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Tag Paul Gregoire

The Fear of Terrorism Does Not Justify the Wholesale Removal of Citizens’ Rights

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Home affairs minister Peter Dutton slid through his ASIO Bill 2020 with bipartisan approval on the final sitting day of parliament last year. The usual suspect, the fear of terrorism, was cited as justification for the passing… Continue Reading →

Morrison Drafts Laws to Placate Murdoch, as Google Threatens to Pull the Plug

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Since the advent of the internet, data has increasingly risen in worth to the point that these days it’s the most valuable resource on the planet. Over that same time frame, consumers have become increasingly… Continue Reading →

Noam Chomsky on the Plight of Assange: “The Complicity of Many Governments”

The Best of 2020. By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. British Judge Vanessa Baraitser is currently deliberating on whether Australian journalist Julian Assange should be extradited to the United States, as he’s currently being remanded in her country on American espionage… Continue Reading →

Assange’s Momentary Reprieve Opens Way for More Torture and US Extradition on Appeal

By Paul Gregoire with Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog For a brief moment, the globe was shocked that a UK court ruled against the extradition of Australian journalist Julian Assange to the US, where he would face an 18 count Virginia District Court indictment,… Continue Reading →

“It Should Put all Australians on Notice”: Andrew Wilkie on the Unjust Assange Extradition Trial

By Paul Gregoire. Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. The judge presiding over Julian Assange’s extradition case, Judge Vanessa Baraitser, indicated last week that she wouldn’t be making a decision on whether the Australian journalist and publisher will be sent to the United States,… Continue Reading →

Escalation in Policing Is a Sign of What’s to Come in a Time of Austerity

By Paul Gregoire. Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog. Friday 25 September 2020 saw the Morrison government begin cutting back JobSeeker unemployment benefits. The increased rate provided to the escalating numbers of unemployed during the pandemic period is being reduced, as treasurer Josh Frydenberg… Continue Reading →

Victoria Police Brutalise Citizens by Cover of COVID

By Paul Gregoire Footage has emerged showing Victoria police officers ramming a civilian in the back with their car, before a number of officers swarm him on the ground. One officer stomps on his head, while other footage seems to suggest this was followed… Continue Reading →

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