Monica Smit: Reignite Democracy Australia. Open Letter. My name is Monica Smit, I’m 34 years old, born and bred in this beautiful country. I was brought up to respect authority, pay my taxes and be kind to my neighbour. I… Continue Reading →
Australia’s court system is now clogged with people protesting thousands of punitive fines or jail sentences. Of all the online personalities and citizen journalists to emerge during the Covid era, one of the most prominent was Monica Smit of Reignite… Continue Reading →
Born from the crucible of Covid oppression and Australia’s extreme authoritarian responses, Reignite Democracy Australia has emerged as a significant player in the current ferment of Australian politics, caught as we all are in an election year. A scent of… Continue Reading →
From Multiple Sources. Another day of tumult, as the world turns on its axis. Australia, as we all now realise, will never be the same again. The country of old has been wantonly destroyed. Now comes the backlash. DAVID ONEEG’S… Continue Reading →
As Australia disintegrates before our eyes, one extraordinary event follows another with extreme rapidity. What was once a slow motion train wreck is now a collision with destiny at lightning speed. Australia has become an international pariah for its absurd… Continue Reading →
By John Stapleton The group Reignite Democracy Australia has been busily documenting the many government abuses swelling out of Victoria under the most draconian and abusive lockdowns in the world. After weeks of mounting criticisms, all of a sudden Premier… Continue Reading →
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