Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Meredith Burgmann

Radicals — Remembering the Sixties

Extract: By Meredith Burgmann and Nadia Wheatley  We stand in Sydney’s Town Hall Square, two women in our seventies, holding handwritten placards. Meredith’s says, ‘Remember John Pat. 1966–1984’. Nadia’s says, ‘Solidarity! Black Lives Matter’.  We have stood here before, many… Continue Reading →


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If you think you’re under surveillance, you more than likely are. Australia has a long history of surveying its own citizens, well beyond that of comparable Western countries. Described by its critics as a secret parallel police force which has done enormous harm to Australian democracy, The Australian Security Intelligence Service is forever a source of fearful fascination for Australians.

Its new offices in Canberra are almost as imposing as Parliament House itself.

Since 9/11 the agency has been gifted billions of dollars. Yet its operations completely lack transparency.

In the last budget the Turnbull/Abbott government gifted them yet more hundreds of millions of dollars, yet it is a secret as to exactly how much!!

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