Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Curtin University

A Cosmic ‘Speed Camera’ just revealed the Staggering Speed of neutron star jets in a World First

James Miller-Jones, Curtin University How fast can a neutron star drive powerful jets into space? The answer, it turns out, is about one-third the speed of light, as our team has just revealed in a new study published in Nature…. Continue Reading →

The charismatic, enigmatic Australian writer Charmian Clift

Tanya Dalziell, The University of Western Australia and Paul Genoni, Curtin University The centenary of the birth of Charmian Clift took place on August 30. It came at a time when the renowned Australian writer is, as they say, having… Continue Reading →

The Oldest DNA ever found Reveals a Snapshot of a Vanished World

Morten Allentoft, Curtin University. At the icy northern tip of Greenland, far into the Artic Circle, a deep bed of sediment beneath the mouth of a fjord has lain frozen and undisturbed for 2 million years. Known as the Kap… Continue Reading →

Is there evidence Aliens have visited Earth? Here’s what’s come out of US congress hearings on ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’

Steven Tingay, Curtin University. The United States Congress recently held a hearing into US government information pertaining to “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs). The last investigation of this kind happened more than 50 years ago, as part of a US Air… Continue Reading →

This object in Space flashed brilliantly for three months, then disappeared. Astronomers are intrigued.

Natasha Hurley-Walker, Curtin University. “Holy sharks, Batman, it’s periodic!” I exclaimed on Slack. It was the first lockdown of 2021 in Perth, and we were all working from home. And when astronomers look for something to distract themselves from looming… Continue Reading →

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