With Matthew Camenzuli 

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s $4.3 million purchase of a flash house on the Central Coast has ignited a firestorm of criticism, primarily focusing on the timing, insensitivity to economic pressures faced by many Australians, and the political fallout in terms of voter perception and internal party dynamics.

Clearly he doesn’t expect to win the next election.

Having lied his way into office promising cheaper electricity and cheaper cost of living, Albanese has squandered tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer funds on everything from his net zero fantasy to nuclear submarines. Nor did he did not bother to tell the electorate prior to his election that his government would embark on a massive demographic transformation of the country through unprecedented levels of immigration.

The purchase even made international news, with the BBC recording: “Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is under fire after buying a multi-million-dollar cliff-top home amid a national housing crisis.

“Albanese made the purchase months out from an election in which the cost of living and housing are key issues. The move has sparked backlash from across the political divide – with his opponents calling it tone deaf and some within his own party anonymously telling local media it left them gobsmacked.”

Writing on X, former Liberal Party member Matthew Camenzuli, who was expelled from the party in a legal dispute over preselection, has penned one of the most powerful critiques of the Prime Minister’s move. Read below. You can follow him on X: https://x.com/Matt_Camenzuli

Hypocrisy is not the biggest problem with our politics today. To me, it seems that the lack of care is the biggest problem, followed very closely by hypocrisy.

It is not the purchase of a $4.3M cliff top mansion that bothers me about Anthony Albanese, it is not the fact that he expects us to believe that he is worried about climate change as he buys an absolute oceanfront. It is not that he preaches to us about the cost of living and cost of housing, while he prepares to adjust up the property taxes, which will make everything worse for everyone. 

All while he evicts his tenant into a housing shortage.

It is not that he preaches about the cost of food and groceries, as he does nothing about the structural problems with the economy — like the fuel and other excises; watches the flames of the National Disability Insurance Scheme engulf the real economy, as the fuel of Government borrowing and spending, turns the whole thing into an inferno. 

He watches as the unions run riot and the silly Industrial Relations reforms make the cost of employment engulf the value of human resources like a whale shark scooping plankton. 

Something has got to give… 

Sadly, it’s our jobs and businesses, those of us in the real world that suffer.

It is not that he said he would unite the country as he put on a ridiculous referendum costing $400M plus. Only to spend the campaign calling other Australians names if they disagreed with his position.

It’s not that Albanese talks about bringing respect back to parliament as he makes jokes about Tourette’s. It is not that he pretends to understand and work for Australians, as he opens the flood gates of record immigration.

It’s not all of that hypocrisy.
It is the fact that he does not seem to care that bothers me.

Matthew Camenzuli 

He does not care how he looks while he does all these things, almost like he has given up, buying his retirement home while still in the job. He will be fine in retirement. He knows that and so do we.

He climbed the greasy pole, he went from being a staffer and holiday maker, to Prime Minister. He started in public housing and rose all the way to the top — much to the surprise of many, he proved that a person in Australia with minimal real-life experience, competence and intellect (not to mention inarticulate), can make it all the way to the top. 

Simply play along and wait your turn and you too can have a moment where you are compelled to buy your retirement home, while still in a job beyond your capability set.

Why would he care? How could he care? If Albanese or his cabinet took a good hard look at where we were when they took Government (which was bad), and how much worse everything — absolutely everything — is now, if they actually cared at all, they wouldn’t be able to sleep. So, it is clear their solution is to make the most of their time. Enjoy it — all the trappings!

Don’t mind the people. The fact that we don’t have a choice but to follow the many idiotic laws of this land, some old, some new. We are compelled to pay tax, to afford politicians the lifestyle they enjoy. To have to accept the fact that there is no accountability for bad politicians who, when they get it wildly wrong, ruin lives. 

We simply must accept that the bad and ill-conceived things they do while in office hurt our nation more every day. Suck it up. 

We have no choice.

We are compelled to watch the political class dance around, lie and grift. They set their mates up in business, keep the corrupt unions strong in the finance sector and allow petty crime to run rampant on the streets, as juvenile offenders return to circulation immediately upon capture — the system encourages this bad behaviour.

Albanese does not care that the bureaucracy is lazy and incompetent. That they are in the main, ideologically opposed to the average Australian. That there are too many of them, they are too expensive, and they don’t care either.

Matthew Camenzuli 

It seems like nobody who is in a position to fix the problems in Australia care about anything but themselves. It is not the hypocrisy that bothers me, it is the fact that nobody seems to care about Australia, Australians, or our place in the world.

Not really.

Not at all.

It is time we started to care; this is not a game.

There should be consequences for politicians who are this bad, not rewards. I don’t begrudge Albanese his $4.3M reward, he has clearly walked a long way on his knees over gravel to get there. I do however resent the damage he and his colleagues have done, and continue to do, to our nation.

The next Government must be better… it must. it has to make a full U-turn or there will be nothing of value left.

I just want people who care, to help get Australia back.