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Tag Australian Independent News Sites

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Australian Family Law Act in 2025 A Sense of Place Magazine is running this series Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming book from A Sense of… Continue Reading →

As We Sit and Squander: Trigger Warning

By Fred Pawle Even now, 90 years later, we don’t fully understand how Nazism came about. From the lofty height of hindsight, we simply conclude that its evilness and inevitable demise should have been blindingly obvious to everyone at the… Continue Reading →

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: Who Stole Feminism by Christina Hoff Summers

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Australian Family Law Act in 2025 A Sense of Place Magazine is running this series Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming book from A Sense of… Continue Reading →

Proposed Hate Speech Laws Abound in Australia

By Rebekah Barnett: Brownstone Institute Victorians could go to prison for up to five years for hate speech under new anti-vilification laws proposed by the Victorian Government. Under the proposed laws, it would be an offence to “incite hatred against, serious… Continue Reading →

Social media footage reveals little-known ‘surfing’ whales in Australian waters

Vanessa Pirotta, Macquarie University As humpback and southern right whales return to Antarctica at the tail end of their annual migration, east coast whale watchers may think the show will soon be over. But some whale species are still here,… Continue Reading →

The making of Australia’s first Dark Sky Community at Carrickalinga

Sharolyn Anderson, University of South Australia In a world increasingly illuminated by artificial light, the beautiful night skies of a small coastal town in South Australia have attracted international recognition. Carrickalinga on the Fleurieu Peninsula is Australia’s first official Dark… Continue Reading →

Anthony Albanese buys $4.3 million house in the midst of a Housing Crisis: Political Suicide

With Matthew Camenzuli  Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s $4.3 million purchase of a flash house on the Central Coast has ignited a firestorm of criticism, primarily focusing on the timing, insensitivity to economic pressures faced by many Australians, and the… Continue Reading →

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: Kangaroo Court by John Hirst

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Australian Family Law Act in 2025 A Sense of Place Magazine is running this series Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming book from A Sense of… Continue Reading →

Dark Tourism: Attracting Visitors to War Zones and sites of atrocities in Israel and Ukraine 

Juliet Rogers, The University of Melbourne There is a disturbing trend of people travelling to the sadder places of the world: sites of military attacks, war zones and disasters. Dark tourism is now a phenomenon, with its own website and… Continue Reading →

United States makes Western Australia vital for Fighting its Wars and a Target for its Enemies

By Bevan Ramsden: Pearls and Irritations Successive Australian governments have allowed the United States to carry out a program of militarisation in Western Australia (WA) which has made it a vital US war-fighting base and thus an inevitable target for… Continue Reading →

‘It’s the crime of the century’: Leading Cancer specialist warns Australia on mRNA tumors, briefs Parliament

By Alison Bevege: Letters from Australia The covid gene-vaccines cause cancer. UK Oncology Professor Angus Dalgleish and US critical care doctor Paul Marik are on tour for the Australian Medical Practitioners Society. Nobody likes the topic of cancer. Sudden Stage… Continue Reading →

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: Family Court Hell by Mark Harris

“Family Court Hell” by Mark Harris is a harrowing account of one man’s ten-year odyssey through the British family court system following the painful dissolution of his marriage. This book not only recounts Harris’s personal battle for access to his… Continue Reading →

The High Costs of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s Misjudgement: The Anniversary of Australia’s Voice Referendum

By Michelle Grattan This time a year ago, we were on the cusp of the October 14 Voice referendum. Most players were already aware it was doomed. Less understood was just how far-reaching would be the impact of what, in… Continue Reading →

Top Covid Health Official calls to scrap Australia’s Outrageous Misinformation Bill

By Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under A popular TV doctor and senior health official in Australia’s Covid response has cautioned against the “weaponisation” of misinformation, calling for the Australian Government’s revamped misinformation bill to be “rejected in its entirety.” Dr Nick Coatsworth,… Continue Reading →

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement. The Respondent: Exposing the Cartel of Family Law by Greg Ellis

Greg Ellis’s book, “The Respondent,” stands as a poignant and candid exploration into the labyrinth of family law, where personal lives are often shattered by systemic biases and legal machinations. Ellis, known for his roles in Hollywood, including the “Pirates… Continue Reading →

Australia’s COVID Jab Compensation Scheme no longer taking applications

From TOTT NEWS The compensation scheme established for victims of COVID-19 vaccine side effects has officially ended, despite the fact even more booster shots are on the way and the vaccine manufacturers themselves are now embroiled in a worldwide scandal… Continue Reading →

