Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

Tag Forays of the Heart


Australia’s best known Muslim community spokesman Keysar Trad has confounded friend and foe with his first serious book of poetry, Forays of the Heart. The book conflicts with the rabid reputation given to Keysar Trad by some talk back radio hosts and more extreme bloggers. Trad describes the book as a “broadcast of profound love”. The poems are peans of love directed at women other than his wife. The book records the distractions of love that came the author’s way during his toughest challenges. Humorous at times, the soul searching in these poems brings the reader to the universal experience of “love”. At a time when so-called marriage equality is the chant of the mainstream media, others are asking why these issues should be on the statute books at all, why a cultural institution like marriage belongs in the hands of the law makers, when, depending on your perspective, it belongs in the hands of the people themselves. Who are these people to tell other people how to live?

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