With Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia
John Stapleton addresses the madness of the past few years elegantly and with an urgent clarity that puts most commentators – and all politicians and bureaucrats – to shame.
Steve Waterson, Senior Editor, The Australian.
With terrifying clarity and a unique literary flair, John Stapleton chaperones us through our social decline and the loss of our civil liberties.
Dean Sewell, multi-award winning news photographer.
At a time when the powers that be wish that Covid questioning would simply go away, there are those, sadly few in number, who continue to probe the inconvenient issues. And tell the real stories of the Covid madness. John Stapleton, again, is leading the charge. Indispensable reading.
Paul Collits, leading Australian political commentator.
John Stapleton is one of only a handful of journalists with the integrity and courage to challenge the Covid narrative. “Australia Breaks Apart” is destined to be a masterpiece.
Dr Guy Campbell, Australian Medical Professionals Society.
The humanitarian crimes committed by Australian authorities against their own citizens, beginning in early 2020, will live on in infamy, but it is the people themselves who create a nation’s history.
On the 12th of February 2022, the largest gathering of Australians in the nation’s history marched on the National Parliament in Canberra to protest the totalitarianism of the Australian Government, chanting “Sack Them All, Sack Them All”.
Crowd numbers are notoriously difficult to calculate and prone to distortion, but whatever the number, no politician, intelligence agency, police force or political strategist in Australia failed to notice that a massive number of people marched on the nation’s capital, with a remarkable amount of good cheer, jubilance and camaraderie; character traits which the nation’s leaders had failed to show in the years of authoritarian derangement.
Between 2020 and 2022 Australia was gripped by a madness which was spiritual, administrative, political, social and judicial in its dimensions. Australians who stood up against the rising tide of tyranny found themselves pepper sprayed, bashed by police, fined and imprisoned in dictatorial abuses which made headlines around the world, a warning to the world against Covid overreach.
A nation which once prided itself on its laissez faire approach to life and the friendly, easy going nature of its population lay besmirched by a descent into totalitarianism. All the systems Australians had come to rely on failed them at their time of greatest need, every last one of them: the mainstream media, the social media platforms, the legal, medical and academic professions, politicians, bureaucrats, the police, the military and the nation’s intelligence agencies.
Australia’s democracy proved virus thin.
Retired news reporter John Stapleton shines a light on one of the darkest episodes in the Australian story. Australia Breaks Apart is a fine demonstration of the old saying, journalism is the first draft of history.
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 13: SOS Australia: The New World Order.
The first Saturday of that benighted summer demonstrations were held around the globe under the tagline SOS From Australia.
In a powerful and well produced video Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia says: “Let me paint you a picture. Australia. Once known as one of the safest and freest countries in the world. A land of spirit and ceremony. A land of opportunity, where the hopeful came for a new start, so their children could be free and prosperous. Where the battler had a chance and poor men made good. A land where you were free to explore your surroundings. A land with room to spread your wings.
“A land of brotherhood, celebration and connection. A land where you came to visit and didn’t want to leave. A land of privacy rights and medical rights, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom to protest. Freedom to worship.
“But something happened.”
Voiceover: “Today is the first day of the New World Order.”
Footage. New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard: “We’ve got to accept that this is the New World Order.”
Footage: New South Wales Chief Medical Officer Kerry Chant: “The New World Order.”
Back to Monica: “The Australia we once knew is no more.
Footage: Channel 10: “Lockdown Six was announced on August 5.”
Monica: “It is no longer the land of the young and free. It is now a land of division, blackmail, coercion, discrimination and medical apartheid. A land where movement, speech, religion and opinion are no longer free. Protesting is illegal. Police must enforce corrupt policies to keep their jobs.”
Footage, Krystle Mitchell, Former Acting Senior Sergeant who blew the whistle on the level of discontent within the Victorian Police: “And I won’t be a police officer after the end of this interview. “
Monica: “Police shoot protesters in the back while they are running away. Doctors and nurses cannot speak. They will lose their licence.”
Footage: Dr Carolyn Bosak, General Practitioner: “I can’t really talk about that.”

Monica: “People have lost their jobs because they don’t want the injection. Children are missing school and attempting suicide at a high rate. We need to show our papers to go shopping.”
Footage: David Koch, Seven’s Sunrise Breakfast show: “If you want freedom, get the jab.”
“We can’t travel across state borders unless we apply for permission to. Members of parliament are censored and defamed.”
Footage: Member of Parliament Craig Kelly: “100% of those studies…” David Koch: “It’s a conspiracy theory.”
Monica: “Pregnant women are arrested for a social media post.”
Footage: Police: “Search warrant.” Zoe Buhler: “Search warrant for what?”
Monica: Activists who fight for democracy are imprisoned.
Footage: Police: “You are under arrest for incitement.”
Monica: Our human rights are gone. Our human rights are GONE.”

Footage: Member of Parliament George Christensen: “It’s time we took off the Covid blinkers and look at what’s happened to our once great and free country.”
Monica: Australia can no longer fight for itself. We have been silenced, assaulted, blackmailed and psychologically damaged. We tried to fight this battle alone. The government has instilled so much fear that we have lost our vigour to fight. We are a broken nation. And although we will never give up we need your help to continue our fight.
“We need help from our international friends. We are seeking your support to apply political and economic pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path that we are on. That is why we are organising a worldwide protest in support of our plight for freedom.This is an official SOS from my beautiful country. We plead with you to hear our cries for help.”
The flyer read: “S.O.S. from Australia. Protest on our behalf at your nearest Australian Embassy or Consulate. #SOSfromAustralia.

