By John Stapleton
Australia experienced one of the most extreme and counterproductive Covid responses of anywhere around the globe, and as a direct result of the totalitarian lunacy which overtook the country, its politics have changed profoundly.
The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews became infamous around the world for his completely over-the-top response to the Covid scare, including pepper spraying protestors and arresting pregnant women in their own homes. He well and truly earnt his nickname Dictator Dan.
The most divisive figure in Australian politics, Daniel Andrews is utterly despised by freedom loving Australians, and simultaneously cheered on by the totalitarian left “I’m with Dan” crowd, the latter leaving the rest of the country shaking their heads in disbelief.
Daniel Andrews is now fighting for his political life, with the polls moving against him in the final weeks before he faces a state election on the 26th of this month.
Not least of his opponents is the Freedom Party of Victoria, led by activist and broadcaster Morgan Jonas and former politician turned teacher Aidan McLindon.
Founded earlier this year, born out of the fires of the Freedom Movement, it is already arguably the fastest growing party in the country. Achieved with very little mainstream coverage.
With 52 candidates, sixteen of these running for the Upper House, the Freedom Party is the political manifestation of a grass roots movement that grew out of the protests where over 500,000 Victorians over a period of two years hit the streets of Melbourne. They were protesting the dictatorial policies being pushed through Parliament with total disregard for the will of the people.
Daniel Andrews poses a direct threat to the newly installed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The two men are from the same side of politics, the Australian Labor Party. Every time Albanese expresses support for his Victorian comrade, he is condoning the dysfunctional and despotic conduct which has clearly done so much damage to the state, and to the lives of millions of Victorians.
As is being reported overseas, but not in Australia, excess deaths in Victoria are now running at an unprecedented 27%, a direct legacy to which both Daniel Andrews and the Prime Minister have turned a blind eye. Across the country, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the figure is 17.1%.
There are similar levels of excess deaths now showing up in America, US, UK and Europe, correlating almost exactly with the heaviest vaccinated regions.
There is only so long the nation’s politicians can ignore this catastrophe enveloping the country.
Morgan Jonas represents a new generation of political activists in Australia, smart, passionate, well presented, intelligent and well informed.
“As State Leader for the Freedom Party of Victoria I will ensure our focus remains on the Vision of protecting Jobs, Homes and Families. These core values are central to a strong and resilient Victoria, one where all can contribute freely, maximize their potential and play a role in making our State a better place to live, work and grow together.”
Victorians must no longer suffer at the hands of career politicians who have lost touch and are not truthful, transparent or caring.
“Freedom Party of Victoria proudly stands for a Victoria that is served and governed with integrity, respect and inclusion. This will be conducted in a manner that upholds and supports the enhancement of lives, wellbeing and freedoms of all Victorians.
“Our policies directly reflect our commitment to protect local businesses and jobs, establish access to affordable homes and ensure an optimum quality of life for all Victorians.”
Morgan Jonas says Victorians have suffered enough under the Andrews Labor government.
The Freedom Party of Victoria was developed from a deep desire to create a Victoria where the lives, wellbeing, opportunities and freedoms of all people are respected and supported. This is upheld by a proud and passionate group of dedicated Victorians who will work towards a State of opportunity, optimism and strength.
Billboards, flyers, social media messaging and community meetings all deliver the same message. Here is a summary of the Freedom Party’s platform.
- Reducing the cost of living by improving the affordability of fuel, energy, food and housing
- Reducing taxation and operating costs for Australian Small Businesses to drive employment growth
- Putting a stop to irresponsible government spending, to reduce Victoria’s unprecedented and increasing debt
- Ending politically driven and gender theory programs in our schools
- Holding Daniel Andrews accountable to restore integrity and transparency in Victorian politics
- Returning our freedoms and liberties by ending lockdowns and mandates
- Greater protection of Victorian publicly owned land and assets. Victorians can no longer afford the bad policies and excessive spending of Labor or the Liberals.
The future generations are at stake.
Honesty, integrity and transparency are the hallmark of this emerging power into the Victorian political arena, something that has been sadly lacking for many years.
? ‘Freedom Parties’ Punch on over Glenn Druery and his preference whispering ? | Victorian Election
Morgan Jonas exposed Glenn Druery, otherwise known as the Political Whisper, who single handedly controls preference deals in Victoria ( if you have enough to pay him, and are unethical enough to do so)
Each day a new “High Noon @ Noble” is shown live on Facebook, with a growing following which in true Freedom Party form is educating us on key issues.
Damien Richardson, actor turned political activist, is running as the Upper House candidate for the Northern Metropolitan Region of Victoria. He said the excess deaths were “a nightmare for anywhere in the West, NZ, Canada, America”.
Richardson was driven to join the Freedom Party as a direct result of the Covid mania which overtook Victoria, Australia’s second most populous state.
“It is an unmistakable agenda,” he says. “Once you see it you can’t unsee it. I couldn’t be silent anymore, I’ve got children, I felt I was betraying them, my silence was complicity.
“There’s a bigger crisis; the way society has been structured is failing. People are questioning it. A large cohort is reluctant to go on with it. What happens when you talk? The world doesn’t open up and swallow you whole, but it transgresses whatever passes for polite society.
“We have all been complicit in this. If we remain silent that is going to lead to our own slavery. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”
As a former actor, Richardson still finds inspiration in the famous Hamlet soliloquy:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
WILLIAM Shakespeare
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

November 8, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Haha! Brilliant comedy piece!
November 10, 2022 at 4:26 am
Please get me some how to vote cards n anything else so I can do the pre polling booth in wodonga.. trying to get other people for election day itself.. only one pre polling booth.. so I will cover that.. so bloody proud of you all xx
November 14, 2022 at 1:01 am
Sue, contact support through the website for How to Vote Cards and pre poll for your area
November 10, 2022 at 9:06 am
It’s only for the purpose of voting Dan Andrews out that I’d want to live in Victoria at the moment.
As a New South Wales citizen I am following the Victorian Freedom Party closely and wish them every success come the 26 th Nov.
I believe most Australians are with me on praying that this character is shown the door and subsequently the dominoes will begin to fall after he is sent packing.
Thank you Morgan for all your hard work and commitment not only to Victorians but all of Australians .
Morgan finally watch very closely that tallying of votes.
If necessary and you want the upper hand re this just touch base with Steve Dickson….he’ll tell you a story and a half.
Many blessings
Lyn brailey
November 12, 2022 at 4:55 pm
This is a fantastic read. I have followed your trek down there the whole time, and when we had them attended the marches up at the border, even through lockdown. We used to get great crowds. All wanting the same thing. No mandates and our freedom back. I think most people in Australia are hoping he gets kicked out. I only hope Victorians see him for what he is and stand up and say, enough. Our freedom fighters have done a fantastic job let’s hope it is enough.