Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Naomi Wolf

They Knew the Consequences Before Injecting more than a Billion Women: Dr Naomi Wolf

One of the world’s most celebrated feminists, Dr Naomi Wolf, has been a vociferous critic of the Covid narrative. At first she was ostracised. Now, she has been fully vindicated. As the scandals over the greatest medical fraud in history… Continue Reading →

Have the Ancient Gods Returned?

Naomi Wolf These days, to my surprise, people want to talk to me about evil. In an essay last year, and in my book The Bodies of Others, I raised a question about existential, metaphysical darkness.  I concluded that I had… Continue Reading →

The Greatest Crime In History

By Naomi Wolf: The Daily Clout. A Rhodes Scholar, former advisor to Clinton and Gore US presidential campaigns, and author of eight New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, Naomi Wolf has been one of the world’s most famous public intellectuals since… Continue Reading →

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