For eight years, Bill wasn’t paid to speak in Nigeria for his anti-AIDs projects. Once Hillary became Secretary of State, he got $700,000 for a single talk. In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. In Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Business helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. Best selling author Peter Schweizer lifts the lid on where the money came from.
Will Hillary Clinton be the next US President? A showdown between her and Donald Trump could turn out to be one of the most colourful presidential campaigns in the nation’s history. Don’t you want to see a woman in the White House? Clinton asks. Well yes, but whether or not it is her, on that question Americans are deeply divided. Critics believe her election would be a disaster for the nation’s security and foreign policy. In an attempt to humanise herself, in Hard Choices: A Memoir the 67-year-old pitches herself as a mother and a grandmother as much as a politician and a diplomat.
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