Beautifully written stories on politics, social movements, photography and books

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Why are so many Western companies still doing business in Russia?

David Uren: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Fewer than one in 10 Western multinationals with subsidiaries in Russia has quit any of them in the year since the Ukraine invasion began. This finding by two highly regarded academics, Simon Evenett from University of… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence and Policing in Australia

Dr Tegan Westendorf: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. For policing agencies, AI is considered as a force-multiplying solution not only because it can process more data that human brains can conceivably do within required time frames, but also because it can… Continue Reading →

Arrest of ‘Asia’s El Chapo’ might be a Hollow Victory. The Best of 2021.

By John Coyne with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute On 22 January, alleged drug lord Tse Chi Lop was arrested at Amsterdam’s Schipol airport as a result of an extradition request from the Australian Federal Police. Tse’s arrest would’ve been cause for celebration among… Continue Reading →

How a 450-kilogram Heroin Seizure shows Australia’s Drug Policies Aren’t Working

Teagan Westendorf, Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Last month a whopping 450 kilograms of heroin being imported by ship was seized in Melbourne. That number sounds huge, but it does not convey the true gravity of the challenge faced by police and the… Continue Reading →

Reducing The Threat of Terrorism on a Global and Local Level

By Leanne Close The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Counterterrorism Yearbook 2021, to be published at the end of the month, provides a comprehensive picture of the global terrorism landscape, emerging themes and recommended policy responses for governments and communities. Covid-19… Continue Reading →

Australia’s Submarine Fiasco: We Should Do More Than Just Wait for the Attack-class Submarines

By Michael Shoebridge: Australian Strategic Policy Institute Debate on Australia’s future submarines is understandably focused on the information that floats out of the Defence Department about France’s Naval Group and the $80 billion program to design and build the boats…. Continue Reading →

Australian Secret Intelligence Service: The Interviews

By Graeme Dobell with the Australian Strategic Policy For the first time in the 68 year history of Australia’s overseas spy service, the top spy Paul Symon has gone before the camera for a four-part series of video interviews, conducted… Continue Reading →

Bill Gates and the Mark of the Beast

By The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s International Cyber Policy Centre Against the backdrop of the global Covid-19 pandemic, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has become the subject of a diverse and rapidly expanding universe of conspiracy theories.  As an example, a… Continue Reading →

Foreign Interference and the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front System

By Alex Joske What’s the problem?The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is strengthening its influence by co‑opting representatives of ethnic minority groups, religious movements, and business, science and political groups. It claims the right to speak on behalf of those groups… Continue Reading →

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