As many countries around the world have begun reassessing the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines and their entire approach to the Covid era, including lockdowns, masks, social distancing and the destruction of all normal communal life, the Australian government is ploughing ahead with the highly controversial vaccination of the nation’s children.
Hostage to their funding sources, Australia’s mainstream media has only provided the public with one side of the story.
Their side. The government’s side.
Meanwhile doubt is spreading like wildfire, both through the health professions and the general public.
Here, in an open letter to the nation’s leaders, dissenting doctors and health professionals speak out.
The groups involved are:
Australian Medical Professionals Society ( )
Nurses Professional Association of Australia ( )
Nurses Professional Association of Australia ( )
Covid Medical Network ( )
Queensland Health Practitioners Alliance ( )
World Council for Health (
The letter is addressed to:
Professor John Skerritt, Deputy Secretary, Health Products Regulation Group,
Therapeutics Goods Administration and Office of Drug Control.
The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care,
The Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Attorney General,
The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister.
cc. Prof Allen Cheng, Co-chair ATAGI
Re: COVID-19 vaccine roll-out to Australian children from 10 January 2022
To urge the Australian Government and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to
take immediate action to prevent harm to Australian children in light of the new
disclosures of risk from Pfizer, and the availability of protein and attenuated virus based
vaccine alternatives.
Keeping children safe
Medical and government leaders in Australia were faced with a global pandemic and a
need to respond to protect the Australian people. In light of this, the emphasis on
expeditiously providing vaccines for Australians was undertaken with the best of
intentions. Worldwide, government recognised the need to respond rapidly to reduce
the likelihood of illness and death.
The authors of this letter are cognisant of the enormous burden of responsibility this
created for those leading these efforts. At the outset it was often necessary to rely on
assumptions, in the absence of established data and a known history of the disease.
Across the globe, public health and medical research experts have continued to gather
data as rapidly as possible, to inform decision making and ensure optimal outcomes for
their citizens.
It came as a huge surprise recently, to discover evidence that Pfizer knew about a whole
range of adverse events likely connected to their product; a novel gene-based vaccine
that departs radically from all prior vaccine technologies. This arose from a freedom of
information request to the FDA, which resulted in a court determining the immediate
release of the information was in the public interest.
This new information has particular implications for the roll-out of the gene-based,
experimental, investigational, provisionally registered vaccines to preteen children
from 10 January 2022.
The Pfizer document is entitled:
PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021.
It appears the reported adverse events predate the vaccine roll-out in Australia. The
report itself was finalised by Pfizer on 30 April 2021, a couple of months after the
Australian roll-out commenced.
This report reveals that Pfizer were well aware of a vast array of previously unknown
vaccine adverse events, including 1200+ deaths compiled in a period of only 10 weeks.
Pfizer conceded this is “a large increase” in adverse event reports and it is apparent this
significant volume of adverse events is not the full story. Over 100+ conditions are
listed, many of which are very serious.
These medical conditions include:
• cardiac diseases,
• haematological conditions,
• renal conditions,
• autoimmune disorders,
• and neurological conditions.
There is strong evidence to suggest that Pfizer has withheld vital information from the
Australian governments (and the broader international community) on the adverse
events associated with its gene-based vaccines.
Pfizer provided a product information document for informed consent for its product,
which provided assurance regarding the safety profile (see Attachments 2 & 3). The
Pfizer vaccine was officially declared “safe and effective” by Australian governments,
who accepted assurances regarding the safety of the gene-based vaccines (from Pfizer,
the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA)), and actively encouraged millions of Australians to accept this medical
Children and gene-based vaccines
It is widely recognised and not contested that children are at low risk of serious illness
from Covid-19. Children are vulnerable to myocarditis from mRNA vaccines. In
addition, now that we have new information on novel gene-based vaccine adverse
events, this provides significant warnings and safety signals.
The risk/benefit ratio in children, which was not in favour of Covid-19 vaccination
originally, is now very likely to be very negative by any reasonable assessment. A
Physicians and Medical Scientists Declaration lists 38 scientific papers as supporting
evidence for this view.
For small subgroups of children who might be at higher risk of serious illness from
Covid-19 due to comorbid conditions, the need for vaccination is present but the
risk/benefit ratio is likely to be more favourable with Covid-19 protein-based and
attenuated virus based vaccines.
These vaccines are based on decades of known technology, and the Australian Government has purchased a supply of protein based vaccines.
Emerging concerns about mRNA vaccine safety
The Pfizer document outlined that there were 1,200+ vaccine related deaths in the first
10 weeks of the roll-out.
Increasingly, alarming safety signals are emerging from national pharmacovigilance
systems. It is of note that the death rate attributed to the gene-based vaccines, based on
official adverse event reporting databases is currently: 19,886 in the USA as of 3rd
December, 2021 (VAERS data); 1,822 in the UK as of 1st December, 2021 (Yellow Card
Data); and, 8,076 in the EU as of 1st December, 2021 (EudraVigilance data).
With these databases there is a historical record of coincidental morbidity and mortality
reports that are unlikely to be causally related to vaccines. However, now with the
gene-based Covid-19 vaccines the rate of death reports are orders of magnitude greater
than for previous vaccines.
The international databases are in step with the Pfizer data.
Potential for significant liability
The Commonwealth engaged with all the major pharmaceutical companies in good faith,
based on the assumption that regulatory approvals by the FDA and CDC were subjected
to due diligence, given that the result would be safe vaccines for the world.
It is widely known that the Commonwealth was obliged to indemnify the
pharmaceutical companies, as part of the contract negotiations. The Commonwealth
has further indemnified medical practitioners and vaccine administrators.
After 10 January 2022, an entire new cohort of Australian children will have access to
these gene-based vaccines, which differ radically from usual protein-based and
attenuated virus based childhood vaccines. Given the great success of the
Commonwealth’s campaign, it is likely that take up will be very high amongst parents
anxious to afford the same protection they feel they now have. In the light of this new
Pfizer data, it appears not to be contentious to say that Australian children will be
harmed by this product.
Rapid review
We urge you to take immediate steps to undertake a rapid assessment of the
implications of this new information.
- In the light of the new Pfizer data release, we request that you suspend the
availability of these gene-based vaccines for all children immediately. - We request to meet together with you as a matter of urgency.
- We please request a response, by 28th December 2021 c/-
[email protected] .
This letter is signed by the following organisations representing thousands of doctors,
nurses and allied health practitioners, including many eminent in their fields.
On behalf of:
Australian Medical Professionals Society ( )
Nurses Professional Association of Australia ( )
Nurses Professional Association of Australia ( )
Covid Medical Network ( )
Queensland Health Practitioners Alliance ( )
World Council for Health (
You can download the letter here or view on the various association websites.