By Paul Collits

Australia has experienced a considerable cultural shift, and it would be interesting to pinpoint exactly when and how it occurred.

Once upon a time, Australians brought down “tall poppies”. 

It was a national character trait.  It even had a syndrome appended to it.  Now, we bring down – ignore, ridicule, “fact check” – anyone who dares to bring back to earth those tall poppies who conspire with compliant governments to rule all of our lives.  They hang out in Davos every January.  Arrive in their private jets.  Utilise the specially provided hookers who charge several thousand euros a throw.  Nary a word of critique is offered from the good old leftie boys who used to hate viscerally anyone who made a buck.  For the leftie boys now run the world, or at least the culture.  They leave it to their lately acquired compadres to run the governance.

I mention Davos.  Everyone does, for Davos is the most visible of the elite confabs.  There are others.  The Trilateral Commission.  The Bilderberg Group.  The Club of Rome.  Some are more shadowy, like the Illuminati and The Three Hundred.  There is much overlap in memberships and purpose.  The World Economic Forum hides in plain sight.  Others, not so much.

A good primer on the Bilderbergs is H Paul Jeffers’ The Bilderberg Conspiracy: Inside the World’s Most Powerful Secret Society.  Patrick Wood’s Technocracy Rising is also very useful for historical context.  Then there is Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner.

Inevitably, as Wood spells out, David Rockefeller was up to his armpits in both the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission.  As was Henry Kissinger.

The Bilderbergs meet secretly most years.  Neither attendee lists nor records of discussions are published.  In Jeffers’ description, the membership consists of bankers, financiers and corporates and the group’s aim is world government and the elimination of national sovereignty.  Dealing with multiple governments is just so messy.  Why not just have one, one which we control?  They see themselves as latter day Knights Templar.  Chillingly, you can count on a mere few hundred hands the people who have even heard of them.  That is the way they want to keep it.

A more recent and indispensable record of the doings of the Bilderbergs is provided by The British online conspiracy research outfit, The Expose.  With specific reference to Covid.

The Faces & Names of 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response.

Like Ping, the Chinese takeaway guy in Seinfeld, The Expose “names names”.  In this case 150 of them. 150 of the 1861 that are said to be still alive.  Wikispooks provided the deep research.

Helpfully, The Expose/Wikispooks listed by area of influence the activities of those named including Virus R & D; Pandemic planning; National taskforces; Lockdowns; Social change Digitalisation; Censorship and Controlling the narrative.

Wow, what a task list!  Yes, it was a pretty comprehensive operation.  At warp speed, you might say.  But long in the planning.  The sheer coverage of the tasks is enormous and remarkable.

The familiar players are all there, along with the years of the Bilderberg meetings they attended.  What this list does is explain the strategic positioning of the elite players, and their specific capacity to influence government decision-making, linked to their day jobs.  They are embedded in all of our power structures.

Many of the usual suspects are on the list, as well as many less well-known figures who hover in the darkened background.  For those of us up for the fightback, it behooves us not to focus on the (obvious) evil of Bond-like villains with heavy Nazi accents, but to recognise and call out the sheer breadth and depth of the networked elites.  It is basic network theory 2.0, and one needn’t resort to fringe conspiracies.

Any remaining doubts that Covid was planned and coordinated should by now be well and truly gone.  Two hundred countries don’t all march in lockstep by accident.  Yes, there was a domino effect, but this doesn’t explain all that much.

It certainly helped, too, that there were so many useful idiots around to carry out much of the heavy lifting on behalf of the high-level strategists.  All for free.  Think curtain-twitchers in your street, police forces, idiot journalists like The Australian”s Jack the Insider, bullying family members.  Those merely “following orders”.

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.

Once upon a time, corporates were content simply to get the governments and the bureaucracies that they “captured” – as per public choice theory – to bend or break the rules so as to provide them with a competitive advantage. They didn’t want to use their wealth and power to poison us, sterilise us, murder us with their drugs, kill off our freedoms and quality of life, lock us up, make us wear face nappies, get their coppers to shoot us with rubber bullets, destroy the livelihoods of small businesses, kill family life, render healthy people cripples.  Well, they do now.  All for what?

As well as everything else that the new world order of the Bilderbergs delivers, it is also rewriting two thousand-plus years of political theory.  Aristotle and Plato didn’t foresee this transformation of governance and the ceding of power to third parties.  More recently, the elite theorists of democracy – Mosca, Pareto and Michels – understood that ruling elites could “run things”.  But they too didn’t see this coming.  Nor did James Burnham, the theorist of the managerial revolution.  Yes, he knew that managers would take over corporations and bureaucracies.  But not the whole world.  Woodrow Wilson, Mr League of Nations, eat your heart out.  Machiavelli’s definition of “princes” has been widened, immeasurably.  If there are any real political scientists left in the academy, they will have to get to work on the re-write.

Sohrab Ahmari, in his recent book, Tyranny Inc., explored the rise of private tyranny in the context of classic political theory.  Most political philosophers have missed this.  Here is where we are now.

Paul Collits is one of the most interesting Australian talents to have come to prominence during the Covid era. To read this article in full go to his Substack page HERE.