A Sense of Place Magazine

Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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Vale Bill Hayden: Former Australian Labor Leader, Former Governor General

By Paul Strangio: Monash University Who have been Australia’s most accomplished federal opposition leaders? The conventional answer to this question is Robert Menzies and Gough Whitlam, both renowned for rejuvenating their respective sides of politics and galvanising new constituencies of… Continue Reading →

The Future History of Publishing

By John Stapleton Since the beginning of literature technologies have shaped the written word. And thereby publishing technologies have shaped history, culture, politics and war. The adage history is written by the victors has transposed in this truly astonishing era… Continue Reading →

A Resounding NO: Australia’s Referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Fails

By John Stapleton. Sources: Various. Millions of words have been written over the past 18 months in Australia about a government proposal to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, an advisory body to represent the interests of the Nation’s First… Continue Reading →

Voice Referendum Australia’s Brexit?

By Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under Elite left-wingers say racist voters are duped by misinformation, but the Taranto Principle suggests that, once again, it is the elites who are duped by the reverberations in their own echo chamber. Formulated by… Continue Reading →

Coalition Against Offshore Wind Farms: An Open Letter To Australia’s Politicians

The Australian government is determined to embark on the greatest act of environmental vandalism in the nation’s history, the building of massive offshore windfarms which will destroy whale and bird migration routes, cause massive disruption to the marine ecosystem, decimate… Continue Reading →

The Albanese Government’s Death Spiral: The Loss of All Credibility

By John Stapleton Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be touring Australia this week promoting the “Vote Yes” campaign for the Referendum for constitutional recognition of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, prior to the vote this coming Saturday, 14 October. Problematic… Continue Reading →

It wasn’t Just a Tree: The loss of the iconic Sycamore Gap Tree, Australia’s Tree of Knowledge and others like them

Rebecca Banham, University of Tasmania. The famous Sycamore Gap tree in the UK was felled last week, prompting global expressions of sorrow, anger and horror. For some, the reaction was puzzling. Wasn’t it just a single tree in northern England?… Continue Reading →

Secret Forest: Australia rivals The Congo on Deforestation and so Blocks Media Access to World Scientists

Callum Foote: Michael West Media Forestry officials have blocked journalist access to scientists at a global forum earlier this month aimed at monitoring the destruction of native forests. This report explores the secrecy of Department of Agriculture officials following the destruction… Continue Reading →

The Wind Farms That Ate Australia: The Series So Far

For interested parties, we welcome well written articles on this subject of around 1000 words. Please: No government propaganda. We like to have half a dozen or more images per piece. You can contact John Stapleton, the editor of A… Continue Reading →

Australia: The Cranky Country

By Paul Collits At a recent packed out No event for the extremely divisive issue of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Senator Jacinta Price, Opposition Spokeswoman on Indigenous Affairs, received a Standing ovation on arrival, and also at the end,… Continue Reading →

Offshore Wind Farms – The Impacts

Bob Baldwin: Australian Fishing Trade Association Whether it is the sea we fish in or the air we breathe, we all want a much cleaner and healthier environment. AFTA members may have differing opinions on the government’s push towards Net… Continue Reading →

Signs of life? Astronomers are excited about Carbon Dioxide and Methane in the Atmosphere of an Alien World

Brad E Tucker, Australian National University Are we alone? This question is nearly as old as humanity itself. Today, this question in astronomy focuses on finding life beyond our planet. Are we, as a species, and as a planet, alone?… Continue Reading →


Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: The Series So Far

YouTube Censors One of Australia’s Most Talented Young Journalists

By John Stapleton. With Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under. Rebekah Barnett reports from Western Australia. She holds a degree in Communications from the University of Western Australia and when it comes to a new generation of journalists born out of… Continue Reading →

Clean Energy Projects: Governments Must Fully Disclose Potential Impacts

By Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog In this day and age, with the ‘climate emergency’ on our doorstep, you’d be crazy and ‘out-of-touch’ for expressing concern about or opposition to a renewable energy project, right?  After all, the world… Continue Reading →

Dictator Dan’s Legacy: Australia’s Worst of the Worst Slithers Away

Sonia Hickey: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Social media went into overdrive last week, with memes and commentary, mostly in celebration at the surprise resignation of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.  It’s not easy to reconcile the reaction, particularly from Victorians, who… Continue Reading →

Ding, Dong, Dan is Gone! Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews leaves a legacy of Brutality, Debt and Corruption

Rebekah Barnett: Dystopia Down Under Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who imposed the world’s longest Covid lockdowns on his state, officially steps down from his position today. Andrews earned the nickname ‘Dictator Dan’ for his strongman style of leadership during the… Continue Reading →

Thousands of pirated Australian books. In the age of AI, is Copyright Law still fit for Purpose?

