By John Stapleton

Of all the many things that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did not mention prior to his election an eternity ago, that is in May of 2022, was that he would be launching some of the most savage censorship legislation in the world.

Officially known as the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, the government was forced to withdraw it after a tidal wave of opposition. Now it’s back, provoking yet further hostility.

Anthony Albanese and his government are not known for paying the slightest attention to the wishes of the citizenry. Shoving this despicable legislation through the parliament is just one more example. The laws are not designed to protect the public, they are designed to protect the government.

Having survived the most extreme, most absurd Covid response in the world, Australians do not want to now endure the worst, most totalitarian censorship regime on Earth, outdoing even China.

But that’s what we’re facing if Albanese has his way.

Not content with controlling, manipulating or buying Australia’s mainstream media, the same media which peddled the government’s lies over Covid, the nation’s ruling elites are intent on controlling social media.

Way back in 2022 Senator Antic published a piece titled: “The COVID injection campaign will go down as the greatest medical scandal of our time.”

Too true, it has.

But under the new laws, this could be labelled disinformation and attract a jail sentence.

That’s the madness Australia has descended into.

Here Senator Antic talks with Michael Shellenberger, one of America’s best journalists, on censorship in Australia. On the platform X, which Australia’s so-called eSafety Commissioner is trying to censor.

Under Freedom of Information legislation Alex Antic uncovered that Australia’s Ministry of Home Affairs in conjunction with other branches of government censored more than 4,000 posts about Covid on Facebook alone. Many of these posts turned out to be accurate. This was a government which pepper sprayed and bashed protesters and at the height of the mass hysteria had more than 12 million Australians in lockdown, that is house arrest, and lied constantly about a vaccine which was neither safe nor effective.

As a mounting body of Covid literature has fully demonstrated, all of this government overreach was all for nothing. And no one in government has apologised for the thousands of businesses which were destroyed, the tens of thousands of people who lost their jobs thanks to the bastardry of vaccine mandates, or the hundreds of thousands of people who have had their health damaged. No one.

Antic was by no means the only person in the country who thought the Covid response was the biggest scandal in medical history. He just happened to be one of the only politicians in the country with the guts, the stamina and the integrity to call it out. Most of Australia’s politicians have just made themselves patsies of the pharmaceutical industry and covered up for the industry capture of the nation’s regulatory system, including Australia’s woeful Therapeutic Goods Administration.

The TGA approved the world’s most controversial “vaccines”, the ones that didn’t stop infection, transmission, hospitalisation or death and are now the subject of a worldwide scandal. They and their bureaucratic and academic lackeys continue to filibuster to this day.

It’s fair enough to ask whether, if this insane MAD legislation goes through, whether Alex Antic would be locked up for stating way back in 2022 what many Australians now believe to be true.  

Back in 2022 Senator Antic wrote: “I bet you’ve already noticed the uptick in the use of terms like myocarditis, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or the phrase died suddenly over the past year.

“Medical conditions and causes of death like these were previously rare, largely unheard of and unused in common parlance.”

But in the last two years, that’s all changed.

These are not easy issues to talk about, and many would prefer to simply look the other way or to leave the past in the past, Antic wrote.

I can understand why people don’t want to address or acknowledge it.

It’s a hard truth – a difficult pill to swallow, so to speak.

But we must face these problems head on, and the first step is to acknowledge that something has changed – that something is not quite right.

I recently submitted a Freedom of Information request to the South Australian Department for Health to view the trends in cardiac presentations across our state’s hospitals.

When the data came back, it revealed that for 15-44-year-olds, cardiac presentations to all public hospitals in the state were steady at just over 1000 per month, month on month since January 2018.

But right on cue, just as the vaccine mandates rolled out in SA, that number doubled from July to November 2021, spiking at approximately 2100 per month.

If there are 2100 cardiac presentations a month, that’s approximately 35 additional South Australians presenting to hospital with a cardiac condition every single day above the baseline average. 

If ever there was a smoking gun, this is it.

It would be easy to look the other way, but you and I know we can’t do that.

We can’t do that when health authorities across the country continue to push the injection narrative.

The COVID injection campaign and unjust mandates will go down as the greatest medical scandal in history.  

It’s something previously unthinkable for a freedom loving country like Australia, but the truth won’t be ignored.

It’s a truth that you and I have known all along, one we’ve told anyone who will listen, feeling often like we’re screaming at a brick wall.

The truth is that the “experts” got it wrong.
Worse, when they knew it was wrong, they continued to push their narrative.


It’s not too late to save ourselves from a medical technocratic tyranny, which marches on in lock-step with the likes of the World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum, to limit your freedom and force you to submit to unelected global control of every aspect of your life.

By continuing to fight, by continuing to push back against the overreach of ‘progressive’ bureaucracies, we can take back our independence.  

We can seize this opportunity to change the trajectory of this great country and put us back on the path of freedom and individual liberty that our forebears fought so hard for.

Veteran Australian journalist John Stapleton is the author of two books on the Covid era, Unfolding Catastrophe: Australia and Australia Breaks Apart. If the government censors have their way, maybe both he and the Senator will be sharing a jail cell sometime soon.