From Australia’s TOTT News
Israel and Hamas have agreed to a “series of pauses” in ‘fighting’ to allow children to be vaccinated against polio, with WHO successfully rolling out the first 640,000 shots.
The first full campaign to vaccinate 640,000 children against polio in Gaza has been “successful”, the United Nations has announced.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently in the process of sending 1.2 million polio vaccines to Gaza after ‘the virus was detected in wastewater’.
The agency’s chief, good old Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, first outlined plans for two rounds of vaccination in July, targeting 600,000 children under the age of eight.

The first round started on 17 August and the results have been ‘great’, say officials.

Last week, Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry said the territory had become a “polio epidemic zone”. It blamed the reappearance of the virus on Israel’s military offensive and the destruction of health facilities.
But get this:
The vaccine rollout itself relies on a series of localised pauses in fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas fighters, and the first three-day window began on Sunday.
Palestinians were able to take their children to three health centres in central Gaza in the first phase of the campaign, which will later extend to the north and the south.
The WHO called for a ceasefire and requested “absolute freedom of movement” during the rollout of the vaccine programme, and it seems they are getting it.
Many of you disagree with my heavy scepticisms of ‘war’, ie the notion that it is real, but even you have to stop and think for a second: How is a vaccine programme allowed to take place during a ‘deadly war’?
Not even ‘war’ can stop Big Pharma.
Equally as important, we must question the true intentions as to why a polio vaccine campaign is underway in Gaza, given the troubled history of the product itself – both in the past and the modern day.
The polio vaccine has had it’s fair share of controversy over the years.
In 1960, it was discovered that rhesus monkey kidney cells used to prepare poliovirus vaccines were determined to be infected with the Simian Virus-40 (SV40). That’s right, infected vaccines.

SV40 was found to cause tumors in rodents and certain forms of cancer in humans, with investigators providing evidence that SV40 is present in human ependymomas, choroid plexus tumors, bone tumors and mesotheliomas.
More than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of vaccine.
Research suggests there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.

It was later discovered that SV40 was found to be present in all stocks of the injected form of the polio vaccine in use during this timeframe — including those shipped to Australia.
Dr Percival Bazeley of the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) was sent to work with Salk in 1952 and returned to Melbourne in 1955 to begin manufacturing the dead-virus vaccine.
The first Salk vaccines were distributed across Australia in June 1956 and 25 million doses of the vaccine were produced by CSL under Dr Bazeley’s directorship.
Interestingly, only 83 per cent of New South Wales children were vaccinated, as well only 72 per cent of children in Victoria. Authorities say due to the lack of ‘herd immunity’, this caused a second outbreak in 1961.
During this time, a federal government agency knowingly released polio vaccine contaminated with the monkey virus to the Australian public.

The virus contaminated at least four batches of vaccine totalling almost three million doses in Australia between 1956 and 1962.
An investigation revealed documents from the CSL found executives released one batch of about 700,000 doses of contaminated vaccine in 1962 with the understanding that “vaccines issued in the past were probably similarly contaminated“.
The department knew from its own internal research that the monkey virus was a potential cause of cancer in humans. The research, which was never made public, was carried out in August 1962, while contaminated batches of vaccine were still being released.
The group produced more than 18 million doses of Salk polio vaccine during the ‘epidemic’, enough to vaccinate six million Australians, during that period.
Nine out of every 10 Australian children aged between 5 and 14 are estimated to have been injected with Salk vaccine by 1965, when it was replaced with Sabin oral vaccine. Polio vaccinations were given to children as young as three months.
CSL would go on to become an influential player in Australia biomedicine, including in collaboration on development of the world’s first human papillomavirus vaccine between 1995-2005, Gardasil, and as one of the first groups to develop a vaccine for Swine Flu in 2009 — developing 21 million doses.
They are now behind bringing ‘next-generation mRNA vaccines’ to Australia in the modern age.
Yes, the the same group that knowingly distributed millions of infected polio vaccines to Australians.
Today, the polio vaccine — although changed in formula — still causes health effects. This includes the ‘rare’ side effect of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHE), where babies may show signs of paleness, limpness and be unresponsive after taking the vaccine. This can last up to 48 hours.

People want to cry out about an apparent ‘genocide’ in Gaza as a result of ‘war’.
And, with Gaza’s population growing substantially over the past few decades (shhh), perhaps there really is a form of population control going on after all. But not via bombs, via Big Pharma.