By Michael Gray Griffith: Cafe Locked Out and the Deplorables Epic Road Trip
“We have become historians; capturing a history they are already trying to erase.”
~Michael Gray Griffith.
Of all the remarkably talented bloggers, vloggers, citizen journalists, musicians and artists who have emerged in Australia since the country began its tilt into totalitarianism at the beginning of 2020, Michael Gray Griffith stands out as one of the most profound, compassionate, resourceful and talented.
He has been on an Epic road trip around the country.
Here we look at some of his final dispatches from a tour which will, indeed, go down in history.
The Last Leg
“You’re A Protester You’re Not a Citizen.” Australian Federal Police Officer to this woman.
This interview, and what Pauline has seen and suffered rams home to my soul the fact that our police have lost their way.

Today we have been on the road over 100 days, and we are due back in Melbourne on July 4th.
The journey has changed us all, yet the Tide of Tyranny is continuing to come in.
On a positive note the goal of the journey, birthed in Epic, was to try replant the joy, hope and its sense of a new community , all around Australia, like your grandmother reseeding a neighbours plant.
But this was arrogant, for Epic is seeding itself everywhere from Portland to Boolaroo to Darwin, And we have proved that by going there, physically, and meeting these seedlings. These warriors.
I now believe that the Shrine was where the Resistance was officially conceived, and Epic was the womb were our glorious and growing resistance was born.
And even though we are making mistakes, that’s just because we are learning to use our limbs, to speak with our new voice, to discern what we are seeing with our liberated eyes, coloured in the hue and the hunger of freedom.
Before returning to Melbourne, we will continue to record these people’s stories. It is an honour to do so, and all three of us feel humbled and warmed to be apart of this growing tribe. This rising Counterculture that will one day be the king tide that will wash away all their perversions.
Now we have to philosophise, decide what we need from a culture, not just for us but for the future generations, for this defined need will allow us to see our destination, the new country we will help build, and once we can see it, we will reach it, create it, for as a people that’s what we have the skills, passion and responsibility to do.
And whilst we may never reach there, for this will be a long struggle, we will have the privilege of being its foundation, that’s why we are, if we have the courage and the love to be so, the Architects of the New Australia. Our Australia, built on a foundation of Inclusion, Empathy and Freedom.
Our Last Days on Tour

People are asking how we feel and what’s next, but we have been all around the country interviewing people everywhere, most of whom are very concerned about the future of our culture, despite many people claiming everything has gone back to normal.
So to return to Canberra and find the Australian Federal P:olice assaulting a mature woman, Grandmothers who are here fighting for the liberty of their Grandchildren, reignites the lingering fire in our souls.

There is large section of our community who we no longer understand. They stay quiet as unconscionable things happen. They seem to have no lines in the sand called enough is enough, and are content to be spectators as everything good about our country burns.
So today and tomorrow we are heading home with quiet hearts and are wondering if we are returning home or to a trench.

Out there somewhere, or inside, or both, there is a God of Good, and he is our backer and our guide, and the reason we know this, is because the strength and beauty and the nobility of the Australian people we have met have both restored and cemented our faith.

They are all beacons of hope, each defending what is under siege, our cultures Spirit, and not only is that worth fighting for, it’s worth dying for, which is why in the end we will win, and why for us coming home is not our journey’s end.

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