Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag nbn

Australia’s Atrocious Internet: Let the Farce Continue

By Kim Wingerei: Michael West Media. Australia has some of the slowest and worst internet in the world, a fiasco brought to its long suffering citizens by the Australian government. The newly elected Labor government has yet to say how… Continue Reading →

World’s Worst Internet: Australians Pay For Failed National Broadband Network

By Paul Budde: Independent Australia. Poor management of Australia’s broadband network has resulted in a problem that the Government won’t fix and has left consumers paying for it, writes Paul Budde. FOR MORE THAN A DECADE – dating back to the original… Continue Reading →

Threats and Seductions: The Ever Present Rupert Murdoch

By John Menadue with Michael West Media That Foxtel has been double dipping by charging the ABC up to $105,000 to broadcast three Matildas matches while receiving $40 million from the federal government to increase coverage of women’s, niche and community… Continue Reading →

COVID Fail: The Debacle of Australia’s National Broadband Network Could Cost Lives

By Laurie Patton A rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 cases being reported in Victoria and New South Wales. China re-instating restrictions as it sees infections return. Our chief medical officer says his greatest fear is a second wave, and there’s the likelihood the coronavirus will linger… Continue Reading →

Betraying the Future: The Worst Internet in the World

The Terrible Legacy of Malcolm Turnbull The First Harpoon Strikes the Flank In the petri dish of Australian politics, the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull thrashes in a blood soaked sea. The first leadership spill, on Tuesday 21st August, 2018, precipitated by the… Continue Reading →

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