Dilan Thampapillai, University of Wollongong Thousands of Australian books have been found on a pirated dataset of ebooks, known as Books3, used to train generative AI. Richard Flanagan, Helen Garner, Tim Winton and Tim Flannery are among the leading local… Continue Reading →

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Hannah Arendt From its first publication in 1951 The Origins of Totalitarianism has been considered a masterpiece of scholarship and historical research, a devastating insight into humanity’s potential for terror. To labour the obvious, it has an uncanny and yes,… Continue Reading →

A Public Relations Disaster: The Wind Farms That Ate Australia

By John Stapleton The Albanese Labor government is in a death spiral, suffering savage reputational damage from its highly divisive and failing campaign to change the Referendum and establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. It has been desperate to distract… Continue Reading →

Pick of the Crop: Our Best Stories for August and September, 2023.

Why the Secrecy Over Australia’s Vaccine Contracts?

By Maryanne Demasi: Brownstone Institute Major international governments have signed multibillion-dollar legal contracts with drug companies in order to secure access to covid-19 vaccines. But the drug companies and governments have refused to divulge details, saying the information is “commercial in confidence.”… Continue Reading →

Freedom Loving Australians Celebrate: Dictator Dan Resigns

By John Stapleton There are few moments in Australian history more glorious than the resignation of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, otherwise known as Dictator Dan. At last, at long, long last, the widely despised Premier of Victoria, the man responsible… Continue Reading →

Tyranny: The Rise of the Public-Private Partnership

Professor Ramesh Thakur: Brownstone Institute The slogan cuius regio, eius religio (whose the reign/realm, his the religion) was adopted in Europe in the mid-16th century to end the religious wars. It was an agreement among the monarchs that he who governs the territory… Continue Reading →

Eastern Grey Kangaroos Foster Long Term Relationships

By Lilly Matson: University of New South Wales In a new study looking at animal behaviour, researchers analysed over 3000 photographs of a single kangaroo population. Eastern grey kangaroos may develop and retain long-term relationships, contrary to previous beliefs about… Continue Reading →

Who’s at the Party? Australia’s Thriving Business of Corporate Access to Politicians

By Zacharias Szumer: Michael West Media The business forums of both major parties sell political access to corporate Australia, and they make a pretty penny doing so. Many of Australia’s largest companies are members and their events can raise hundreds… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Covid Non-Inquiry: An Insult to All Australians

By Paul Collits Anthony Albanese promised a Royal Commission, or something very close to it, into Covid policy.  The case for a Royal Commission was laid out in detail in the Senate by the estimable Malcolm Roberts a little while… Continue Reading →

Destroying Australia’s East Coast: The Windfarms that Ate Australia

By John Stapleton There’s one thing the Australia’s left wing Labor government is good at, and that’s spectacular own goals. Their much spruiked climate change policies and rush to “Net Zero” involves the building of massive , diabolically expensive and… Continue Reading →

Seventy Thousand Tonnes of Pesticides Leach into Soils and Waterways Annually

TOTT NEWS New research has revealed the extent of damage that agricultural pesticides are having on soils and waterways each year worldwide, with chemicals often wandering from their original sources. Currently, around 3 million tonnes of agricultural pesticides are used worldwide every… Continue Reading →

Chariots of the Gods, Ships in the Sky: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena left their mark in Ancient Cultures

Michael B. Charles, Southern Cross University; Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Macquarie University, and Marcus Harmes, University of Southern Queensland For thousands of years, people have been describing unexplainable gleaming objects in the sky. Some aerial phenomena like comets, meteor showers, bolides, auroras… Continue Reading →

What If There Had Been No Covid Coup?

By Debbie Lerman: Brownstone Institute In discussions about the military and national security coup during the Covid pandemic, people often ask me: would it really have been so different if the NIH and CDC had remained in charge of the pandemic response?… Continue Reading →

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