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Tag Australian economy

Australian Financial Regulators are preparing for Banking Turmoil

TOTT NEWS Dramatically rising costs of living are provoking fears of a recession, if not another Great Depression. Mid-year Australia’s Council of Financial Regulators reviewed the nation’s economic crisis management arrangements in the wake of recent overseas collapses. “The council… Continue Reading →

The Collapse of Australia’s Ponzi Economy

By Paul Collits Australia’s economy has, as long as we can remember, relied upon mass immigration, including by, but not limited to, Asian students on a visa pathway, to keep the place afloat.  It is a Ponzi scheme. Since we… Continue Reading →

Going Down: The Six Graphs that Show Australia’s Economic Growth Shrinking

John Hawkins, University of Canberra The latest national accounts tell us Australia’s economy grew by just 0.2% in the three months to March. It’s the weakest growth since the economy shrank during the COVID lockdowns, and, before that, the weakest… Continue Reading →

The Australian Economy: Whither To From Here?

By Alan Austin: Independent Australia. The latest official data on Australia’s economy reveals serious structural problems making all workers poorer, as Alan Austin reports. A RECENT EMAIL from the office of Dr Jim Chalmers mysteriously lost the first letter of his title, thus describing… Continue Reading →

Australian Inflation hasn’t been higher for 32 years. What now?

John Hawkins, University of Canberra Inflation jumped from 5.1% to a new long-term high of 6.1% in the June quarter, a rate matched only by short-lived jump caused by the introduction of the goods and services tax, and not exceeded… Continue Reading →

Sky-high mortgages, 7.1% inflation, and a 20% chance of recession. How the Conversation Australia’s panel Forecast the Future

Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. Homeowners will face mortgage rates near 5.5% in a little over a year, according to a survey of 22 leading Australian economists. The Conversation’s 2022-23 forecasting survey predicts an increase… Continue Reading →

Australia: Batten Down the Hatches as Recession Looms

Michael West: Michael West Media. Recession is likely. Share markets, bonds, property, crypto; it’s all falling, just as the cost of living is soaring and central banks around the world are hoisting rates to crush demand and curtail rising prices. Michael… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Conservatives Peddle Themselves as Good Economic Managers. You’ve Got To Be Joking.

By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. The Coalition as “superior economic managers”? The data demonstrates the polar opposite. Alan Austin looks at the leading measures of economic performance over 10 years and finds Australia has slumped sharply against other nations. The bright… Continue Reading →

Shrouded in Secrecy: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Pushes Laws to Bury National Cabinet COVID Crisis Documents

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog At the state and federal levels, there were legislative mechanisms in place to respond to the public health crisis that is COVID-19. As these laws and regulations were drafted, the particular disease they would be… Continue Reading →

Beyond the Spin: Workers’ Share of Wealth Slumps to Record Low

By Alan Austin: Michael West Media. Workers now have the lowest share ever of the nation’s earnings. Under-employment is even worse now than it was late last year. Alan Austin looks behind the spin to report the true state of… Continue Reading →

The Australian Government Led By Scott Morrison Sets Records in Economic Mismanagement

Part One: Alan Austin. Independent Australia. As the Coalition approaches the eighth anniversary of its election, Alan Austin surveys some of this regime’s most destructive records. THE MORRISON GOVERNMENT passed its third anniversary last week. The Coalition will soon celebrate eight years… Continue Reading →

A Silver Bullet Cure for the Australian Government’s Excess Spending

By Michael West If it’s good enough for tennis stars and entertainers, it’s good enough for multinational tax avoiders and consultants. Michael West addresses the Senate Inquiry into Finance and Public Administration. This is an edited version of the opening statement to… Continue Reading →

Driving the Australian Economy off a Cliff

By Tarric Brooker with Independent Australia A huge number of Australians will be plunged into poverty overnight as others get to renovate their homes — courtesy of Australian Government programs. Tarric Brooker reports. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has begun pulling back stimulus measures, despite… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Flying Kangaroo Flies Straight Into Trouble

Australia’s Transport Workers’ Union is calling on the Federal Government to implement a national plan to lower the risk of infection and spread of COVID-19 in aviation as Qantas announces changes which the union claims fall short of measures of… Continue Reading →

Government Debt Was Deepening Rapidly – well before COVID-19

By Alan Austin The Coalition won the 2013 federal election beating their chest about Labor’s “debt and deficit”. Thanks to COVID-19, we’re unlikely to see a surplus in our lifetime or our children’s. But, let’s not forget that the current… Continue Reading →

Deliberately Destroying the Australian Economy

Fiscal Stimulus on Steroids The government which brought the nation some of the most expensive electricity in the world, worst, read truly abysmal internet, plummeting educational outcomes, highest household debt and soaring costs of living is in the act of throwing… Continue Reading →

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