Robert Malone’s speech to the Japanese Parliament: Fifth Generation Warfare

The following is the text of Robert Malone’s speech at the Japanese Parliament. His new book PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order, is released on 8 October. Building Resilience:  Countering Psychological Warfare for a Secure Future Psychological Warfare (PsyWar- targeting… Continue Reading →

The Bilderberg Group: Impacts on Australia

By Paul Collits Australia has experienced a considerable cultural shift, and it would be interesting to pinpoint exactly when and how it occurred. Once upon a time, Australians brought down “tall poppies”.  It was a national character trait.  It even… Continue Reading →

Truths: The Future of America First by Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy’s “Truths: The Future of America First” emerges as a clarion call for the conservative movement in America, aiming to redefine and rejuvenate the Republican Party’s vision. Ramaswamy, a first-generation American, entrepreneur, and former presidential candidate, uses this book… Continue Reading →

Australia’s New Censorship and Surveillance Beast is Tabled in Parliament 

By Minny Jackson  A new bill has just been introduced into the House of Representatives and it is a whopper.  The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and  Disinformation) Bill 2024, which was tabled on 12 September, makes it a civil… Continue Reading →

The Right to Speak Evil

By David Bell: The Brownstone Institute Words can harm. The childhood saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is obviously untrue. Words bring ruin and despair, drive people to suicide, and foment massacres… Continue Reading →

Australian government unveils “world-leading” Digital ID system

From TOTT NEWS AUSTRALIA Recently retired Government Services Minister Bill Shorten, yes, rats deserting a sinking sip, unveiled before his departure the “Trust Exchange”, or “TEx”, a new framework that will usher in Australia’s long-envisioned digital identity agenda on a… Continue Reading →

Classics of the Fatherhood Movement: Father and Child Reunion by Warren Farrell

“Father and Child Reunion” by Warren Farrell delves into the critical but often overlooked aspects of fatherhood in modern society, challenging conventional wisdom and exposing the systemic biases that affect fathers and their relationships with their children. Warren Farrell, known… Continue Reading →

The Soft US Military Takeover of Australia Is Simply a “Pooling of Sovereignty”

By Paul Gregoire: Sydney Criminal Lawyers Blog Australian sovereignty has always been tenuous, as the grounds upon which the British Crown claimed the great southern continent as its own were based on the Doctrine of Discovery and the legal concept of terra… Continue Reading →

Monica Smit: Cell 22, The Price of Justice, the Price of Standing Up in Australia Today

Monica Smit came to prominence during the Covid era, when a new generation of political activists ad a new generation of citizen journalists came to the fore. But still the ancien régime persecutes its youngest and brightest talents with all… Continue Reading →

OpenAI’s Data Hunger Raises Privacy Concerns

By Uri Gal, University of Sydney Last month, OpenAI came out against a yet-to-be enacted Californian law that aims to set basic safety standards for developers of large artificial intelligence (AI) models. This was a change of posture for the… Continue Reading →

Australian Censorship Runs Out Of Control

By Rebekah Barnett: Dystopian Down Under Last year, the Australian Government’s proposed legislation to combat misinformation and disinformation was shot down in flames after a strong backlash over the threat to free expression, and the unfairness of special exemptions for government and… Continue Reading →

The Australian Government Reboots the Misinformation Bill: The Totalitarian March

By Andrew Lowenthal The Australian Labor Party reintroduced its misinformation and disinformation bill. I did a deep dive into the bill last May. Among its many flaws, the biggest is its very origins. As Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said in Parliament on… Continue Reading →

Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails

Australia was deeply impacted by the Covid hysteria, medical malpractice and government malfeasance beginning in early 2020. This significant book adds to the growing body of literature deconstructing the era which has destroyed so many Australians’ faith in their government… Continue Reading →

Australian Federal Police Operation Kraken Charges Alleged Head of Global Organised Crime App Ghost

An alleged mastermind behind a secret app for criminals and violent enforcers has been charged by the Australian Federal Police during a global takedown of an encrypted communications network. AFP Operation Kraken charged a NSW man, aged 32, for creating… Continue Reading →

The Amish: A Control Group for Technofeudalism

By Tracy Thurman: The Brownstone Institute Life in the United States has changed drastically in the last several decades. Technology, pharmaceutical and medical interventions, dietary shifts, educational policies, and social trends have radically altered our way of life. Over the… Continue Reading →

One of Australia’s Best Journalists, Martin Chulov, Sacked from The Guardian

By John Stapleton Martin Chulov is one of the single most outstanding journalists to have ever emerged from Australia, his coverage of Muslim radicalisation at the turn of the century without peer. Formerly employed by The Australian, his on-the-ground knowledge… Continue Reading →

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