations. The bright… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. The decline of political and corporate standards in Australia over recent years is not just in the imagination of some critics. Transparency International released its annual corruption report this month which gives Australia the lowest score… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. On key economic variables Australia lags behind 20 comparable advanced economies yet Treasurer Josh Frydenberg repeatedly asserts that Australia outperformed all major advanced economies in 2020. It’s well past time the mainstream media called… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. Workers now have the lowest share ever of the nation’s earnings. Under-employment is even worse now than it was late last year. Alan Austin looks behind the spin to report the true state of… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin: Independent Australia. Virtually every new data release confirms Australia’s economic demise under Prime Minister Morrison and Treasurer Frydenberg. Alan Austin updates the tally of disastrous outcomes. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT IS at an all-time low. As is Australia’s net worth and its global… Continue Reading →
Part One: Alan Austin. Independent Australia. As the Coalition approaches the eighth anniversary of its election, Alan Austin surveys some of this regime’s most destructive records. THE MORRISON GOVERNMENT passed its third anniversary last week. The Coalition will soon celebrate eight years… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin with Independent Australia These times are financially stressful for many Australians, but not everyone. Alan Austin examines indicators showing the sectors still dining out. AUSTRALIA’S TREASURER Josh Frydenberg conceded glumly to the Canberra press club last month that “this is a difficult… Continue Reading →
By Alan Austin The Coalition won the 2013 federal election beating their chest about Labor’s “debt and deficit”. Thanks to COVID-19, we’re unlikely to see a surplus in our lifetime or our children’s. But, let’s not forget that the current… Continue Reading →
Fiscal Stimulus on Steroids The government which brought the nation some of the most expensive electricity in the world, worst, read truly abysmal internet, plummeting educational outcomes, highest household debt and soaring costs of living is in the act of throwing… Continue Reading →
Vanessa Pirotta, Macquarie University As humpback and southern right whales return to Antarctica at the tail end of their annual migration, east coast whale watchers may think the show will soon be over. But some whale species are still here,… Continue Reading →
By Paul Collits: The Freedoms Project. Illustrations by Eugene Delacroix. Many have lamented the apparent absence of interest from academic economists in the fate of our economies in the age of Covid totalitarianism. A particular gap has been identified in… Continue Reading →
By Peta Malins, Crystal McKinnon, Kim Kruger and Paola Balla In an open letter, more than 1,200 academics from universities and institutes across Australia have written to the Victorian government to protest against the destruction of Djab Wurrung country as… Continue Reading →
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