A new study, using 10 years worth of dental insurance records of 6.4 million adults in England, has found essentially no reduction in tooth decay for those living in fluoridated areas, no evidence that fluoridation reduced social inequalities, and no reduction in the number of missing teeth.
It’s the largest study ever conducted on the effectiveness of fluoridation for the dental health of adults.
The LOTUS study was published in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, funded by the U.K. Department of Health, and led by University of Manchester researchers.

It was intended to inform policymakers of what to expect for future dental and economic outcomes if the government chooses to expand fluoridation to all of England.
The study found “exceedingly small” reductions in caries from fluoridation that most people would not consider meaningful, at the continued expense of the taxpayer.

The economic cost-benefit analysis found individuals would only save about $1 a year in dental expenses, a savings that wouldn’t even pay for a single cup of coffee.
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The authors also noted that their economic analysis did not take into account the capital costs of expanding fluoridation, which could easily tip their economic estimates of fluoridation to a net loss.
As such, cost-recovery from any expansion would be unlikely, with millions being spent for virtually no benefit. In other words, expanding the practice would likely not result in any dental cost savings.
The LOTUS study comes hot on the heels of a companion study in children, the CATFISH study, which found fluoridation produced similarly minuscule benefits.

That study found only 0.3 fewer cavities per child from fluoridation, and there was confounding in the study that might have caused even that small benefit to be exaggerated.
Far more important, but omitted from the economic analysis, are the costs of the health harms caused by fluoridation. Not only is it useless for teeth, but 90% of fluoridated water seeps through our skin in showers/baths, and also is ingested by millions as a drink on a daily basis.
Fluoridation of water supplies will likely go down soon as one of the biggest medical deceptions of all time, as more information is publicly revealed that is finally set to end the farce once and for all.
70% of children in fluoridated parts of the U.S. now have dental fluorosis.
The cost of cosmetic dentistry to correct what can be an unsightly condition even in its so-called “mild” stage, would exceed the marginal 2% cavity reduction found by the LOTUS study.
Fluoride’s neurotoxic effects were not mentioned in the study. Yet the scientific evidence is now strong that fluoridated water can harm the developing brain and cause reduced IQ in children.

The economic cost of a nationwide “brain drain” would certainly dwarf the costs of filling a few cavities.
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) forced the release of this bombshell suppressed EPA study, showing that prenatal and early life exposure to fluoridation can reduce IQ.
Anti-fluoride campaigners force release of bombshell study in EPA lawsuit
At one of the biggest trials of the century, not only have the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) been forced to answer questions after a decade of fighting to not speak, but they have been caught lying.
Corrupted fluoride science has had immeasurable impacts on generations of Westerners, as the biopharma racket have used this phosphate by-product as a tool to dumb-down the masses.
Here in Australia, our current generations are even subjected to this neurotoxin via many popular ready-to-eat infant products, which not only threaten IQ but have a high risk of causing fluorosis.
Study finds fluoride in most ready-to-eat infant products in Australia
In Queensland, we have seen calls recently to reinstate mandatory fluoridation here in Queensland, to bring us back in-line with most of the country (currently at 93% in coverage in some states).
Calls for Queensland to reinstate mandatory water fluoridation
But informed communities continue to push back against the Australian medical cult who never dare even speak on fluoride as a harmful toxin, fighting to regain or keep control of their personal health.
Bunbury residents fight back against water fluoridation plans
With more studies and lawsuits coming out by the day, let’s hope the mass fluoride deception that has lasted generations is finally brought to an end soon. Viewed in the same light as asbestos.
In the meantime, make sure you are filtering your water from fluoride and other harmful chemicals.