Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Spectator Australia

The Government, My Enemy: A Journalist records Covidian Australia’s Pandemic Over-reach

By Professor Ramesh Thakur: Spectator Australia. Medically idiotic, economically ruinous, socially disruptive and embittering, culturally dystopian, politically despotic: what was there to like in the Covid era? Billions, if you were Big Pharma. Unchecked power, if you were Big State…. Continue Reading →

The Best of 2022. Australia Breaks Apart: Spectator Australia

When a Nuremberg style trial or a Royal Commission is finally instituted to bring the perpetrators to account and find out what happened to the freedom loving Australia of old, how it was so easily destroyed, how and why an… Continue Reading →

Glorious Journalism. Rebecca Weisser: Standing Up Against the Covid Mob

One of the only journalists in Australia to stand up against the tyranny of Covid mania in the Land Down Under has been Rebecca Weisser of Spectator Australia. The former opinion page editor at The Australian is a formidable intellect… Continue Reading →

A World Health Organisation Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: After the last Debacle!!!!!

With Professor Ramesh Thakur. Former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Ramesh Thakur has warned in The Spectator Australia of the coming massive expansion of the international pandemic bureaucracy and the powers of the WHO to press countries towards authoritarian public health measures. Professor Thakur… Continue Reading →

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