By Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia
The Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet has released the Covid-19 Response Inquiry Report and it is 996 pages of exactly what you would expect.
It’s an exercise in what Noam Chomsky called “manufacturing consent”.
It’s a robust discussion within narrow bounds that excludes and ignores the real issues, in order to produce a thorough but irrelevant investigation. This creates the illusion of authenticity, the simulacra of freedom.

You know the drill: it’s like arguing about how long it took to get the gene-vaccines rolled out or how to stop “vaccine hesitancy” while ignoring that the mRNA products weren’t needed in the first place and resulted in more than 100,000 injury and death reports to the DAEN, which is more than all prior vaccines in history combined.
They think you are stupid.
This is clear from the “easy read” version of the 996-page diversionary report.
Here’s an example of that.

The median infection fatality rate for covid was only ever 0.07 percent for those aged under 70 (unvaccinated), according to published, peer-reviewed research by a team led by the world’s most respected epidemiologist, Stanford University Professor John Ioannidis. That is comparable to an ordinary bad flu year. There was therefore NO PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY for the entire working-aged population.
The entire pandemic response was based on an incorrect exaggeration of covid severity. There was no need for border closures or lock-downs at all.
That invalidates the entire premise of the report.
This is not acknowledged. Instead we see garbage like this:
“Australia was recognised globally as successful in taking these early decisive steps – during the first 18 months of the pandemic, they resulted in some of the world’s lowest case numbers, and lowest numbers of hospitalisations and deaths from COVID-19. It also delayed the inevitable arrival of community-wide transmission until a vaccine could reduce the infection fatality rate and incidence of long COVID and save the health system from collapse.”
The gene-vaccine harms are dismissed as rare despite a deluge of submissions which they used dumb AI to censor, like Letters From Australia, here.
Caitlin Gotze, 23, died shortly after her second Pfizer shot. Her mother, Raelene Kennedy, had her entire two-page submission (1784) blacked out here, archived here.
Did the inquiry listen to the censored voices of the injured and bereaved? NO.
The report recommends immediate action in the next 12 to 18 months, to:

Not: “stop the unsafe products and investigate why we paid more than $8 billion sight-unseen for badly tested drugs that didn’t work, while guaranteeing indemnity for the drug makers”. No – it recommends propaganda to convince people to inject more.
Instead of taking gene-vaccine injury rates seriously, the report couches the tiny mention of side-effects around how “incredibly rare” the injuries are and how many lives the products supposedly saved.
The report repeats wild and debunked claims that the jabs “saved 21,250 lives in New South Wales alone. Without the vaccine rollout, six times as many people in New South Wales would have died.
FAKE NEWS: Study does NOT show covid gene-vaccines “saved nearly 20,000 lives in NSW alone”
May 8

