Recently, a class action was launched in the NSW Federal Court against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Health Department and senior public servants, by those claiming vaccine harm.

The suit is reported to have has 500 members, including three named applicants.
These are some of many Australians unhappy about their treatment by the federal government’s pitiful COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme.
Each individual seeks redress for being left injured or bereaved by the COVID-19 vaccines.
The class action, organised and crowd-funded by Queensland GP Dr. Melissa McCann, alleges negligence, breach of statutory duty, and misfeasance in public office.

The suit itself alleges that the respondents being taken to court, TGA and co., approved the vaccines “…with no proper or reasonable evidentiary or logical basis to reasonably determine the vaccines to be safe, effective and possessing a positive risk-benefit profile”.

“The action will argue that the Therapeutic Goods Administration did not fulfil their duty to properly regulate the Covid-19 vaccines, resulting in considerable harm and damage to Australians.“
A spokesperson says the action “….arises upon the basis that the government did not truly establish that the vaccines were indeed safe or effective for use by the Australian public, and the claim now proceeds upon the basis that the government in fact acted negligently in approving the vaccines and also by failing to withdraw them after approval based upon the known evidence”.
“Australians who have experienced a serious adverse event following COVID-19 vaccination are invited to step forward and register for this class action.”
According to reports, one of the applicants who suffered a severe heart condition after getting the Pfizer jab is even claiming there was ‘cover-up’ which hid the potential risks.
For him, joining the class action was about getting “reasonable recognition and compensation” for himself and others who are still suffering.
A spokesman for the Department of Health and Aged Care said: “The department is aware of a proceeding commenced today in the Federal Court of Australia by applicants represented by NR Barbi Solicitor Pty Ltd. As the matter is before the court it is not appropriate to comment further.”
The move follows the Victorian government facing a class action lawsuit from over 1,300 businesses impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns, in which the state faced the longest in the entire world.
It is fantastic to see action is being taken against these departments that stripped Australians of their freedoms, their right to information, and lied repeatedly over claims relating to the vaccines.
Especially for those that have been seriously impacted by the jabs themselves.
At present, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme “covers losses or expenses of $1000 or more from injury resulting in hospitalisation or death from specific severe reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine”.
But here’s the thing: In typical government fashion, not many have been able to access the scheme.

Since the scheme began in December 2021, it has only paid 126 claims a total of $7.2 million, a fraction of the $76.9 million set aside for possible payments in Services Australia’s portfolio budget statement.
A spokesperson for Services Australia said 2,267 claims were “in progress” or “waiting on further information from applicants”, and 562 had been deemed “not payable”.

Typical government. Just like the bushfires, and just like the floods. All of these pay-out programs are designed to make it as hard as possible for those impacted most.
On 12 April 2024, the government will also stop accepting new applications.
So, it is fantastic to see that someone is standing up for these individuals in a big to get them what they deserve; in a bid to get justice and real compensation for the damage our government has caused.
If we are to do the math ($7.6 million divided by 126 recipients), this ends up amounting to an average of $57,142 paid out per person so far.
Clearly nowhere near enough to help those who, in some cases, will need lifelong medical treatment.
The TGA has repeatedly insisted the vaccines are “safe”.
We have heard the mantra over and over again: ‘Safe and effective’.
“The TGA closely monitors reports of suspected side effects (also known as adverse events) to the COVID-19 vaccines,” the agency said.
Side effects that have become more commonplace since the vaccine rollout began in Australia.
I mean, just take a look at some of the headlines we have seen emerge..
From scientists who have called out the TGA for lying, to hospital employees damaged by the vaccine, to our educators having their lives ruined in order to keep their jobs.

It has hit all walks of life: From everyday men and women, to the the sports stars, including footy player heart issues to NBL stars, and other television personalities that have also been impacted.

Some, sadly, don’t even have the chance to see justice for the mass experiment taken out.

Things have gotten so bad that even individuals like Dr. Kerryn Phelps, former head of the AMA and a vaccine supporter during the rollout, have called for more research and an ‘un-silencing’ of doctors.

Of course, these are just the well-known public cases.
So many average Australians are now navigating life without public platforms to share their stories.
Whenever there is a risk, there must always be a choice. This has been the mantra since the pro-choice movement first took to the streets in 2015.
Unfortunately for these individuals, the ‘choice’ came between their own health and safety, or being able to provide for themselves and their families by losing their jobs.
Never forget the fascists that coerced a nation into taking an experimental “biological product“.
Especially when, apparently, the ‘science’ now tells us that certain Australian garlic varieties now “kill COVID and the flu with 99.9 per cent efficacy”.

A notion repeatedly denied as ‘conspiracy’ by authorities and ‘fact-checkers’ during the pandemic..

They denied and banned existing remedies like Ivermectin, and downplayed any notion that natural health alternatives and your own immune system can fight off infections without vaccines.
When it actually mattered, they lied. People died.
It’s almost as if they are rubbing it in now.
Most importantly, let’s not forget these are the short-term impacts.
The long-term impacts, the Epsilon Agenda, has also hit the rest in an inter-generational slow-burn.
Let’s hope this case sets a precedent for all those who will need support in the future.

June 10, 2023 at 8:05 am
We tried to warn others of the falseccine’s dangers for years and instead were treated as ignorant and stupid. They never protected anybody – you CANNOT TRUST them?
It’s not over yet, the WHO is now trying to bring in Digital Vaccine passports (AGAIN) from July 2023.
THIS has NOTHING to do with HEALTH or CLIMATE CHANGE, these ‘rules’ do NOT apply to them! They never did.
These tactics i.e. masks, vaccines, lockdowns, were a DISMAL FAILURE, but the WHO ‘thinks’ they did a ‘great’ job, gave themselves a pat on the back and believe they have done humanity a favor – LMFAO.
Did anyone else notice the ‘cheap’ set used by the WHO when signing their agreement about Vaccine passports? It looked so unprofessional and the set could have been in someone’s BARN for all we know. This ‘set’ looked so fake and CHEAP!
Remember, “the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one”.