Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Australian photographers

Russell Shakespeare and Hermann Hesse On Solitude, the Value of Hardship and the Courage to Be Yourself

Russell Shakespeare, a multi-award winning Australian photographer, differs from his contemporaries in his intellectuality and poetic tendencies. Widely published in Australian newspapers and magazines, he is rarely without his beloved cameras, taking photographs of the many different aspects of life…. Continue Reading →

Shearers: The Photography of Russell Shakespeare

Award winning photographer Russell Shakespeare explains the obsession: I’ve photographed shearers a lot over the years for a number of different publications. They’re an important and easily understood symbol for one of Australia’s most important industries; and there is a… Continue Reading →

Jumpers at the Currumbin Valley Rock Pools: The Photography of Russell Shakespeare

“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” Leonardo da Vinci The Currumbin Valley Rock Pools are about five minutes… Continue Reading →

The Big Clean Up: One Family’s Story Of Losing Everything: The Photography of Dean Sewell

By John Stapleton After years of drought, last year Australia had one of its worst bush fire seasons on record. This year Australians have shivered through the coldest and wettest summer in living memory. The east coast has been inundated… Continue Reading →

Katoomba Noir: Australian Gothic

The Photography of Dean Sewell. With John Stapleton. Wherever I have lived I have always documented my own immediate environs. The photograph above is of my front yard. You don’t get any more immediate. There is an old quip about… Continue Reading →

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