The father of much admired journalist Miranda Devine was the legendary Frank Devine, a grand old man of Australian journalism who held a number of senior roles within the Murdoch Empire, including as editor for a decade of Readers Digest, the offices of which were near News Limited’s headquarters in Surrey Hills.

He came from a different era, the days of expansive expense accounts when “the long lunch” was a foundational element of Australia’s journalistic culture. A time when journalism was a respected profession and the media had not devolved into the corporate bull dust it is today.

Frank passed away in 2009. In his final years he could frequently be found in the restaurants and bars of Surry Hills holding forth on the deformities of contemporary politics or, depending on which bottle of wine we were on, regaling his many friends with tales from his years as a foreign correspondent and his unique insights into the halls of power.

One thing is for sure, he would have been enormously proud of his daughter’s latest exposé, “The Big Guy,” which delves into the intricate web of political intrigue, corruption, and media manipulation surrounding the Biden family, with a particular focus on Hunter Biden’s controversial business dealings and the alleged involvement of his father, Joe Biden, referred to as “The Big Guy.”

This book not only uncovers the financial transactions that have raised eyebrows but also critiques the systemic cover-up by various governmental and media entities.

The Controversial Dealings: Devine meticulously traces Hunter Biden’s business ventures, highlighting deals in Ukraine with Burisma and in China, where millions of dollars were funneled through complex international transactions. These activities, Devine argues, were not merely the ventures of a wayward son but were implicitly endorsed by Joe Biden, who is often quoted as saying, “I’m sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” This quote, from a text message attributed to Hunter, suggests Joe Biden’s direct involvement in pressuring business associates.

Media and Government Cover-Up: A significant portion of “The Big Guy” is dedicated to exposing what Devine describes as an orchestrated silence by mainstream media and tech companies to suppress information detrimental to the Biden campaign. The infamous Hunter Biden laptop saga, which surfaced before the 2020 election, was largely ignored or dismissed as Russian disinformation by major outlets. Devine argues this was an attempt to shield the Biden family from scrutiny, thereby influencing the election’s outcome.

Corruption at the Core: Devine’s investigation paints a picture of corruption at the highest levels, where political power is used for personal gain. She connects the dots from Hunter’s laptop to the Biden family’s lifestyle, showing how the “Biden Brand” was monetized. Her narrative is not just about the money but about the systemic failure of accountability when it comes to political elites.

The Role of the ‘Big Guy’: Joe Biden’s role, as depicted by Devine, is not merely passive. She presents evidence suggesting his active participation or at least tacit approval in Hunter’s business dealings, often referred to in communications as the “Big Guy” or “Celtic.” This portrayal challenges the narrative of Joe Biden as an aloof father unaware of his son’s enterprises.

  1. Review from Amazon:
    • “Ms. Devine is to be commended for a well-researched and well-written expose of activities I would expect from Mobutu Sese Seko and his ilk. Miranda Devine always comes through with the details and the receipts to prove what she writes.”
  2. Review from Goodreads:
    • “The author connected all the dots in the criminal acts of the Biden family. The facts confirm how the different agencies and players protected them by slow walking investigations and allowing the statutes of limitations to expire. The entitlement and corruption displayed by the Biden family is disgraceful and they should not be anywhere near the People’s house!! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!!”

For a fascinating two hour interview with Miranda Devine