That same weekend the Bill Gates funded and aligned Guardian Australia reported the government’s announcement that Covid vaccines could soon be rolled out for children as young as five.
“If all goes well, the doses will be rolled out from January,” the paper declared.
At the same time, the streets swarmed, and supportive demonstrations were held around the world, including in Helsinki in Finland, Lisbon in Portugal and Frankfurt in Germany. At a protest in New York a large sign read: “You Are Not Alone Australia”.
There were also protests all around Australia.
Incensed, upset, stirred and disturbed you could say, Old Alex wrote in A Sense of Place Magazine: As Australia disintegrates before our eyes, one extraordinary event follows another with extreme rapidity. What was once a slow motion train wreck is now a collision with destiny at lightning speed.
Australia has become an international pariah for its absurd mismanagement of the Covid scare and the outrageous abuse of its own citizens, who have been fined, bashed, bullied, imprisoned and pilloried by taxpayer funded functionaries.
The past ten days have in themselves been extraordinary.
Protests have been held around the world under the banner SOS Australia in support of the nation’s increasingly powerful freedom movement.
While the nation’s political leaders look more and more ridiculous with every passing hour, thousands of people across the country, teaches, nurses, police, health workers and many others are being sacked for not being double vaccinated; as well sourced stories about thousands of vaccine deaths and hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries spread like wildfire across the internet, ensuring many people are a damn sight more frightened of the vaccine than the virus.

The lunatic Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews, the man responsible for pepper spraying grandmothers in the street, arresting pregnant women in their own homes and instituting the longest and most destructive lockdowns in the world, has granted himself dictatorial powers. In the Northern Territory the indigenous are being removed from their homelands and placed in quarantine camps, while Premiers around the country, not content with the rampant destruction of people’s lives and businesses over the last two years, are now making hay with the Omicron Variant.
But if you listen to the majority of the nation’s politicians, or to its execrable mainstream media, you would have no idea. As many commentators have noted, the single most frightening aspect of recent times is not “the virus”, but the willingness of the population to accept the destruction of their own liberties.
What is equally frightening is the shocking dishonesty of the mainstream media and their “journalists”.
As hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated across the country in recent months, and are now sparking sympathetic rallies around the globe, the national newspaper The Australian, where Old Alex worked for 15 long years, entirely misrepresented the situation.
Once proudly regarding itself as a paper of record, it preposterously and dishonestly claimed that the number of demonstrators were confined to a courageous few. There was only one plausible reason: the millions of dollars being funded to the media by the Australian government under the cover of Covid was distorting its coverage.

The newspaper had always been a schizophrenic beast, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but the caption on a contradictory picture of a street jam-packed with protestors took the cake. It read: “A rare freedom protest in Sydney at which a few brave souls stood up to authoritarian overreach.”
The freedom protests were not rare, and the brave souls were not few.
Their sheer blatant dishonesty during the Covid era entirely discredited the mainstream legacy media, and led to a massive rise in independent media.
Everywhere in the mycelium of the age, social media, the channels thronged with images of Australia self-destructing.
Responding to the SOS call from Reignited Democracy Australia, Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, said: “I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime which tramples on human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law.“
Anderson was one of the most single-mindedly courageous and outspoken Member of the European Parliament on the malfeasance which characterised the Covid Era.

In a clip widely distributed on Twitter and YouTube and across social and alternative media, Member of the European Parliament since 2019 Christine Anderson declared: “This message goes out to the people of Australia. My name is Christine Anderson. I am a member of the European Parliament. And I am answering your SOS call. I am imploring all of you around the world who still think your governments are looking out for your best interests at no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys.”
Once known all around the world for its cuddly koalas, fearsome crocodiles, poisonous snakes and the friendly, unassuming nature of its people, Australia is now better known internationally for the shocking abuses of its own populations by state and federal governments under the cover of Covid.
It was a country disintegrating before our eyes.
“The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants.
“Do you not realise that this vaccine does not protect you from Covid?” Anderson asked. “It does, however, protect you from governmental oppression – for now, that is. But don’t think for even a second that this is not going to change tomorrow.

“I’m a German, and we once asked our grandparents how they could have just stood by in silence, allowing a horrific, totalitarian regime to come about. Anyone could have known. All they had to do was open their eyes and take a look. The vast majority chose not to. So, what will you tell your grandchildren? Will you tell them you didn’t know? Will you tell them you were just following orders?
“You need to understand this is not about breaking the fourth wave. It is all about breaking people.
“Australia does not need a ‘No Covid’ strategy. What Australia needs is a ‘No Oppression strategy’.
“So I stand in support of Australia with your fight for freedom and democracy. We need to stop our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes.
“We need to do it now. We need to stand up now.”

Below are links to John Stapleton’s series of books on contemporary Australian history. Click on the image to buy on Amazon. Also available at all other major outlets.
All of them use the same technique of recording events through the eyes of a retired newspaper reporter, shifting from internal monologues to street scenes to news reports and analysis. The fifth book in the series, Australia Breaks Apart, will be available in 2023.
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