Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Alison Bevege

Australia IS tangled in a Gates Foundation web even as the new US Administration rips itself free with three key appointments

Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia Three key confirmations may go a long way to ripping the Gates/Pharma influence network from the US health system – but it’s doubtful the win will flow through to Australia. Our health sector has been… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Covid-19 Inquiry Report: 996 pages of Manufacturing Consent. Democracy Theatre for Stupid People.

By Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia The Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet has released the Covid-19 Response Inquiry Report and it is 996 pages of exactly what you would expect. It’s an exercise in what Noam Chomsky called “manufacturing consent”. It’s… Continue Reading →

‘It’s the crime of the century’: Leading Cancer specialist warns Australia on mRNA tumors, briefs Parliament

By Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia The covid gene-vaccines cause cancer. UK Oncology Professor Angus Dalgleish and US critical care doctor Paul Marik are on tour for the Australian Medical Practitioners Society. Nobody likes the topic of cancer. Sudden Stage… Continue Reading →

Forest of the Fallen: Letter from Australia

By Alison Bevege Thousands of people injured or killed by the covid gene-vaccines were unwelcome proof the injections weren’t safe, so they were silenced. Now, they have a voice. Forest of the Fallen: so beautiful is the concept. It’s a… Continue Reading →

The First Vaccine Injury Class Action in Australia

By Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia ‘Negligence’, ‘malfeasance’, ‘breach of statutory duty’: Federal Court case seeks justice for injured who have been ignored, abandoned, censored and mocked. This piece is from journalist Alison Bevege’s Substack page Letters from Australia. You… Continue Reading →

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