Catastrophic confounds in study promoting mRNA
The reference for that claim is discredited PLoS One computer modelling by Lin et al based on dodgy figures from NSW Health that counted people given one gene-vaccine as “unvaccinated” for 21 days after the shot.
This artificially inflates the “unvaccinated” category at the same time as reducing the “one shot” category, buggering up the numbers plugged into the model. It also masks any deaths caused by the shot or a combination of the shot and virus, blaming them on the “unjabbed”.
So the modelling numbers cannot be trusted because the inputs were wrong. This study was unmasked as junk science for that and other basic confounds (such as confusing the infection fatality rate with the case fatality rate) — yet here it is, again polluting the pool of “trusted science” in the Covid-19 Response Inquiry Report.
The report continues with more unproven claims: “Delaying most primary infections until after mass vaccination meant we had far fewer deaths than countries that took a different approach, like Canada and Denmark.”
Australia also delayed most primary infections until the incredibly mild Omicron was the dominant variant – even milder than the previous versions for which the median infection fatality rate was only 0.07 percent for under-70s. So which is it? The mass jabbing or Omicron? The report authors cannot tell if the product made any difference – but they claim it for the win anyway.
Other factors contributing to higher death tolls in other countries included aggressive hospital protocols that advocated midazolam (which suppressed breathing), remdesevir (which caused kidney failure) and ventilation. It’s impossible to attribute a simple numerical difference to the jab without also looking at hospital protocols.
The report doesn’t just cherry-pick junk science to ignore the problem of unsafe gene-vaccines.
It recommends supporting the expensive and boutique mRNA manufacturing industry spreading across every major city and university in the nation, sucking research funds from the $22 billion Medical Research Future Fund — at a time when Australia delays surgery because it can’t produce its own IV drip bags.
“The panel supports the recommendations of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) report Strengthening Australia’s Pandemic Preparedness, which describes science and technology-enabled solutions, such as investment in research, vaccine manufacturing, developing new treatments and tests, and data collection, analysis and sharing.”
A CSIRO report sounds solid — only they didn’t tell you that the CSIRO invited CEPI onto its steering committee of stakeholders to create that 2022 report. It’s not hidden, it’s on the first page.
So of course the CSIRO report promotes that industry — that is CEPI’s raison d’être, to promote the 100-day “lab to jab” mRNA gene-vaccine platform, as it says on its website.
CEPI was one of the topics censored from Letters From Australia’s submission to this inquiry, as per the snippet below, despite the redacted words all being obvious matters of public record. Redactions replaced in pink.

All Australia had to do for covid was follow the recommendation of the eminent doctors and scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration: just protect the elderly and vulnerable. And get out of the way of the doctors so they could use their professional judgement and do their jobs.
These eminent experts were led by Harvard University Medical Professor Martin Kulldorf, Oxford University epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta and Stanford University Medical Professor and public health expert Jay Bhattacharya, who were persecuted and censored instead of thanked and praised.
Australia needs an uncensored Royal Commission that questions all the foundational assumptions of this pandemic. We need it to investigate how this country was hijacked by public health charlatans, corrupted academics and pandemic spruikers who peddled exaggerations, killed people with dangerous drugs and ruined the country.
It should focus on how an unsafe and poorly tested medication that didn’t work was bought sight-unseen with liability protection for the manufacturers and forced on the population under threat of their jobs.
But the most important take-away from this lengthy piece of work is quite simple.
You can know this by the following sentence in the foreword: “Pandemics are predicted to occur on average every 20 years – and the likelihood of us seeing another significant event is growing.”
To support that bogus statement, the report references yet another hypothetical study based on mathematical modelling predictions. I think we’ve had quite enough of that speculative “work” in public health. What we need instead is some common sense.
Pandemics of any significance are exceedingly rare. We have never before shut down the nation for infectious disease in our entire 236-year history since British colonisation. Easy air travel does not increase the risk substantially because we also have antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, sanitation, flushing toilets, disinfectant and anti-viral medication. If penicillin had been around in 1918, the Spanish Flu would not have killed the large number of people it did, because it is widely recognised now that they mostly died from secondary pneumonia.
So, when they come at us again, remember this: ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS NOT COMPLY WITH THINGS THAT DON’T MAKE SENSE.
Sing it, it’s a groovy little tune on Cafe Locked Out’s Kulture – skip to 58:00 for the song. Do that. Don’t comply. Sing it loud.
Don’t take any more mRNA shots, they are intrinsically harmful because of their basic mechanism of action – turning your cells into a factory for foreign proteins is immunologically harmful. They are contaminated with DNA from the manufacturing process. Don’t support the building of the factories and the translational research hubs. If you have influence in policy argue against the further funding of this cancerous industry.
The government has ignored and censored basic science and logic, and they are continuing to damage the nation.
This report shows the bureaucracy are evading discussion of the real problems and are seeking to reinforce all the wrong lessons from this pandemic.
They are trying to get away with murder and lies.
Don’t let them.
But above all, don’t let them do it again.
Alison Bevege is one of the very best of a talented new generation of Australian journalists working outside the mainstream. You can follow and support her excellent work at her Substack page Letters from Australia.